I don't get it...

I am working really hard and I feel healthier and better. I have lost 30 pounds and I have over a hundred still to go. How can I be going up and down so far during the day? I weighed in yesterday and was at a new lower weight that I was very proud of, and it motivated me to work out a ton yesterday (I did over an hour of cardio and a yoga session) I also did not go over my calories at all, in fact I had to eat a bigger dinner than I wanted because I was under. I thought I had a great day and I was really happy with myself. This morning I decided to step on the scale just out of curiosity and because I am feeling lighter today. Well I was in shock to see that i gained 3 pounds! I am almost in tears right now.. how do I stay motivated when this happens?? I just want to curl up into a ball and cry!


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It's completely natural for your weight to fluctuate throughout the day and from day to day. Many things can influence your weight including, but not limited to, sodium vs fluid intake, hormones, diet, even weather. Don't stress over that 3 lbs. If you stick to your diet and exercise plan the weight will come off.
  • knrob
    knrob Posts: 65
    Dont use the scale as your goal; look for non scale victories, and keep at it! I think sometimes after a hard workout, i find myself excited for a weight loss the next morning, and have found it comes a few days later!
  • norariz
    norariz Posts: 18 Member
    This happens to me ALL the time. It's frustrating to say the least! But I blame myself because we are not supposed to weigh ourselves every day, right? So - I still weigh myself every day, but only write it down once a week. And the once a week nunbmer I write down is the average of the the previous 7 days. So, today is the day I write it down - but I was 2.4 lower yesterday than I am today - and last Wednesday I was the same as today. Not fair, right? But my average over the last 7 days is .8 lower than last wed - so it looks better and keeps me more motivated. Just a thought...
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    If you worked out harder than usual yesterday your muscles are likely retaining extra water to heal themselves. This is perfectly normal. Our weight fluctuates a lot on a day to day basis due to water retention. You obviously didn't eat the 10,000 calories you would have needed to gain 3 pounds of fat yesterday, so it's just water.

    You can't take day to day weight changes to heart. If you're going to let them bother you, you might consider only weighing yourself once per week.
  • dextertroy
    dextertroy Posts: 14 Member
    I agree with the above. My weight can go up and down by 3lbs daily. Even last week I went on the scale and stayed the same. Gutted. The following day I stepped on... 2lbs off. I would stick to a weekly weight in and get the tape measure out once a month. It's hard to try and keep away from measuring and weighing but you will just get a little downbeat doing it every other day. You've done amazing so far so you're doing the right thing. Keep going.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I wouldn't let that upset you. You worked out all day and probably gained muscle but also, you said you had a big meal at dinner. So that might have something to do with it. Weight fluctuates daily anyway. I usually weigh less after I miss a workout. Every Body is different. Stay motivated and keep up the good work.
  • plus if you are working out that hard you are building up muscle which weighs more than fat. usually the day after a hard workout you tend to have a little water weight due to the muscles trying to protect themselves. so dont worry...you will see results in a couple days when you drop that water weight.
  • howeclectic
    howeclectic Posts: 121 Member
    Think of weight loss like watching your 401k plan. Would you liquidate it because of a bad change over 2 days? I look at week over week trends. And if i get in to a plateau... i just look at my 180 day graph and remind myself its working... dont change a thing... results take time.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Pick one day a week to weigh yourself and stick to it. You will drive yourself crazy with little flucuations if you weigh daily. Pick one day and weigh yourself at the same time each week. My day is Thursday, I weigh in the morning after I've gone to the bathroom and before I have breakfast.
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    RELAX! Don't let it get you down! Women retain water at different times each month. Heck, my weight can get sporadic if I measure every day! Try a "once a week weigh" to help you concentrate on your fitness more and your weight less. You are doing great!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Sometimes when you work out really hard it causes your muscles to retain water weight. It is completely NORMAL for your weight to fluctuate. Don't let it get you down. Unless you consumed 10500 calories OVER your allowance it is impossible for you to have gained a real 3 pounds. You can do this! Look how far you've come already! You got this!
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    My weight has fluctuated up to 8 pounds in one day before...it is irritating but it happens to everyone. It does not mean that you've gained 3 pounds of fat overnight.
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    Maybe you could try weighing yourself only once or twice a week. Your weight will flucuate daily due to factors that are out of your control. It could be you had too much sodium yesterday and your body is retaining water, or perhaps it's getting close to your monthly cycle. Try not to beat yourself up over it. I agree with knrob - Look for NSV's (non scale victories) try taking a picture of yourself once a month and compare them. You could also take measurements once a month.

