In Between Meals/Snacks?

How long should I wait in between meals and snacks?
I just had String Cheese and Water for Breakfast at 11AM.
[I know, I start late.]


  • lauras777
    lauras777 Posts: 237 Member
    From what I've seen/read, you should eat more often to keep your metabolism up...that being said, I typically eat breakfast around 7am, a snack at 9am, lunch at 11am, another snack at 2pm and then dinner around 5 or 6pm....and sometimes a low calorie dessert in the evening. ;)
  • fabafter5
    fabafter5 Posts: 200 Member
    It depends on what you have and how hungry you are. In this case I would be hungry in about 20min!
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    How long should I wait in between meals and snacks?
    I just had String Cheese and Water for Breakfast at 11AM.
    [I know, I start late.]

    String cheese and water for breakfast isn't much of a breakfast, this may be why your thinking about snacks. Breakfast is supposed to be your largest meal of the day, I doubt you got many calories in on string cheese and water. That's very unhealthy and can hurt you if you continued to do that.
  • GreekByMarriage
    GreekByMarriage Posts: 320 Member
    String Cheese would not hold me for breakfast! I usually eat every 2 hours or so... but my breakfast is 2 eggs, 1 egg white, cheese, and toast. I ate at about 10:15 and will be getting my orange in about half an hour!
  • Kmmysk
    Kmmysk Posts: 5 Member
    I had String Cheese for breakfast because I ate a bunch of junk food around 12AM. And I'm not really that hungry this morning but I figured I'd have at least something
  • In general, they suggest eating every 2-4 hours, which works out to 6 meals - 3 meals and 3 snacks - per day. Even if Im not feeling particilulary hungry, I try to eat something little every couple of hours just to help keep my metabolism up.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    It's a myth that breakfast should be the largest meal of the day or that you need to keep grazing/eating regualrly to 'keep your metabolism up'. Eat when you're hungry. Simple. As long as you're snacking on healthy stuff is doesn't matter if you do it every 15 minutes or not at all.
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    It's a myth that breakfast should be the largest meal of the day or that you need to keep grazing/eating regualrly to 'keep your metabolism up'. Eat when you're hungry. Simple. As long as you're snacking on healthy stuff is doesn't matter if you do it every 15 minutes or not at all.

    Can you prove that it's a myth? I personally know a nutritionist who would disagree with your statement.
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 454 Member
    I eat about every two hours.


    8:00am today I had oatmeal with raisins and honey
    10:00am a clementine, string cheese and a handful of nuts
    12:00 low carb tortilla with pesto & cheese -- carrots and dip
    2pm banana with some yogurt
    5pm chicken breats & veggies
    7pm treat - ice cream bar!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    It's a myth that breakfast should be the largest meal of the day or that you need to keep grazing/eating regualrly to 'keep your metabolism up'. Eat when you're hungry. Simple. As long as you're snacking on healthy stuff is doesn't matter if you do it every 15 minutes or not at all.

    Can you prove that it's a myth? I personally know a nutritionist who would disagree with your statement.

    She is correct, your nutritionist isn't.

    See myth #1 and also see supporting studies provided in the above link.

    In short, thermic effect of food is based on calorie totals and to a lesser extent, macronutrient composition. It is not frequency based.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    It's a myth that breakfast should be the largest meal of the day or that you need to keep grazing/eating regualrly to 'keep your metabolism up'. Eat when you're hungry. Simple. As long as you're snacking on healthy stuff is doesn't matter if you do it every 15 minutes or not at all.

    Can you prove that it's a myth? I personally know a nutritionist who would disagree with your statement.

    And I know doctor's and studies that agree with my statement.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    It's a myth that breakfast should be the largest meal of the day or that you need to keep grazing/eating regualrly to 'keep your metabolism up'. Eat when you're hungry. Simple. As long as you're snacking on healthy stuff is doesn't matter if you do it every 15 minutes or not at all.

    Can you prove that it's a myth? I personally know a nutritionist who would disagree with your statement.

    She is correct, your nutritionist isn't.

    See myth #1 and also see supporting studies provided in the above link.

    In short, thermic effect of food is based on calorie totals and to a lesser extent, macronutrient composition. It is not frequency based.

    Thank you.
  • missADS1981
    missADS1981 Posts: 364 Member
    A good way to keep your metabolism up is to eat small meals throughout the day. It keeps your body burning those calories. If you don't eat your body will store that food in fear it won't eat again sometime soon. That's when the storing fat comes in. Keep most of your carbs to the before noon hours, slowly ween off the carbs after that. The carbs in the morning will help you feel fuller longer and give you the energy you need to get through the day. I eat every hour or two even if its a some apples, almonds or a protein bar
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    A good way to keep your metabolism up is to eat small meals throughout the day. It keeps your body burning those calories. If you don't eat your body will store that food in fear it won't eat again sometime soon. That's when the storing fat comes in. Keep most of your carbs to the before noon hours, slowly ween off the carbs after that. The carbs in the morning will help you feel fuller longer and give you the energy you need to get through the day. I eat every hour or two even if its a some apples, almonds or a protein bar

    Your body isn't gonna store fat because you haven't eaten in 2 hours. Myth.
    O and the carb eat carbs up until bed time

    I agree with Sidesteal.

    Meal frequency is a personal preference and have NO affect on your metabolism.
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    It's a myth that breakfast should be the largest meal of the day or that you need to keep grazing/eating regualrly to 'keep your metabolism up'. Eat when you're hungry. Simple. As long as you're snacking on healthy stuff is doesn't matter if you do it every 15 minutes or not at all.

    Can you prove that it's a myth? I personally know a nutritionist who would disagree with your statement.

    She is correct, your nutritionist isn't.

    See myth #1 and also see supporting studies provided in the above link.

    In short, thermic effect of food is based on calorie totals and to a lesser extent, macronutrient composition. It is not frequency based.

    Thank you.

    Good stuff!!! Thanks