Ab Workout Suggestions Needed

Hi! Okay, so here is my question... can I actually get rid of the saggy, baby belly tummy on my own?! This is my ultimate goal. I know I could do a tummy tuck at some point in my life if I chose, but I'd really like to try and do this on my own. My question is though is if it's even possible! I'm not entirely sure if it's really stretched out skin, or fat under there. I'm 5'7 and 152, not majorly overweight, but can definitely stand to loose more. Any success stories? And if so, what did you do?! THANK YOU!! :heart:


  • micha1984
    micha1984 Posts: 16
    People please answer her! I am in the same boat!!!! I am sick of the sag and need to get rid of it... it seems to have gotten smaller in the last few weeks but it's not going anywhere soon. :(
  • neubauer7
    neubauer7 Posts: 71 Member
    People please answer her! I am in the same boat!!!! I am sick of the sag and need to get rid of it... it seems to have gotten smaller in the last few weeks but it's not going anywhere soon. :(

    Mine has gotten smaller, too. it's actually given me hope that maybe I really can get rid of it... but i'm not entirely sure I can! I'm definitely willing to put in the work, just wondering if it'll ever go back to normal or not. I know it prob depends on the person?? Recommendations on workouts would be appreciated. Situps are hard for me though... I have neck issues.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I love the zumba ab workout.
    Sorry to break it to you but if it is skin then its not going anywhere without a tummy tuck, but with less fat and more tone it does look a lot better.
    There is a woman on the zumba ab DVD who looks like she has had a baby (can tell by the way her skin move when she crunches) and she looks great (the one in the yellow top if you get it)
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Sagging skin depends a lot on age. As we get older or for every year after the age of 30, your skin loses elasticity until it's all gone. This is the reason for wrinkled skin and the same reason why grandma's skin is droopy. The younger you are, the more elastic your skin will be. Ever heard the saying, "as smooth as a baby's bottom"? Since you are still in your twenties, then your skin will adhere back to your body the fastest. With women who have had a baby, it can take 2 full years for their skin to adhere back to there body but there are ways to speed up this process to make it doable in 8 months.

    1) Cardio and eating a healthy diet. The more cardio you do, the more blood that flows around your body replenishing your skin with nutrients.

    2) Building muscles. The more muscle mass you have, the less gaps there are between your skin and body.

    3) Moisturizers if you have dry skin. I don't know if a Moisturizers will work if your skin isn't dry but there shouldn't be any harm in using one.

    However, Moisturizing your skin is the least important. Cardio, muscle building, and eating the right nutrients are your best bet.
  • drivermi
    drivermi Posts: 3
    I've had a similar problem,over the years I have gained a healthy normal weight, but recently the freshman (what-seems-to-be) 25 has hit me.Since then I have gone up and down in sizes trying to burn it off by dieting but it hasn't worked. It didn't matter what size I was, whether small or large, but because I gained an excess amount of weight a few years ago my belly would not go away. About a month ago I finally cracked down to change this and have been noticing a big change since. I've started a lifestyle change including watching what I eat, and going to the gym. I'm pretty sure this is common among every person using MFL, but I thought I'd share some exercises that have recently been working for me on top of a healthy diet.

    Sit-ups with weights:
    1.Do 5 reps of 10 sit ups, while holding a weight. I use a ball but that is up to you. When bringing your head to the floor do not let the ball or your head or back touch. Instead of changing the number of reps or situps you do, each time you try the exercise go up a few pounds in the weight.

    2. Put your legs together as if you're sitting on a chair, so your knees are bent, and lie lean back. hold the weight infront of you and move the weight and shift your upper body side to side without moving your legs. To make it harder, either lean further back, or reach your arms holding the weight past your knees. I do 5 reps of 5 but that is up to you.

    3. I combine the two listed above. Go into a sit up, bringing your back to the floor with the ball above your head but not touching the floor, and go up to your knees, shifting side to side.

    4. Lie flat on your back. Bring the ball over your head but about an inch or two from the floor. Keep it there as you place your legs directly above you. Move your legs up and down very slowly while focusing on not moving your arms. This works your lower abdomen and your arms.

    These are just a few I have found have really helped me, and have promoted both toning and strength. Hope it works for you :) Good luck!
  • taryn_09
    taryn_09 Posts: 196 Member
    anything ab wise is mostly going to come from diet especially the lower part upper abs are the easiest to achieve lower which everyone wants takes the most work. coming from a trainer point of view i have my clients do
    planks - 30 to 60 second holds.
    reverse crunches not letting feet touch the ground again.
    ins and outs
    single leg alt. crunch with weight
    stability ball crunches as well.
    and then the romain chairs at the gym where you do the leg lifts help target it as well.

    also try more intense cardio it will help with belly fat as well :]
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    It's a case of only time will tell. My stomach is fine standing up, but you can see the sagginess when I am seated or bent over. The skin is just not firm as it was before the pregnancies. My youngest is 2, for reference.

    ETA: Planks and side planks are good. But also full body exercises, like burpees, and plyometrics, like squat jumps, tuck jumps, etc are good for overall loss.