How do you motivate yourself to log on to my fitness pal



  • marylouise123
    marylouise123 Posts: 127 Member
    I am addicted to logging & reading posts on here & everything MFP.. I don't dare want to report a bad day... Keeps me very focused.. I am currently laid off & I like the accountability on here. Just buy better foods & keep the bad stuff out of the house. If its that much a problem for you.. And like someone also said on here - eat more veggies - "free foods".. Fill up on the better stuff & then you won't be so tempted to eat the bad stuff. And if you get bored you can always exercise.. Thats what I do when I feel the need to do something to keep me busy.. I love playing Wii Tennis, Boxing or whatever,. Because I figure at least I am moving.. And I also have amazing friends on here to keep me focused.. Good luck & I hope you stick it out.. The rewards are amazing....
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I just logged my breakfast and snack for today and it's a whopping 900 calories. I had no idea I was eating this much.


    I was tracking during the week, but I don't get online on the weekends if I can help it, so I was basically only tracking 5 days. I finally broke down and got a smart phone so I could get the app, then I wouldn't have any excuses because it's right on my phone. I've logged in over 130 consecutive days since I got the app.
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    I didn't log regularly at first, especially on my bad days ... but then I realized that I was never going to change unless I owned up to all of it. Logging helps you realize what you're currently doing..from there, you can make small, sustainable changes that work for YOU. I've been given some advice about how many things I'm wrong, but the truth is, if I tried to change everything at once ... I most definitely wouldn't stil be here.

    Start with one or two staying under calories or exercising for 30 minutes a day. Then move on to reducing the number of processed things you're eating and increase your veggies. It's totally overwhelming if you try to overhaul your life all at once. You can do this! But, you have to WANT to do this to actually make the daily changes to make it happen.
  • jocember
    jocember Posts: 31 Member
    At home, I set MFP as my homepage on both computers. I also have the app on my phone and keep it on my phone's home screen so it's right there every time I turn my phone on. I do a combination of logging in the morning after I've packed lunch/eaten breakfast, logging throughout the day if I change plans (such as today, when I deviated from the soup I packed to grab a slice of pizza from the grocery store in a hurry) and logging at night before I brush my teeth (my "signal" to myself that it's time to stop eating).

    It's hard at first, but you just have to get into a routine and at least make a point to log every night before bed (or right in the morning). Especially since you don't know how much you're eating, it's crucial right now to track every. single. bite. to get a picture of how much you're overeating so you can begin to target problem areas and set goals to change them..

    Also -- I know how it is being unemployed and falling into that trap of sitting around and eating. My fiance did that last summer after he graduated. But then he discovered a park near our apartment and began spending a few hours a day there playing basketball when he wasn't doing stuff around the house/job hunting. He began to eat better, was burning calories and inevitably lost weight. So I suggest trying to find some activities to do during the day that'll both burn calories *and* keep you busy and away from the fridge/pantry. You may also try starting resolution not to eat while in front of the TV or computer to help stave off mindless snacking.
  • prairiedawg2014
    i think xElineeee said it best, it was what i was going to say. i think you REALLY have to want to do this, and it seems like you might want to, but without really trying or working for it. we all work for our weightloss. we count everything we put in our mouth. we excercise, we are serious about wanting to lose weight. how badly do you want to lose?
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Keep reminding yourself of why you signed up in the first place - keep your personal goals in mind (having kids, looking good, being healthy etc). Make logging on and recoding it all a habit, and make the most of the time you've got now. I'm unemployed too, and I'm making the most of having this extra time to change my habits. I read posts on these boards, I read and educate myself about nutrition and fitness, I plan my meals, look for new recipes and take the time to workout. To be honest, I spend too much time on here, but I know I'm getting into good habits now so that when I am working again, it'll be much easier.

    I know it's not easy when overeating is a long-term issue, but you can do it! Bear in mind that if you only have 10 lbs to lose, it's not going to go overnight, or even in a couple of weeks. Don't be disheartened if you lose slowly. It needs to be a long-term lifestyle change, but you can stop overeating, and you can get healthy for your future children.
  • BevsCalerieCount
    BevsCalerieCount Posts: 14 Member
    Sounds like you need more structure to your day and I know it is a lot easier when you are working because you typically have a set start time, lunch and end of day. I would suggest first trying to develop some structure. Eat your meals at the same time everyday, if you exercise try to do this at the same time every day. I believe it takes 60 to 90 days to develop a habit, so force yourself to log you meal everyday for 60 days and it should get easier. If I don't have structure I typically fall off the deep end, weekends are hard for me so I try to plan what my meals will be.
    In the past when I used paper and pencil to track my meal I would write down my meals for the day, then stick to what was written down. Also, I during the week I eat the same thing 99% of the time for B & L, so all I have to do is copy from the previous day. You may have to psych yourself out until you form the habit, but it really does get easier. Best of luck!:happy:
  • DDsMrs
    DDsMrs Posts: 107 Member
    Skinny100- The motivation for me was that I reached a point in my life where something had to change. I reached rock bottom(or top) of my weight and I said to myself "THAT's IT, I'm going to do something about the way I look and feel. So, someone recommended this website and that's how it all started. Once I could see what I was doing to myself it was easy to log on everyday, hold myself accountable, and make changes to my diet. I joined a gym and started keeping track of my exercise. I've made a lifestyle change and MFP is part of it. Everyone has posted some good tips, however, the motivation has to come from you. Good luck! :smile:
  • ohsweetcalamity
    ohsweetcalamity Posts: 78 Member
    Make it a habit!! If you have a smartphone, get the app. I usually log what I eat once it's on the plate but before I take a bite. It makes me think about my serving sizes and keeps me accountable for how much I actually consume. The idea of having to go back and change what I logged keeps me from overeating and logging it first means I won't forget. If you get the app on your phone you can just press a little button and scan the package of whatever you're eating. Easy peasy.

