arrrg!!!! ........

............ my scales are screaming my name and my weigh in isnt till sat morn :( ..... does anyone else find it difficult to stay away from the scales for a full week ??


  • laurabini
    laurabini Posts: 257 Member
    I do!!! I can't avoid ckecking my weight every day :( or even twice a day!! And when I see I gained a bit I get discouraged a lot :|
  • Queen_M
    Queen_M Posts: 70
    I check the scales everyday, but I weigh in on saturdays. I find it really tough not to update my weight on here before saturday haha.
  • Zipit57
    Zipit57 Posts: 9
    I weigh every day. I know that isn't what they advise, but every time I gain 10-20 lbs., it is because I haven't been on the scales at all. If I'm up, I cut back a bit. Sometimes weighing motivates me to exercise. I'm using the scales as one of the tools to succeed.
  • KansasRain
    i check my weight daily however i never post it on here until iv lost weight from my last weigh in. I last weighed in at 279 so now i wont add my weight again until im 278 or lower even if its not for a few weeks. im obsessed with my scale, i like to know how my body is changing through out each day EVERY day. it helps me change my eating and or exercise to suit the way my body reacts.
  • rayleansout
    rayleansout Posts: 234
    I hate that damn scale!
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    My weigh in is also Saturday morning, but if I feel like I'm doing well, I will jump on the scale mid-week just for a little bit of encouragement.
  • Swampstar
    Swampstar Posts: 102 Member
    I weigh every day, sometimes it discourages me, sometimes it gives me a boost. I hate weighing only once a week, I get anxious that I've put on loads, doesn't mean I log every day though.
  • SuMcP
    SuMcP Posts: 244 Member
    I check mine most days, but can happily ignore it if there is any gain, putting it down to water intake. If it has gone down, I record it and bounce around feeling even more motivated!
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    sounds like me lol

    when I done my diet last year I weighed every morning, after every meal and every evening (i know obsessed lol) ... I was never discouraged by the up and down of the scales (which happens to us all I guess) ..... when I first started here, after my year of maintaining my new weight, about 10 days ago .... I was starting the weigh in every day and I was logging it, and thought I better stop that everyone can see Im doing this, Ill be driving my friends nuts reading my 0.2lb loss comments :blushing: lol

    so decided on the sat morn weigh in, I might just start weighing and not logging :happy: hehe

    cause the suspense is killing me

    glad i'm not alone lol x
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Used to weigh daily for years; then cut to Mon, Wed & Fri. Haven't weighed since last Friday.........I'm tempted, but I'd like to try & go the full week.

    Sue :smile: x
  • dsagaties1963
    I hate, hate, hate, scales, I have one at home that lies but to my benefit, so that I'm not tempted to step on the scale every day on Monday's when I drop my grandson off at school on the weigh home I stop at my DR. office which is on the way and weigh in there. Since no matter what my scale says its different than his. Makes it harder for me to weigh in, though my scale says I weigh 10lbs less than my doctors. I'm always looking for friends, so if any would like to add me please do so. Happy journey and good luck to all
  • RyanDanielle5101
    I only get on the scale once or twice a month:) I don't want the stress of daily/weekly weight ins. I know if I stick to my cals I will see a loss every time I get on. Then I don't worry about a 1 pound gain from water or see the scale go up and down.

    The tape measure is seriously my best friend, a much better judge of progress:). I'm close to maintenance so the weight loss is slowing but I'm continuously losing inches.

    I'd like to see the two fight, my money is on the tape measure!!! lol
  • r3d13
    r3d13 Posts: 139
    I only get on mine once or twice a month. I also only measure once a month.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I hate, hate, hate, scales, I have one at home that lies but to my benefit, so that I'm not tempted to step on the scale every day on Monday's when I drop my grandson off at school on the weigh home I stop at my DR. office which is on the way and weigh in there. Since no matter what my scale says its different than his. Makes it harder for me to weigh in, though my scale says I weigh 10lbs less than my doctors. I'm always looking for friends, so if any would like to add me please do so. Happy journey and good luck to all

    Ask your doctor the last time his scale was calibrated. If there's that much difference between yours and his, one of them is not calibrated and in most cases it's the doctor's office scale. Many offices don't calibrate them as often as they're supposed to.
  • Annmarie49
    the scales are my enemy!!!!
    I weigh every day, sometimes 2-3 times...before a workout/after a workout.
    I only log my weight on a Saturday morning tho.
    I am trying so hard not to weigh myself at night now.... so far so good.
    It becomes an obsession and I am not usually an obsessional
  • blackwarrior
    blackwarrior Posts: 20 Member
    :flowerforyou: i weigh in on a friday and measure on a tuesday so i can see if theres a progress
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I check it every day, I just don't dwell on it. I am more interested in how my measurements change.
  • maranatha777
    I weigh myself everyday, normally first thing in the morning and before bed. I use the scale as a tool to determine if I need to exercise a bit more that day or cut back on some food that might have too much sodium, etc. My body is crazy at holding onto water if I eat too much sodium. My all time favorite snack is tortilla chips and salsa but I have had to pretty much cut them out because I retain so much water after eating them... *sigh* :)
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    I weigh every day. I know that isn't what they advise, but every time I gain 10-20 lbs., it is because I haven't been on the scales at all. If I'm up, I cut back a bit. Sometimes weighing motivates me to exercise. I'm using the scales as one of the tools to succeed.

    I agree with this, I felt more motivated when I done part 1 of my weight loss last year, and I weighed myself every day (and some) In not getting that motivated feeling this time round :-/ I was thinking it was because Im allot slimmer now than I was and maybe not feeling the "great need" this time round.

    In reading your comment above, Ive re-thought that, Last If I stood on the scales and they showed a gain I would want to remove it, and if I stood on them and they showed a loss I wanted a bigger loss,

    Maybe I should listen to the scales :)
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 366 Member
    That's why I take the battery out of my scale...I'm not weighing myself until April 1st, trying to rely more on how my clothes are fitting then a number on the scale.