Big Man, Big Goals

Hello all,
Not sure how I initially missed this topic, but please allow me to introduce myself.
I am 43, and formerly competed in Judo and Jiu-jitsu and was pretty good at it. I then allowed my job to get the better of me. I was working as a field service engineer, so I spent about 6 hours a day driving. Eating at fast food places constantly, no exercise.
So I started an exercise program changed my diet and was losing weight. Then crisis in the company I worked for and on the road more, more fast food etc....

I have recently taken an in house job. It was a quality of life change. I got rid of satellite tv. I have been brutally honest with myself about what I am and have been doing to myself.

So in the three weeks of my new life, I have lost 13 lbs. I am excited about it as I am over half way to my first goal of 25 lbs. ( I understand that my rate of loss will decrease as I go along) My BIG goal is the big 100 lbs (~ 7 or 8 stone). Then I will be at my fighting weight and can re evaluate to see where I need to be from there.

The problems I am facing are: A knee that is not 100% and the fact that I have always trained at 100% all out. The battle cry was always "pain is weakness leaving the body". And from the age of 16 to 30 that might have been alright while training to fight. But now, that doesn't work. Even more so on joints. So trying to work hard but not hurting myself is a new adventure. Even more so as I consider I never came from a point as unfit as I am currently.

I can use some MFP friends to help keep me on track and to have people to cheer for on your journey!


  • raedient61
    raedient61 Posts: 40 Member
    You ARE the Brute Squad!!! Love that movie! You can do this, you have a great attitude! Add me if you like! Good luck with this journey!

  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss so far! LOVE your picture, you look very outgoing!
    Together, we can all motivate eachother to lose this weight!
  • redlion45
    redlion45 Posts: 155 Member
    I just had to respond to somebody who uses a quote from the Princess Bride. Great flick!. Congrats on your progress so far. Your story sounds very familiar to me. I am another big guy from the brute squad who is getting back in the game this year after letting life get in the way of personal fitness for too long - bad knees and all. I think I know where you are coming from.

    My advice is to not train like you did when you did when you were 20, or you may regret it (don't ask me how I know). Slow and steady wins the race is a lesson I am learning (slowly).

    I am new here too, but it seems like MFP is a good support network for your journey. Go out and get it done! You'll be back in a Gi and tossing people around in no time!