Roller Coaster...

Shesabigstar Posts: 17
edited November 2024 in Motivation and Support
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been here, but I am REALLY struggling to stay consistent. At the start of 2012, I really wanted to make this the year that I got back into shape, lost this excess weight, got healthy, and (silly as this may sound!) took pictures with my kids without being disgusted with myself when I look back at those pictures. I'm down 9 lbs. so far and although I'm happy for that, I really could have done a lot better.

I started off the year great for 2-3 weeks, then slipped back into my old habits. Once I slip back, even if it's just for a day, I have SUCH a hard time getting back on track. That's the same cycle that I've been on for the last two months, except that recently my bad eating days far outweigh the good ones.

I have the tools and the knowledge to lose the weight, I'm just not doing it. I can't explain why... I want to lose the weight, but the motivation just isn't sticking.

Anyone going through anything similar or have a few words of wisdom to offer?
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