Bad Day ... help?

Ok... so i have had a bad day today ... work was crap .... after work was crap.... and yes i feel crap... boo hoo for me. The thing is when i feel cthis way all i want to do is buy the biggest, fattest , most naughty cake or doughnut i can find. I want to sit on the sofa and slob in my pajamas and drink hot chocolate and eat rubbish and generally binge.

Today i have resisted.... i had some chocolate philly (alot less callories) insted of the doughnuts and cake and luckily there is no hot chocolate in the house to enjoy , but i still feel that i need that sugar rush ... to "cheer me up" as it were... does anyone else ever feel like this? Also any tips of how you manage days like this is greatly appriciated ... do you have an alternitive?

i need a pick me up , oh and some more friends would be nice



  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    Feel free to friend me.

    Have you tried those Fiber One Brownies?? They are actually pretty good. They are only 90 calories and will most likely help with the chocolate craving.
  • Lizabee84
    Lizabee84 Posts: 353 Member
    Sorry you are having such a bad day. I have those days too. I was having suck a bad morning today that instead of fixing a healthy breakfast i popped a frozen chicken biscuit in the microwave and ran out the door. Then i got to work logged what I ate and regretted it. Food has always been a comfort to me. I know sometimes doing a small workout routine works for me (unless you running late for work like i was). I have considered buying me a punching bag for day like this. BTW good job on resisting the urge.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    oh boy, hate days like that for sure!! I find when I can successfully battle those days, eat fairly well, get a good workout in and accomplish something in the face of an otherwise terrible day, I know I am stronger than my urges! WIN THE DAY!
  • connerstella
    connerstella Posts: 8 Member
    as much as food is my crutch, bad days are always solved for me by going to the gym, or for a run, and proving to yourself that you're bigger than you're bad day. don't binge and ruin your whole week because that will just make you feel even worse tomorrow! trust me girl. i have some food associated guilt issues.

    ps. i will friend you right now!
  • Naughtybiscuit
    Naughtybiscuit Posts: 71 Member
    I keep a bag of treat-size dairy milk bars in my house. They're only 80 cals so you get your sugar fix without battering your day!

    That said, I try not to eat as a comfort thing in response to a bad day - it's a good habit to break. But on days when you do need a little treat, make it something that won't destroy all your hard work.

  • Kirstyfisk
    Kirstyfisk Posts: 23 Member
    thanks everyone ... i am going to do another workout to try and rid myself of all the bad feelings and hostility i feel today .... lets hope it works .... MFP is becoming a great friendship and support network... i feel people really understan where im coming from ... thank you x
  • jhartram
    jhartram Posts: 165
    Feel free to friend me too! I know those days all too well... my way of dealing is to turn on Zumba after the kids go to bed and try to hit 2k calorie burn... I never make it, but by the time I'm done I crash and crash HARD... and wake up the next morning with no more frustrations! That and turning to my wonderful MFP family... somehow someone always says just the right thing! =D
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    Redirect that negative energy and take your aggressions out on a workout. For me it's like free therapy spending "me" time doing something very beneficial for my body.
    Good luck! :)
  • joeandkara01
    Yes, I keep pre measured snack baggies of kashi heart to heart warm cinnamon cereal in the cabinet 120 calories for 3/4 cup but it is delicious and sugar free jello cups in the fridge which are only 10 calories. I also make myself look at a fat picture of me and then ugh! I do plop down on the couch but keep the work pants on which also curbs the snacking because the cereal is filling and once the grow as you go pants are on it's too easy to continue the binge.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    Oh gosh, today was one of those days for me. I had 2doughnut, chocolate and downed with water. Guess what? Im not even feeling guilty. Im blaming my monthly cycle. Lol.
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Wow you are so on target in describing what an emotional eater goes through in the moment! I'm at a place where I have to face this reality in my life and replace the thought "I am an emotional eater" to "I turn emotions into motion!"

    You've got this!!!
  • Mabelbabel
    Hi Kirsty,

    Sorry you've had a rubbish day, good thing is today has nearly finished and tomorrow has every chance of being a great day.

    Well done for not doing what you wanted to do and would have done in the should feel really proud of yourself!!!

    That said, I am exactly the same with stress, emotions etc and turning to bingeing.....but you know what! If I screw up one day, that's all it is, one day, out of a lot of days, in the grand scheme of things it's not that bad you know.