    I hope that some of this helps. Please don't cry :cry: I know it can seem like a huge mountain to climb when you have a lot of weight to lose. If you want to some extra support, please feel free to add me.

    *edited for spelling
  • izerop
    izerop Posts: 69 Member
    Sometimes when you work out really hard it causes your muscles to retain water weight. It is completely NORMAL for your weight to fluctuate. Don't let it get you down. Unless you consumed 10500 calories OVER your allowance it is impossible for you to have gained a real 3 pounds. You can do this! Look how far you've come already! You got this!

    ^^---This is my thoughts exactly. Don't weigh in more than once a week, you will create unneeded stress.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I wouldn't let that upset you. You worked out all day and probably gained muscle but also, you said you had a big meal at dinner. So that might have something to do with it. Weight fluctuates daily anyway. I usually weigh less after I miss a workout. Every Body is different. Stay motivated and keep up the good work.

    3 pounds of muscle in one day!?:noway:

    Why do people think muscle building is so easy, when it takes professional bodybuilders decades to get the muscle mass they have?

    As for the OP, it's water retention, weight can fluctuate up to 10 pounds up or down in any given 24 hour period.
  • Very common! The scales are not a friend to those trying to lose weight. I weigh in weekly at work and do not have scales at home. Take the battery out and hide the scales. What you are doing really has very little to do with what those numbers say anyway. Water fluctuates daily, even throughout the day, and can have a huge impact on the scale. Focus on you and not a number :)
  • maf66
    maf66 Posts: 211 Member
    If I got on the scale every day I would have given up already. I don't even have a scale! I go over to my Aunt's once a week to weigh myself.
  • Embell0830
    Embell0830 Posts: 105
    My experience is, I work out the hardest Mon-Wed, the rest of the week I'm kind of laxed about exercising other then some resistance training, stretching, and ab work. My official weigh in day is Monday morning, but I still weight myself everyday. I noticed Tues, Wed, and Thurs morning when I weight myself the scale goes up, but the rest of the week as long as I stay on track food wise the scale then goes down.

    I would watch your exercise calories, MFP gives you more credit then you earned. If your using an HRM than disregard the previous sentence :)
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    It happens to us all. All kinds of things affect the scale, from the clothes you're wearing, the time of day, if you've just exercised, when you're last meal was and what it was, when you last used the bathroom (gross, sorry, but it can dramatically affect the number scale).

    When I don't like the number I see, I get out my tape measure - after all, that's what really matters. I also look at how I look in my clothes - no panty lines, I'm doing good. No red mark on my belly from the button, I'm doing good.

    Also be mindful that it can take up to 3 days for what you eat to show up on the scale. And if you have 1 day where you've blown it, it'll take 4 days of being within your goals to get it gone from the scale.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    See that red # under your sodium column on yesterday's food diary? That has a lot to do with it, especially if you really only drank 4 cups of water. On days when you're active and/or have high sodium foods, you really need to push the water. If you don't like plain water, add some lemon juice or one of those low calorie/calorie free drink mixes like Crystal Light or Lipton green tea.

    Also wanted to re-iterate that it's not muscle you're gaining already (that takes a lot of time, especially for us women) but when you have a good workout, especially when you're sore, your muscles are retaiing water as part of their natural healing process.

    Here's the thing - we tend to think that when we make changes, we'll see immediate results but that's just not how our bodies work. For example, I went WAY over my calories and sodium on Sunday due to a special dinner out with hubs. The next day, my weight hadn't changed a bit but by this morning, I was up 2 pounds. I'm also about to start my monthly so that's got me retaining water on top of the bad day. It's ok though becuase I know what's going on and I know what needs to be done - keep working out, keep drinking plenty of water and tea and make good eating choices the rest of the week.

    This is not a race, it's a lifelong journey.