    Set MFP to your homepage and check in the morning before you check your email or facebook or whatever it is you do first thing in the day. And if you have any friends IRL that are interested, get them to join MFP with you. If you don't actively try to make it part of your everyday life you will forget it, so keep it everywhere to remind yourself until it becomes routine. Put post-its on the stove, in the cupboards and fridge, wherever you need it. You can forget, you can screw up, but the only way you can fail is to not try at all. Good luck!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    just do it! the only thing keeping you from doing this is yourself :) log on every day and start really considering what you are putting in your mouth! good luck!
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom and I am taking this time to focus on my health..and the little one of course! I take 2 hours walks in the morning. I put the baby in the stroller and we hit the pavement. He loves being outside and I love getting out of the house and getting a great burn in. On his nap I will do a workout tape. This keeps me from eating all day. Also, he keeps me very active! In addition, I have got a great group of friends on here and sometimes I log in just to support them and then I find motivation for myself.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    I thought it would be really hard to stay on track and keep my eating in check.. but because i really want to do this, it hasn't been hard at all.. and i haven't had any horrible cheat days because of any wacky cravings or irresistible urges.. If i want an extra snack, thanks to MFP i know i have to earn it to keep my diary balanced. and I've done a pretty good job i think.. i log on at work and at home, any time i eat or exercise.. and even sometimes when i dont.. try to connect with some friends on here and that can help you stay motivated..

    But you do have to really want it for this to work.. its not just another magic pill.. it requires effort and dedication.

    Good luck!
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    I just make it a normal part of my routine. First thing I do when I get to work after clocking in, is getting on here. I've just made it a habit like anything else.
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    Track your food before you eat it, then you wont be so surprised that it's so high cal & you wont feel so down & UN-motivated.

    This. Track it B4
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    Plan your meals, log your intake before you eat, it helps me stay on track.
    But most of all, make it a habit!
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    Next time you get the urge to eat something that's not a meal or part of your plan, log on here first, read some posts, look a some success stories. You'll probably go off the idea of another snack.
    I can relate to boredom eating, I'm terrible if I'm off all day but the key is filling the time with something else. As soon as the urge hits, find something else to do. If you log on here instead you've killed 2 birds with one stone, you've avoided boredom eating AND you've logged on
    Good luck x
  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
    Track your food before you eat it, then you wont be so surprised that it's so high cal & you wont feel so down & UN-motivated.

    This! At least for a while until you start getting the hang of what you're eating. Try putting a big note on the fridge or the pantry "Have I logged this in yet?" If you find something that is too many calories - throw it away or have a loved one hide it from you - that's what I do. Get it out of your sight until you have the willpower to refuse it. You'll get there and you'll feel great about it.
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I LOVE logging onto MFP :) I look forward to seeing what people have to say and how everyone's days are going. I also enjoy planning my days meals because it makes it so I don't have to think about them later. I check back at the end of the day to see that I followed the plan.

    I work from home as well so since I spend the whole day on the computer coding, I keep MFP open (along with my email and calendar and facebook). So it's easy to log on and check in throughout the day.

    Good luck!!
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    The smartphone app definitely makes it easier for me. Also my food diary is saved in my Favorites on my home and work computers, so it's just a click away. It has been a real eye opener for me, and I have been able to make dramatic changes in my diet and exercise by using it faithfully.

    That being said, it is a personal decision to do it. If you want it for yourself you will do it - otherwise you will find every excuse not to.

    I hope you find it wihtin yourself to do this. Good luck!
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    What? People log their food here? I thought it was a social media site to seek out others who are also looking for a good time. Wow, I must have missed something when I signed in because of all the people wearing so little and posting (almost) naked pictures of themselves.

    In all seriousness, be active on MFP and interact with others and logging is a piece of cake. You'll find yourself drawn here so often to see what's going on in awesome people's lives and to share your own journey with them. Make friends, be involved on the forums and life is awesome! Logging your food and exercise is second to the support network you can build here.