Why I need/want to lose the weight....

Hi everyone, I'm very new to MFP (signed up a few hrs ago) and thought what better way to start than to share why I need and want to lose weight and maybe others would like to share as well.

To begin I'm a 23yr old (soon to be 24 yay) single mum with a beautiful 6yr old son and I run my own business. i have to date lost over 25kg but had 2 surgerys and 1 double dislocated shoulder (yep while working out) in the last year and have only got back into training in the last couple of weeks. My trainer reccommended me to MFP.

I have all the usual reasons for wanting to lose weight, to be healthy to feel better about how i look. I also never want my son to be ashamed of me or my size. I want to know i can walk into any store and find something to wear and not have to spend a fortune. I want to take my son to the pool and wear swimwear.

My last reason is i'm a bit of a tattoo addict and i have had 2 pin up girls designed a while ago - one for the outside of each thigh but i want great legs to put them on and i want to show them off with pride.

So that's it.... they are my reasons, these are what I remind myself off when i can't be bothered.
