Women's health question

I know this may sound like too much information, but I just really have to ask. Has anyone skipped/missed a period since they started working out and eating healthier? I workout at least five times a week, and eat a net of 1200 calories a day, give or take some. This month I missed mine and one of my friends said that it was probably due to my change in diet/exercise. I did some research on it, but I wasn't sure if it was accurate. Should I be worried?


  • brittyc1988
    When I used to play sports I would miss periods and now that I'm back to working out mine are very very light and short so I think you may be okay!
  • 41degsouth
    This definitely happens to athletes so isn't impossible. Someone with more X chromosomes will have to comment how often it is seen around here.
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    i havent had mine since i had my son (i am bfing) but several ladies seem to have this problem. my doc says to tell him if that happens to me but seems many women on here are told its fine.. curious to see your responses again
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    exercise can make you skip a period. Also if you're on any form of birth control you may also miss periods because of that.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    i havent had mine since i had my son (i am bfing) but several ladies seem to have this problem. my doc says to tell him if that happens to me but seems many women on here are told its fine.. curious to see your responses again

    me to.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    Generally its not normal for a woman to skip a period from exercise. now, maybe from a change in your nutrition..

    A missed period could signal many things.
  • sweetsierra
    When I eat too little, I lose mine. Maybe try eating 200 more calories a day (if you can &still lose weight) and see if it comes back? Or it might come back when your body adjusts. I would talk to your doctor if you don't get it back within the next 3 or 4 months tho.
  • DesertFlowersCanDance
    ok! so don't panic first off :) you are young and there are so many reasons why you can miss a period! Diet and exercise are one reason, but did you know that stress is a HUGE reason that periods can be late or skipped? (also there is the obvious sexual activity reason....which I pray is NOT yours).... even just going up in an airplane can cause enzymes & hormones in the body to shift and cause a late period....

    think this through and talk to someone you can trust..... Is mom around?

    sending positive thoughts out to you :)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I wouldn't be too worried about one missed period when you have changed your diet and your exercise routine, if you miss another one it would be worth talking to a doctor just to check it out.
    Make sure that you aren't cutting calories too low or exercising too hard - both of those things aren't good for you for all kinds of different reasons.
  • hhamada
    hhamada Posts: 27
    On the 3rd round of P90X, I started to follow the P90X nutrition plan. After about 2 months my periods have stopped and have not returned.. My body fat is about 10% and I eat about 1500 calories a day.
  • cartea01
    cartea01 Posts: 156 Member
    Are you sure you aren't pregnant? I'd check that first. You'd be amazed at the number of women who I see in the Emergency Dept who tell me they couldn't possibly be pregnant who are... Immaculate conception!
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    yes it happens stress does it and working out is stress on the body! it only happened when i first started out. but then certain exercises i do screw with my parts as well....like i jog and my periods , functions stay the same but yoga meltdown would give me spotting! i know for sure it was the yoga...it didn't happen any other time just right after!
  • kittybitz79
    kittybitz79 Posts: 213
    After reading this, I thought of two things to consider. One, have you been sexually active and I don't mean just this month for the past few months. If so, take a pregnancy test just in case. Two when was the last time you had a friendly visit with your doctor. If you have been in the last few month (even year), then I would say don't sweat it. If it persists for more then a few month I would talk to your doctor but it can defiantly happen with any change in your life.
  • Qattusa
    Qattusa Posts: 139 Member
    When I first started training to join the Royal Navy my periods went rather haywire. During basic training a few girls' periods had stopped altogether- mainly as they lost so much weight and gained so much muscle so rapidly. The body just realises that there is a change and takes it's time to balance it's hormones out - that's all. You will find that as soon as you reach a plateau or the weight change is more level, your periods will return to normal. I've seen it happen so many times in my job to different women that is has become a normality and we have come to expect it when we start training pre deployment.