im new and i love food

I have put on 10 lbs over this lovely winter season and before that had put on 15 lbs with my new relationship. Ya know, you date and what becomes part of your dating life? food. whether it be cooking at home or going out to eat all the time on a date and then like me, i love to bake and baking cookies for my man! So, a year and a half later. . . . im in this slump. He doesn't help since his metabolism works better than mine. Sitting on the couch eating chocolate, doesn't phase him as much as it adds an extra dimple to my thigh. . . .
Also, we're into down-hill mountain biking. Since summer ended and the trails closed, i huff going up the stairs in our house. So. . . getting back into to shape so i don't go off the side of a mtn while banking a berm. . . .would be ideal.
I have asthma issues and have been to the doc alot lately, getting that into control. it's allergy and exercise induced, so ive steer-cleared of all that since October. With new meds and a middle finger to my lungs, I am not going to let it be an excuse anymore.
My boyfriend is getting back into shape since the winter months also and since he can sneeze off weight gained, i need to work extra hard. Being a girl, basically can sometimes blow balls. But hey, just means we're that much stronger than those dumb boys when we loose the weight. right? hey, i like my fantasy world, so butt out of it!

Let's do this.