Carrying them with me

Some might know that a couple months ago I lost my sister. About 10 years ago I lost my dad. It's been really hard trying to come to grips with the fact that close to half my family is gone, but I've been using getting in shape as a distraction and as a nod to the sister I lost, because she ran marathons and was more in shape than anyone I knew.

I have a tattoo of my dad's initials on my ankle, and when I reach 30 pounds, I plan to get a stargazer lily tattoo for my sister. But I also came across this opportunity to design Nike shoes, and I think the way I designed them will keep me motivated to work out and become the best version of myself in honor of them.

You can create your own labels at the top of the shoe in place of the brand name, so I put my dad's initials on one side and hers on the other. So if you're looking for a way to motivate yourself too, this is a good route to go. They're kind of spendy...but I think it will be worth it.
