New here...need motivation to treat my body with respect!

Hi I'm Alex. New on here as of breakfast this morning! I have struggled with being healthy for most of my life. My weight is constantly fluctuating because I don't take care of myself in the ways I need to. I have struggled with healthy dynamics of food, weight, exercise, and body image. I am ready to nourish my body and exercise with the intent of being healthy for once instead of weight loss being my focus. It would be nice to lose weight, but for me that is an unhealthy goal. I want to feel good about myself and stay motivated to make the right decisions for my health and my body! Any recipes, motivations, beginners workout ideas that won't be too overwhelming in the beginning would be much appreciated! Anyone who can help hold me accountable would be great. Thanks


  • Dwell4Design
    Dwell4Design Posts: 22 Member
    Great to meet you. I just started on here yesterday too. You have a great attitude and I think having a goal to be healthier overall will help you sustain your goals and the weight will come. Congratulations on taking the first step. Stay at it!
  • afmward1
    afmward1 Posts: 7
    Thank you :-).. Motivation isn't my strong point that's why i'm on here! Hopefully I can meet some people who will help me with this change!!