Relatively new & looking for MFP friends

Hi everyone! I started using MFP back in January but have stuck basically to my iPhone & iPad apps, until now ;) I'm looking to find some new friends on here.

I'm currently training for my first race in September-- it's runDisney's Tower of Terror 10-Miler. I still can't run for a straight mile yet but I've been training for the last 7 weeks and I've made some amazing progress. I figured signing up for the race and beginning training will keep me on the right, healthy path. Anyone else have a goal like that?


  • fmeryan
    fmeryan Posts: 5
    Hi jenny,

    I've started back eating healthy and exercising after a long plateau (have lost about 2st so far, and still have 2st to go) and would like some extra help/motivation! I've never really wanted to run before but have started doing the couch to 5k (c25k) programme which basically trains non-runners up to be able to run 5k in 8 weeks. Am only halfway through the first week but feeling so pumped and motivated, don't know why I didn't do it before! Feel free to add me. :) How is your training going?