Not enough time for exercise.



  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    Honestly, "not enough time for exercise" is equivocal to "I don't prioritize this enough". Sorry to be straightforward, but those who want to find a way, will. Those who don't want to, won't. I know, because that is the same excuse I used to use all the time.

    Try to shoot for bed earlier and squeeze in an early morning workout. I get up at 4-4:30 am to get a run/gym session in before work. Go for a walk on your lunch break. Make time on the weekends for exercise.

    As far as food choices, you can find more filling, fiber and protein rich foods. You can look at my diary to see what I tend to eat if you like.

    Make a commitment to getting healthy. Don't accept excuses. Make working out/exercising a big of a commitment as your job.

    A great post. I agree 100%
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Get up at 6am do an at home workout until 7am,

    Work out over lunch time.

    2 easy options.
  • madmickie
    madmickie Posts: 221 Member
    Barack Obama has time to work out..nuff said.
  • Plumbvz
    Plumbvz Posts: 6
    Most workouts can be done in an hour. I know that P90X is geared to at home and roughly an hour each exercise. In my case. I get up at 4:30, at the gym by a bit after five. Home by 6:30sih. Gather work day stuff. Work 10 hours (physical work also), come home and help the three kids with school work. Laundry, dinner, ect. It can be done. I thought that I wouldn't have time at first too. Just tried to talk myself out of it. But wouldn't have none of it. It is doable. Resolve to and believe in yourself.
  • lbartlem
    lbartlem Posts: 1 Member
    I also had the "I'm too busy" mentality. I was frustrated that I could only go to the gym Monday nights as Tuesdays to Thursdays I go straight from work to tenpin bowling and I usually don't get home till after 10pm. My solution is to walk the dog for 20-30 min in the morning before work (I leave at 7.30am so up at 6am) and also again at night no matter what time or weather. I'm also trying to go to the gym Fridays (depending if bf and I go out after work or not) and also trying to fit sessions in on the weekends along with bowling and everything else that needs doing around the house. At least I know that if I can't make it to the gym I'm still getting over 30min of excercise each day by walking the dog... and he loves it too so it can't be all bad!!