Please comment if you've felt like this too..

I'm just wondering, how many of you start feelings depressed when it starts getting nice outside? You go out and see 100 pound girls in bikinis and slim guys with their shirts off and it makes you not even want to get out of bed. Please tell me others have felt this way or have gone through this because it's so difficult to overcome. I'm sitting here in shorts and a t shirt and even now I feel inferior and just plain gross compared to those I've been seeing. Really could use some support=/


  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Girls in bikinis??

  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    I've felt like that too. I tend to cover up a lot in summer or no go out . :(
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    It sucks, but maybe it's different depending on where you are. I live in New Jersey, so I go to the beaches here. Trust me, there are a lot of women who have a hell of a lot of confidence in a bikini, tankini, one piece, whatever, and they don't have super model bodies. I'm one of them. I want to get my tan on, and honestly if somebody has a problem with it, they can look the other way. I mean of course you see the bombshells on the beach, but good for them. Sure, I want to have a nice, lean body. But I don't let it prevent me from going to the shore. I think the culture definitely varies around the country depending on where you are.

    For some reason I feel better about my body in the summer than in the winter, no matter what. I still have issues with certain jeans, shirts, etc. for some reason, not sure why. I see other girls in jeans and say "I wish my legs and butt looked that good in these jeans."
  • RandomMiranda
    I feel that for sure. I am a graduate student constantly surrounded by undergrads, and the style at this university seems to be short running shorts or leggings with anything, regardless of whether the girls are actually going to the gym. It is daunting sometimes to see that everyday. What I remind myself of is that a lot of those girls aren't actually healthy. They may be small, but they aren't strong or fit, and those who are work for it. Some small women, especially young women eat crap, just not a lot of it, so they are skinny looking but their insides are a mess. The first time I did a kickboxing class, after I'd been working out regularly at home for a while, I was so much more fit than some of the thin women in their short shorts, and I take pride in that. I also used to see these thin, fit girls at the gym and think "if I looked like that, I wouldn't bother working out." At some point I realized that for the most part they look like that because they work out. Now they serve as a good motivator.
    You may not feel like you can rock a bikini now, but that won't change if you compare yourself to others. Wear whatever makes you feel strong and beautiful.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Hey, remember that not all those 100 lb girls were always 100 lbs. Some of us work really hard to get there. View it as motivation to get fit.

    It doesn't have to be a competition if you don't want it to be. Choose them as your inspirations rather than your competition. You might be all the happier for it.
  • OceansForever
    OceansForever Posts: 221 Member
    I live in Florida and haven't worn shorts in ages. That's what has been depressing for me.

    I would not go to a play date with my daughter because a swimming pool was involved. I do not swim in public.

    That's why I am here to change all of this and be one of the "girls" on the beach (if we'll make it to the beach, that is!), though I won't be wearing a bikini in public. I am still looking for a nice tankini with shorts :)
  • JustineDianaD
    JustineDianaD Posts: 51 Member
    Im not a super confident person! That being said it doesn't bother me and maybe its because my sister is a beautiful bean pole! :) Love her to death, she is single, no children and goes to the gym 5 nights a week and works her butt off! So I guess I just see it from that perspective to.
    Also I think some people only look for the bombshell's on the beach. If you really look hard, you should see every shape and size!!

    And just remember - someone somewhere probably wishes they were your size!
  • OceansForever
    OceansForever Posts: 221 Member
    Girls in bikinis??

  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    I am 53[almost] I used to cover up,thinking I was fat. I look at pictures now and wish to all heaven that I had flaunted my marilyn Monroe body. Now I have a Sally struthers body,but have come down from a mama Cass body. soooooo Go outside and enjoy yourself..It is always a matter of perspective,also maybe you have some clinical depression that you can get meds for. Enjoy your youthful self...
  • cprys8942
    cprys8942 Posts: 123 Member
    I usually cover up or don't go out either in the summer. and yeah I'm not sure how it is in other places but where I live it seems like if you have one ounce of fat on you that anyone can see then people have something to say about it. I'm really going to try to change this summer though and get out more. I'm currently looking for a bathing suit that might be flattering but cover up some areas.
  • aotto87
    aotto87 Posts: 50 Member
    I am the same exact way. I can not remember a time when I wore shorts outside in public. I love fall and spring because I can still get away with wearing hoodies and pants, and not look out of place. I am so envious of the people that can leave the house in any old shorts and tank top... I have to spend 20 minutes figuring out what I am going to wear on top of my tank top to cover up my arms...while also worrying about the fact that I am going to sweat to death if I move around too much. I dream of the day that it will be different.
  • Elenazuniga
    I find myself looking around at other females a lot only because I like seeing that not all women are made the same way, some have big bootys and small waists, some have big waists and small bootys. Very curvy and not so much, I like daydreaming about how ill look once I finish my journey. I too use them as motivation. I look at them and think wow I wanna look like that when my weight loss journey is over. But don't beat yourself over it. Well get there soon..
  • cprys8942
    cprys8942 Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you everyone it's really nice to know I'm not alone. And the thing is, I know it's not a competition and I'm definitely not trying to compete with anyone. If it weren't for other people always having something negative to say about men and women who don't have perfect bodies then trust me I'd be laying out in a bikini instead of typing this=p
  • tonihayden
    all my life.........................
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    ive bicycled shirtless and had some skinny b's laugh at me before, I told them im working on my fat but they'd always be ugly ......
  • swycoff17
    swycoff17 Posts: 50 Member
    Yeah...I have felt that way for the past 3 years. I seem to have a lot more winter clothes....but that's just because I tend to cover up the majority of my body to hide my problem areas.
    Hopefully that won't be an issue this summer! :-) There's plenty of time to lose another 20 pounds! :-)
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I think what other people wear is their business. I dress appropriately for the event/situation and politely suggest that people turn their heads if the sight of my body offends them. I'm working on it... I'm doing something about it. How many of them are doing anything but drinking beer and puking off the side of someone's daddy's boat? Again, their business, but I know what I'm doing and that's all that matters to me.
  • cprys8942
    cprys8942 Posts: 123 Member
    ive bicycled shirtless and had some skinny b's laugh at me before, I told them im working on my fat but they'd always be ugly ......

    lol that's hilarious
  • LoriBarefoot
    LoriBarefoot Posts: 218 Member
    I was just crying on the phone YESTERDAY to my husband saying, "It's getting warmer, and nicer, and the days are getting longer, and I can't even get excited about it because I'm still nasty and I'll still be nasty when it gets hot because there's not enough time to lose all the weight!"

    So yea, I am sooo with you on that. It really sucks.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Yeah, I used to get bummed out by stuff like that. But now, I just stop and take note of my progress. At this point, I don't quite have those type of bodies, but I can feel definition where there wasn't before. Then, I imagine the body I'm going to have when I'm finished... bad feelings magically disappear and I'm happy and excited and more motivated than ever before.

    Stay positive... it'll get better!