Zumba 2 on the Wii

Hello All :-)
I recently purchased Zumba 2 for the wii, and I've done it 4 times so far, but I'm looking to start a group for some extra motivation..Please respond if you have this game for the Wii as well and are interested in joining a challenge with me!!


  • jmp33
    jmp33 Posts: 93 Member
    I have been doing Zumba2 for 2 months and love it. What knd of challenge were thinking of? Add me if you like.
  • I bought Zumba 2 about a month ago.... love it!
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    Question for all of you responding. How hard is this on your knees? I do Aqua Zumba and absolutely love it but I've been wanting to buy it for the Wii since it first came out but am hesitant due to crappy knee pain. I tried one Zumba class and I could hardly do it because of all the twisting. Would it be worthwhile ? I would rather do that than do the treadmill any day
  • maher2006
    maher2006 Posts: 94 Member
    i have problems with my knee as well..i had surgery on my acl 6 years ago and if i have a hard workout on the treadmill or eliptical i always feel it the next morning..i have had slight pain doing Zumba DVD's, however, have not experienced any pain doing the Wii Zumba.. hope this helps
  • desirae500
    desirae500 Posts: 142 Member
    I go to a class 2-3 x per week and on other days use Zumba 2 on Wii. I love it. My husband will dance around a little also!:smile:
  • desirae500
    desirae500 Posts: 142 Member
    Why not rent it and try it first? I love aqua zumba too. There is a class near me but it is in the mornings during the week when I work. I can sometimes go to it on Saturdays.
  • maher2006
    maher2006 Posts: 94 Member
    well Zumba lovers..anyone want to do a challenge with me? Keep it simple,
    1) aim to do zumba at least 30 min a day
    2) weekly weigh ins
    3) weekly EXTRA challenges

    This challenge will begin Friday March 9th, and will go until Easter and will weigh in every friday. The only weigh-in not on a Friday will be the final weight the day before Easter (4/7)

    Goal Weight: 125

    3/9 Starting Weight: 131
    Final Weight 4/7:
  • Not sure that I have it on WII, but I have it on Xbox....would love a challenge to get re-motivated!
  • maher2006
    maher2006 Posts: 94 Member
    you're more than welcome to start with us using the xbox!! i need help being motivated too!!
    LTRUITT3 Posts: 205 Member
    I would love to join this challange. I do Zumba on the Wii, go to the community center and I have Zumba Exhilirate!! I looooove ZUMBA!! :)
    LTRUITT3 Posts: 205 Member
  • jomiley23
    jomiley23 Posts: 76
    Okay. I'm in. Add me. I need some workout accountability. This is one thing I can get away with while the kids are awake. My two year old daughters think they're watching cartoons and mommy's being silly. Win-Win.
  • maher2006
    maher2006 Posts: 94 Member
    Please post your information by Friday evening to be included in the challenge!!
  • maher2006
    maher2006 Posts: 94 Member
    anybodyyyyy going to join this with me? lol