Bored during Cardio?



  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    CLASSES. CLASSES. CLASSES! I'm not saying that because I'm a group ex instructor..I'm saying that because I became one. After being a member of many gyms and quitting because I was bored, I tried spinning, and other cardio classes. I was self conscience and overweight at first, but the time went really fast and it kept things interesting. I loved it so much I lost 40 pounds and I now teach 9+ classes a week. Spinning is easy in that you don't have to be coordinated, and the room is usually dark. Give it a shot! :-)

    I agree. I love few things more than my twice-weekly cardio kickboxing class!

    and off-topic but I feel like you will appreciate this (person I'm quoting): I used to do a cycling class at 5:30am MWF and LOVED it. I moved, and recently got SUPER excited that my new gym was going to have cycling! Until I went in one day and saw the cycling class.... in the MIDDLE of the floor, with a stereo to pump their own music obnoxiously loud over what's piped in all day long. How ghetto is that!?!? Wtf!?
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I play on MFP on my phone...
  • raquelott
    raquelott Posts: 14
    I listen to really loud dance/upbeat music on my phone/headphones AND watch workout infomercials, like insanity, P90x and Brazil Butt Lift, zumba, etc. The loud music and watching people working out, and getting fit really motivates me.
  • TamiKiki
    TamiKiki Posts: 18 Member
    the cardio equipment is quite boring. I prefer group exercise classes (turbo kick/zumba/bootcamp are my favorites). When I can't get into a class, I put intervals on the stairclimber/bike/treadmill. Also, come in with a ipod or headset to watch the food network.
  • finchest
    finchest Posts: 245 Member
    Haha. I read ALL the time - it's basically what I do for a living (not really, but it would be if I could manage to land a job that would allow/encourage it - like in publishing! Ooh!) But anyway, where was I? Oh, right - I read all the time - I'll probably get through about 60 books per year..... and yet, I CANNOT read while exercising. Even on the machines where they put that nice little bar to hold your book/magazine in place. Can't do it.

  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    i listen to some really crazy *kitten* dubstep, it gets me goin.

    Got some recommendations, I should add dubstep to my playlist!
  • malins2
    malins2 Posts: 154 Member
    I do intervals, try to change speed and duration so you don't do the same interval workout every time. To keep track of the time and speed and keep changing it keeps me busy. And good music is important!
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Haha. I read ALL the time - it's basically what I do for a living (not really, but it would be if I could manage to land a job that would allow/encourage it - like in publishing! Ooh!) But anyway, where was I? Oh, right - I read all the time - I'll probably get through about 60 books per year..... and yet, I CANNOT read while exercising. Even on the machines where they put that nice little bar to hold your book/magazine in place. Can't do it.


    I suppose that would work. I was just referring to the people in the gym that have their book sitting there while they are "working out."

    ...sorry if that offends anyone but you shouldn't be able to read if you're actually doing a work out that is worth your time.