New (to forums) - all extra motivation welcome!

Hey all,

My name's Fi and I've started back using MFP recently after Christmas/New Year/Birthday overindulgence! I've lost 2st so far (have been on a weight plateau for a good 12 months now!) and still have around 2st to go. I've recently started the couch to 5k training programme which teaches non-runners to run in 8-9 weeks....I'm actually really enjoying it - never thought I'd say that, as I've never been able to run at all! Feel free to add me, it'd be nice to have some extra motivation / friends with similar goals.


  • khagador
    khagador Posts: 175 Member
    Added! I'm a runner, but recovering from injury right now. Let me know if you have any questions at all. Good luck!
  • saucepanlyd
    saucepanlyd Posts: 10 Member
    added! I'm currently power walking to build up stamina and I hope to be able to run soon!
  • fmeryan
    fmeryan Posts: 5
    thanks all! I'm also a physiotherapist, so any throw any injury questions my way! :)
  • saucepanlyd
    saucepanlyd Posts: 10 Member
    a physio? Cool! I'm studying occupational therapy atm. Its a real motivator to get healthy!