    Chin up chick, you're doing just fine. xx
  • lucentabella
    lucentabella Posts: 114 Member
    thanks everyone ... i am going to do another workout to try and rid myself of all the bad feelings and hostility i feel today .... lets hope it works .... MFP is becoming a great friendship and support network... i feel people really understan where im coming from ... thank you x

    Yay! For You! It's really hard to retrain ourselves to find a different outlet for our emotions. You took the right step, today! Keep it up!
  • TLynn0568
    TLynn0568 Posts: 36
    Some times I feel like I'm battling an addiction to food, or better said I'm battling coming OFF a food addiction. But unlike (most) drugs and alcohol, I still NEED to eat food to live and I'm sorry, on those bad days chocolate beats broccoli every. single. time!

    There are some days when the urge to binge is just so mentally overpowering that I've made myself a promise, and it's worked to be a great win/win for me. When I've done everything I can to avoid the cravings I do give in, but I pick my most favorite splurge item and enjoy it, but not ALL of it. I get my fill (and no matter how much we over eat we always know when we've had our true fill, whether we just keep eating or not! LOL) and then I stop. I tell myself, "It's not going to taste any better/make me feel any better than I already do and it's not worth it anymore...just stop!" and I do.

    Then I feel that urge diminish and I also feel proud/in control because I didn't overeat. I treated myself with something but I was reasonable about it. And then sometimes I'll do an extra workout - even if it's only 20 or 30 minutes - just because.

    I view my weight loss journey as a true and total lifestyle change - "diet" is a temporary word for me, a negative one in fact. I know I love food (and the food I truly love and crave is the food that got me into this fat mess!) and I know there are days when I'm going to blow everything that I should be doing day-to-day but I just keep promising myself that the next time I have to make a food choice it will be a better one, and so on. And so far I'm 41 lb down in 6 months so I must be doing something right for me! :)
  • LadyElby
    LadyElby Posts: 151 Member
    I'm sorry you're having such a bad day! I know how you feel, and know that you're not alone. Trust me. We all have those days. Myself included. But let me ask you a question. I know all that yummy food is a nice treat to your taste buds, but once you've taken that last bite, do you feel better than you did before you ate it? I don't know about you, but usually once I've finished eating my treat I just feel worse. Sometimes my stomach hurts, but more than anything, I just feel overwhelmed with regret. I get really mad at myself for indulging so unnecessarily (even though at the time it did seem like the most important thing in the world). So, now whenever I'm having a bad day, and think about using food as my "treatment" to cure the blues, I stop and think to myself "will this really, truly make me feel better? How will I feel after I eat it?" Not always, but a lot of the time, I know the answer is not a good one. And that helps me fight the temptation.

    Another thing to think about is the fact that you're using food as your cure-all fix. Once again, I'm guilty of this too. But there are so many other things we could use as pick-me-ups, like buying yourself a nice little gift or going out for coffee with a friend (keeping in mind what you order), or playing with the dog..... it doesn't matter what it is, but there are so many great ways to improve your mood. Food doesn't have to be the one you always turn to.

    With that said, you made a great decision by turning to your friends at MFP to talk it through and get support and advice. We're all in this together and here to help each other. :) Keep looking up. Every day that you wake up is a new opportunity to be the best you can be. When you have a bad day, shake it off and know that tomorrow is a new day.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Sorry you've had such a bad day. I've definitely been there. Try to think of how you'll feel if you do binge; probably physically like crap, plus guilty about binging and disheartened about your progress. In the (very) short term you'll have a sugar high and feel better in a way, but everything that has got you down today will still be there, right? Eating won't actually solve any problems or change anything. This is what I try to remind myself anyway, it doesn't always work! The workout's a good idea, try to think of anything else that might make you feel a tiny bit better, whether it's having a bath or watching a film with a hot drink. And generally, just try to distract yourself until you go to bed because tomorrow's another day, and you'll feel much better for not having binged tonight.

    In my personal opinion, treats like chocolate are absolutely fine, especially if they're worked into your daily allowance, but using food to comfort yourself is a really good habit to break. I know it's not easy, and I've not 100% achieved this yet, but the more times you walk away from the food and find other ways of coping, the easier it gets. Feel free to friend me too.
  • mrsNoSo
    mrsNoSo Posts: 28
    I'm having one of those days too. Me, the poster child for emotional eating, has eaten everything in my house today. So, I know where you are. I don't really have any advice to give you yet but I'm here for support. Add me if you like and we can work through this together. :smile:
  • hevoodayne
    If you love hot chocolate, try Swiss MIss diet hot chocolate - it's only 25 calories and is great when you need a chocolate fix!