Is 7 days a week too much?



  • sheila569
    sheila569 Posts: 269 Member
    I just posted this on my wall. This is from Power of 10. I'm not liking the book because the nutrition part is based on flawed conventional wisdom that I don't believe in but it will answer your question.

    :During exercise our bodies get temporarily weaker, not stronger. It’s during rest that we recover and make all our gains. This is a huge, unspoken problem with even the most popular weight-training and exercise programs. Whether you’re at the gym lifting or on the treadmill treading 6 days per week, you can’t possibly have time for the rest your body needs. It’s as if you were trying to grow a delicate crystal in water, but every day you come by and shake the glass. The crystal never has a chance. In the same way, too much exercise can be just as bad for you as too little. You reinjure yourself over and over, and never let your system reset itself and recover. You get muscle tears and strains, joint problems, chronic fatigue, and weakening of the immune system, so you get sick more often. Instead of building your body, you may be tearing it down. It amazes me how many dedicated exercisers hit the wall in their fitness programs and then stay there, month after months, without knowing why. They train harder and harder, when all they need is a little more rest.”

    You need to rest and recover for exercise to do its thing.

    I appreciate you responding. I have to say the "chronic fatigue and weakening immune system and being sick often" that the book states... just the opposite for me. I have mild asthma. Since I changed my diet and exercise habits, I have not had any attacks. I usually get bronchitis when the temps change, 1st time in more than 10 years no bronchitis.

    If my body needs rest, I'm sure it will let me know. But for right now, I have nothing but energy and positive health benefits.

    Thanks again for commenting on my post =)
  • sheila569
    sheila569 Posts: 269 Member
    I missed 2 days in February - one for sickness and one for a family function. If i had a dollar for every time I heard "you're pushing too hard" I'd have at least 20 bucks -

    You dont need to listen to what people tell you - I'm with most others here in regard to the "listen to your body" part -

    I train really really hard - when I overtrain, my body responds with pain and fatigue DURING my workout....

    when that happens, its time for a rest day - although I have ignored these signs more than once, and I'm still standing, still losing weight, still excited about going to the gym every day......

    Should you give your body a chance to rest? probably...Will yo competely fall apart because you're having fun and working hard by going to the gym every day? probably not.

    Bottom Line is you just need to pay attention to your body - it will tell you when something is wrong

    Glad I'm not nuts =) And thus far I would only have $1 with my comments about excess... but I got a feeling I'll be adding to it =)
  • sheila569
    sheila569 Posts: 269 Member
    My trainer says your body needs at least one day to recoup. He told me 7 was too many, that I should aim for 5 or 6 at the most.

    That's crazy, everybody's body adapts differently. One's diet and external stressors impact one's ability to train just as well. No hardfast rule.

    Thank you Cougar Bait =)
  • cwainwright12
    I really can't resist exercising every day but I do slow it down as my knees start to hurt if I do too much