How do you guys feel about fasting?



  • EmmieSu
    EmmieSu Posts: 136
    If you're doing it to detox and flush your system, I think it's a great idea! If you're doing it for religious regions, awesome! But if you're doing it as some short term fix to lose weight quickly, hmmm... you might be playing with metabolism fire. Any kind of starvation is not something one should make a habit out of.

    I fast several times a yr for spiritual reasons. Everytime I do, I realize how much time I spend thinking about food. Not that. I eat it, but the shopping, preparing, cleaning, cooking of it. Then as soon as a meal is over, being a mom I have to start planning for the next meal. Then there is the emotional aspect, that we tie to our food. Fasting for me has opened my eyes to to many of my issues with food. I say start slow and be prepared for some moments of discomfort. Headache, nausea, and dizziness often occupany fasting.
  • glenr79
    glenr79 Posts: 283 Member
    definitely the worst idea ever..... when you fast your insulin levels spike, when you finally eat again everything you eat will get stored as fat... also in those fasting days how are you going to get protein for muscles? carbohydrates for energy? nutrients and vitamins for your immune system? and even 1200 calories is not enough to supply the body with the fuel it needs...... just eat a lot of small well balanced meals every 3 hours and you will speed your metabolism, starving yourself is not the answer
  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    ust eat a lot of small well balanced meals every 3 hours and you will speed your metabolism

    Eating every 3 hours does not 'speed up' your metabolism...and it certainly won't die out if you don't feed yourself for 6 hours, or more.
    Case in point: Not sure about you, but I like my 8-9 hours sleep. I don't get up in the middle of the night to eat, and I'm fairly certain most sane people don't. Fasting isn't bad, if you do it properly.

    However I will agree; to the OP - 2 days fasting a week on only 1,200 calories? Definitely not a good idea.
  • I wouldn't think it's a good idea. I have a friend who fasts once a week for religious purposes. She becomes totally unlike herself. It's frightening actually. It's something the church doesn't talk about, so it took me a few weeks to figure out why she was acting like that. I did notice most members were actually quite thin.
  • Ok! Everyone. The MFP doesn't indicate that Fasting is required. I does indicate that on average a member of MFP should consumpe at least 1200 calories so that your body doesn't think that you are starving and hold back the Calories and turn to fat for later. Just remember that the body fat was accummulated over time and you have to work with what you have. Also exercise will start to tone your muscles and muscle is heavier than fat. Don't worry thing will even out. Also when you start the program your first weight loss will be right away and than you level out. Work past this time. Exercise at anytime is helpful. When I go shopping I walk the whole store shopping and mark it at 2mph slow pace. This burns fat at a lower rate but it works. Also House cleaning and cooking meals burns fat as well. Keep going and you will be happy. Good Luck.............
  • feduh86
    feduh86 Posts: 790 Member
    Fasting is a part of my religion (muslim) and I have been doing it for years. Its every day for one month per year where you dont eat or drink anything all day long (not even water) from sunset to sunrise (usually here up North from bout 5am-8pm) times change a lil each day. Anyway, with trying to lose weight now and knowing that it is coming up in July, im getting kind of nervous. I dont really think it is better for weight loss in my case because of the timings, and your body may get used to the not eating all day long until the later evening so maybe when you do it will be harder to maintain the weight (for me anyway)

    Sorry for the "lecture" but im not really sure if its gonna be a good or bad thing in my case so if anyone has any tips or pointers, feel free to add n lemme know =)
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Occasional religious (or other) fasting is fine, but incorporating regular fasting into your schedule is probably unhealthy.

    That said... I LOVE FOOD SO MUCH.

