why can"t I lose weight

I dieted for 8 days straight, ate averaged 1200 calories with only 79 calories over for the week and yet I haven't even lost 1 pound. I have lost any and all incentive.


  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    Stick with it, sometimes your body needs time to adjust to change. Look at all these tickers, it is possible!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    Is there a question here that I missed?
  • klkelley
    klkelley Posts: 122 Member
    Sometimes I go 2-3 weeks without seeing a loss, sometimes I even gain a little. By the 3rd week I lose 3-4 pounds. I am averaging 1.6 pounds a week even though I don't see it every week. Hang in there.
  • Fit_2013
    Fit_2013 Posts: 336 Member
    I have been on MFP for nearly 3 months and lost only 3 lbs, I dont feel disheartened, I try to log but I generally do not overeat, I exercise most days.DO NOT QUIT , slowly I see that I do not gain weight, my strength is increasing, I join competitions and groups to keep myself motivated . I surely see myself having more energy.Give yourself atleast 6 months .
  • dee77dee
    dee77dee Posts: 2
    Thanks all, I went off the diet but will resume again. I feel like it's just not fair. I usually eat what I want (I do watch how much I eat) and I don't gain weight. I need to lose 15 lbs. I have been depriving myself of my sweets and ate very healthy so I expected a pound to come off but my scale fluctuates up/down 3+ pounds. I expected to see it go down, not up. I am walking now 2 miles/day in 40 minutes. Good luck to all of you too.
  • moo_imma_pig
    moo_imma_pig Posts: 40 Member
    I know how u feel :o/ all week i have been staying under my calorie goal of 1200 and walking 2-3 miles a day... i haven't seen any weight change for 5 days now... its irritating!! Its a lot of work and depressing as hell when we there's no results. It feels pointless. I was about to throw in the towel myself honestly. But after reading some of the comments you got on this post i have a little more faith. I'll give it another week or two :o) Good luck when u start back up hun!! We can do this! :flowerforyou: I'm going to send you a friend request if that is ok?
  • daughter14
    daughter14 Posts: 6 Member
    Don't give up. I have been at the same weight for about a month and a half, but I didn't stop now it seems to be slowly coming off again. Get a tape measure and see if you have lost inches instead of pounds, that is what I noticed. Have you given up drinks and juice that may be your culprit thats causing the problem.
  • sandybeachez
    sandybeachez Posts: 70 Member

    How about upping your caloriesto about 1430. Are u netting 1200. Or are u sticking to 1200 excluding wrkout calories? I'm telling yah, up your calorieintake u will be surprised.
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member

    How about upping your caloriesto about 1430. Are u netting 1200. Or are u sticking to 1200 excluding wrkout calories? I'm telling yah, up your calorieintake u will be surprised.

  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143
    Don't give up! Last year when I started dieting and exercising it took me a MONTH to lose weight. After that it started to come off. I lost 12 lbs then I hit a plateau and like you I lost all incentive and gained every pound plus 3 back. Now I'm back at square 1...or minus square 1 :cry:
  • ce47862
    ce47862 Posts: 8 Member
    I took a totally different approach to weight loss and my fitness pal ... So fat I have lost 62 pounds in about 6 months ... I have done so by becoming a VEGAN ... Don't freak out when I say that I was a food salesman and love steaks, all meats actually, dairy refined foods ETC ... I went on the diet because my dentist refused to work on me until he could get a release from my MD because my blood pressure was to high ... Heart disease runs in my family ... I decided to REALLY given Vegan a try ... I found a number of great cookbooks and pre-made foods... I upped my intake of fresh fruits and vegetable .... Frankly I prefer eating this way now ... I am never bloated and have so much more energy ... their is Scientific evidence that a Vegan diet will reverse the effects of heart disease ... For what is is worth my cholesterol dropped 80 points in 30 days and my BP dropped from 180/98 to 107/70 in the same 30 days ...
  • AlisaRN
    AlisaRN Posts: 65 Member
    I agree, don't loose heart and give up. I have been tracking calories and working my butt off at the gym for two months straight and finally just saw a decrease in my weight yesterday. I think it just takes some body's longer to respond.
  • spikellie
    I am also getting frustrated. I started using MFP and fitbit on February 27th. I've stayed within my calorie limit either 100 over or 100 under on most days (only over 2 days). After 4 days I had lost 3 pounds! Was so excited...3 days later nothing stayed the same. The next day I GAINED 2 pounds. So very demotivating. I am frustrated. This is the first time I have really put a lot of effort into wanting to lose my 60 pounds and for what...no result???! YAY =S
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    You might try 30 weeks at half lb per then it might happen faster
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    It took me 2 or 3 weeks, I can't remember which, to lose 1# when I started. Be patient. This isn't a race.

    Also, you're so close to your goal that your body can't handle a large deficit. You should set MFP for losing 0.5#/week at this point.