I blew it



  • Mibs131
    Mibs131 Posts: 12 Member
    You're right; we're harder on ourselves than we are on others. May I suggest that you not weigh yourself every day? I don't even have a scale at home because it's too tempting. Our weight can fluctuate a lot just due to salt levels and water fluctuations in our bodies. Once a week should really be enough to give you a guideline. Also, if you're working out you will be adding muscle AS you lose fat... so you lose one pound of fat; TWO pounds of muscle can fill that same space... so try to rely on your clothes to tell you if you are maintaining, losing or gaining (just don't wash jeans in hot water, lol).

    Weight is like I.Q.... it's a guideline. (^_^)
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Stop. Hands up. Step away from the scale!
    And the "anger food"
    Seriously, breathe and forgive yourself. This is a lifestyle not a quick fix. You probably got scared and freaked out. It's okay. It happened. Do better next time.

    It happened, it's over. Pat yourself on the back for recognizing this before this one event turns into months of undoing all your hard work. You can do it! You can pick back up and keep going.

    Great job on the weight loss so far!
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Heck I've been up a whole pound for a week and it's okay. It does eventually drop again as long as you are hanging in there. Weight seriously does fluctuation a good 3-5lbs on a regular basis. I've been weighing most of my life because my father was a daily weigher and it is a habit. I'm so in tune with what my body's normal fluctuations are that it doesn't throw me off to see that. If you are freaking out over that little of a fluctuation, it does not fit your personality to be a daily weigher. That's okay. In fact, the more you work with who you are on this journey, the better your success will be.

    I wish I could give you a snapshot of my MFP progress report from my app. There is CLEARLY a downward spiral but I have so many M's on it that it is actually comical to me. The biggest and most defined M came from my TOM. (M describes what the graph line looks like--in case that isn't clear, weight goes up and down and back up and down). What I look for are my valleys. Are my lowest points decreasing over time? If yes, then I'm good. I don't look at my spikes except to laugh at them. The only time I might do that is if my last lowest downward valley was some time ago and then I might start looking at more strategies to get it going again.

    Again, if you only see your weight on a very short period of time and use that to gauge where you are from day to day, this method is not good for you. It's a trend over time, definitely not something you can use as a daily feedback mechanism. Sometimes I know why it spiked but sometimes I really don't. That's your body! It likes to keep you guessing!

    As far as blowing it? You only blow it if you decided to completely give up. The fact that you are making this post suggests that this is not what you did. So you blew your calories for the day. Just get back up and keep going. Now if you do this regularly, then you might see some stall in progress but sometimes even then it takes some people awhile to get into the swing of really being able to attend to this lifestyle change.

    What's good is analyzing why you did it and come up with a strategy to prevent it. It sounds like for you, looking at your scale daily was a definite trigger. Luckily there is a fairly easy solution for that.
  • confuzzledwife
    confuzzledwife Posts: 142 Member
    Stop. Hands up. Step away from the scale! No sudden moves.

    Seriously, breathe and forgive yourself. This is a lifestyle not a quick fix. You probably got scared and freaked out. It's okay. It happened. Do better next time.

    haha .. thank you for the laugh! I have committed to starting over today.. I KNOW I can do this!!!!!
  • confuzzledwife
    confuzzledwife Posts: 142 Member
    See.. this is why I absolutely LOVE this site!!!! Thank you ALL so much for your encouragement and advice... I truly appreciate it! Today I am going to make better choices, I will NOT weigh myself again until next week (promise!).
    I had a stressful couple of days here with things beyond my control and I think that added stress and then seeing the stupid small gain on the scale was a deadly combination for the state of mind I was in. However, today is a new day, I'm going to drink lots of water today, get some exercise in and move on! :smile:
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    I'm actually having the same problem as you with yesterday.I had gone 6 weeks without going over my calorie limit and I just obliterated that yesterday. It's spring break and my friend suggested day drinking because, well, "we could."

    So.... roughly 600 calories of alcohol before 2p.m. and then we got hungry. He kept making jokes about how I suck for only having healthy food here now and wanted to go out to eat. I said no based on the fact that I wasn't going to drive anywhere after shots and also that I just couldn't do that since I knew I was going to be over my limit anyway. He made either large amounts of my less healthy choices for food and I started out with a spinach and greek yogurt smoothie lol. That just turned into me randomly having healthy alternatives but too often. I can't even imagine how bad it would have been if I still kept junk food in my house or if we had gone somewhere or ordered in. Oh and of course I didn't work out. I probably would have dropped a dumbbell on my face... I was pretty shwasted. :\

    I told myself that I just need to get back to it today no matter what. It's been like two weeks since I've solidly rocked out some cardio and 2 days since I've done strength training. Sooooo I'm just going to force myself to bust out some tae bo and weights.

    If you want, you can message me and we can both keep each other on track today?
  • confuzzledwife
    confuzzledwife Posts: 142 Member
    I am doing better today, and I hope you are too, christibam! We can get through this together!
  • Ug...I know how you feel! Its a horrible feeling and it makes you want to give it all up. You just fell off the wagon....get back up and carry on. You can do this. (oh...and stay away from that scale...measure your success in a different way. Like "today I met my calorie goal".)
  • dreamingchild
    dreamingchild Posts: 208 Member
    I haven't read all the responses but I do this as well....for me I think I sabotage myself...could this be you to?

    Logically it doesn't make sense...I want to lose weight, I do it, I get to a milestone, and then I sabotage myself. It has more to do with my mental health than me physically. I am trying to overcome this.

    Just a thought.
  • confuzzledwife
    confuzzledwife Posts: 142 Member
    I haven't read all the responses but I do this as well....for me I think I sabotage myself...could this be you to?

    Logically it doesn't make sense...I want to lose weight, I do it, I get to a milestone, and then I sabotage myself. It has more to do with my mental health than me physically. I am trying to overcome this.

    Just a thought.

    This actually makes sense to me! I was able to get right back on track the next day, I'm taking it one day at a time.. I could already feel my pants feeling tight the next day, not a good thing at all! I don't want to feel that way ever again!
  • you cant look at it that way. you didnt blow anything. you simply had a case of "falling off the wagon". you are gonna have that on occasion. my doctor even told me that. simply jump back on and keep riding. and like fishgoddess said, "you cant weigh yourself every day. they tell me once a week, same time is the best. you can do this... keep getting back on that wagon if you should happen to fal off. you will like the results to come....
    (sorry this post is alittle behind, but i am a new comer)
  • Try not to worry about the day to day. Look for the downward trend in your weight and inches over time. It takes time to change your body but more importantly your mindset. Be encouraging to yourself and try to enjoy the control you are taking over food and your life. Start fresh today and embrace your journey. Blessings to you!