What's the wildest haircut u ever had :-?



  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    My mohawk. I love my mohawk. No matter how many times I try to grow my hair out, I always say "screw it" and shave it back. I've had my mohawk every colour, but my favorite has been fuschia with black on the sides. A phase it is not. I'm a 30 year old woman and mom.

    Fuschia With Black.... Ooooh.... I love it. :smile:
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Had a frizz-tastic perm for most of my childhood. Bangs too, also permed. The frizzier, the better. Anything to make Daddy happy. :ohwell:

    Heeeeee. Frizz-Tastic! :wink:
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Back when i was a strapping young lad, about Yey' high, age of 15, i had 14 inch blue mohawk.

    We all had some gnarly hair moments, whats urs?

    Niice... I bet that was niice. :smile:
  • aheartbeatsos
    Cut off most (save for an inch or so) of my hair and dyed it platinum blonde.
    I figured the blonde would distract people from the length. This wasn't the case.
    Also used spiking gel and gave myself a center part pinning back the front part with bobby pins.
    Eventually the bleaching caused my hair to fall out in clumps so the growing out process with something to see.
    Two words: Never. Again.
  • david581c
    david581c Posts: 337
    PS: david581c, your hair is amazing. To me you resemble a young Morrissey when he was in The Smiths. Very awesome (and handsome too)! :)
    U hit it on the head.
    I was listening to Moz and figured why not?
    I held a pic of "Bona Drag" up when i cut my hair in the mirror :D

    Sounds like some gnarly cuts everyones had here, esp the hawks, which im already biased toward :j
  • ShadowSylph
    the wildest? when it was long and I died it crazy colours I suppose...
    the worst?? about a year ago, the woman cut it all off and did a **** job - I had freaking shelves instead of layers all over, it was crooked, and the next day when I went back, she sat me down for another 30 minutes chopping it up some more.. finally the manager stepped in and was like "this is how you cut short hair"... it was supposed to be past my shoulders, and it ended up being up to my hairline in the back. I cried for three days... or four. :grumble:
    It was so awefull that I didn't know what to do with it, so I died it every colour under the sun trying to make it look better.. just ended up killing my hair. I'm still trying to grow it out... just keep cutting the dead hair off every couple months until it's decent enough to grow out again. :cry:
  • flopsy1973
    My hair is dark purple at the moment. Thinking about going a brighter purple but undecided :~)
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    head shaved underneath
    braided extensions
    differnt colours