    Yes, it needed to be in caps.
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    definitely the worst idea ever..... when you fast your insulin levels spike, when you finally eat again everything you eat will get stored as fat... also in those fasting days how are you going to get protein for muscles? carbohydrates for energy? nutrients and vitamins for your immune system? and even 1200 calories is not enough to supply the body with the fuel it needs...... just eat a lot of small well balanced meals every 3 hours and you will speed your metabolism, starving yourself is not the answer
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    I have been looking up a few sites that say fasting is good for you AND your weight loss.
    I'm very curious to know if this is true or just a scam.
    I was planning on doing my MFP 1200 calorie goal, 5 days a week, and fasting 2 days a week (Tuesday and Thursday.)
    Is this a bad idea?
    I have a very busy schedule and usually don't have time to work out until after 8pm, which is bad?
    (that's what I've been told anyways.)
    So I usually do a 15 minute work out on my lunch breaks, but it doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere.
    Will fasting help me get to my goal a little quicker?
    to be brutally honest, the WHOLE thing is a HORRIBLE idea... *smh
  • glenr79
    glenr79 Posts: 283 Member
    sorry buddy but you are wrong... if you eat 5 small meals during the day, spread it out every 3 hours, it regulates your sugar levels and speeds up your metabolism
    ust eat a lot of small well balanced meals every 3 hours and you will speed your metabolism

    Eating every 3 hours does not 'speed up' your metabolism...and it certainly won't die out if you don't feed yourself for 6 hours, or more.
    Case in point: Not sure about you, but I like my 8-9 hours sleep. I don't get up in the middle of the night to eat, and I'm fairly certain most sane people don't. Fasting isn't bad, if you do it properly.

    However I will agree; to the OP - 2 days fasting a week on only 1,200 calories? Definitely not a good idea.
  • Thanks for all the input guys. I didn't think about the calories I'd need to make up for the days without food.
    I would still like to fast , I feel like it might break down my bad obsession with food, and make me appreciate the days with food (like some people were saying.) I know that in the beginning it will be hard, with nausea and headaches, but I will try to power through it. I plan on just drinking water the days that I'm fasting, maybe some vitamin supplements?

    I know it's not good to rush into weight loss, but I have a goal to meet.
  • Manda52683
    Manda52683 Posts: 1 Member
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    WRONG. Thanks for playing BRUH.
    sorry buddy but you are wrong... if you eat 5 small meals during the day, spread it out every 3 hours, it regulates your sugar levels and speeds up your metabolism
  • kvreeken
    kvreeken Posts: 137 Member
    I would recommend joining the intermittent fasting MFP group. They have lots of good info.
  • Read this online book, and when I say read, I don't mean skip to the summary pages.

    It gives you an insight into all the different sorts of fasting while recording a lot of facts and figures about how they all went for this guy.

    After researching this for a little while; my opinion is that it works IF you do it properly.
    I'm going to try it out after my current cut cycle, using the 16 hour fast - 8 hour feeding window otherwise known as the leangains fast, as talked about by it's 'creator' on this website:

    Don't listen to people who just say "NO DON'T FAST IT'LL RUIN YOU!!' - They have no idea.

    Wow, I actually encourage everyone on this post to read this.
    I like it a lot, I think I will give this a try.
    Thanks so much for all the info guys!
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    sorry buddy but you are wrong... if you eat 5 small meals during the day, spread it out every 3 hours, it regulates your sugar levels and speeds up your metabolism

    No speeding of your metabolism. shhhhh.....
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    sorry buddy but you are wrong... if you eat 5 small meals during the day, spread it out every 3 hours, it regulates your sugar levels and speeds up your metabolism
    ust eat a lot of small well balanced meals every 3 hours and you will speed your metabolism

    Eating every 3 hours does not 'speed up' your metabolism...and it certainly won't die out if you don't feed yourself for 6 hours, or more.
    Case in point: Not sure about you, but I like my 8-9 hours sleep. I don't get up in the middle of the night to eat, and I'm fairly certain most sane people don't. Fasting isn't bad, if you do it properly.

    However I will agree; to the OP - 2 days fasting a week on only 1,200 calories? Definitely not a good idea.
    Just stop.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,226 Member
    there are strategic ways to do fasting, the most recent approach is called intermittent fasting. although this might not work the same way for everyone.
  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    sorry buddy but you are wrong... if you eat 5 small meals during the day, spread it out every 3 hours, it regulates your sugar levels and speeds up your metabolism

    *smacks himself on the head*

    Do some research, read some case studies.

    Edit: By research, I don't mean go on and read the forums there, or any other bodybuilder's forum/blog.
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    sorry buddy but you are wrong... if you eat 5 small meals during the day, spread it out every 3 hours, it regulates your sugar levels and speeds up your metabolism

    *smacks himself on the head*

    Do some research, read some case studies.

    Dude can't read, his BRO aviators are too glossy.