Children and snacking



  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    We all snack. I have trouble keeping weight ON my kids, and they eat everything from broccoli to leeks. They will turn down food, even a treat, if they aren't hungry. They came here with good eating habits, I figure why would I mess with it?
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    my kids gets snacks one or two times a day.. if they wake up early enough (talking 6 am here) they get one between breakfast and lunch, and always have one between lunch and dinner. ive been considering an earlier dinner, which may end up cutting the afternoon snack out, but *shrug*
    sometimes its healthy (carrots and hummus, fruit, some other veggie) sometimes its a piece of candy.. if theyre thirsty between meals they get water, with meals its milk. very rarely do we let them eat in the truck anymore (unless we're on a long trip or something) but never drinks besides water in the truck.
  • hmstarbuck
    hmstarbuck Posts: 152 Member
    If the child is hungry, feed it! My son is 2 and is capable of telling me if he is hungry. I keep corn curls and chips in my house, as well apples oranges, bananas etc. He would MUCH rather have the fruit. But enjoy snacking on chips too. He will still eat his well balanced dinner that I cook. He's not overweight. He is an active 2 year old. They need fuel to function, to think, to learn. So, yes, I would absolutley let him have a snack at anytime.

    Eating in the car, yep. He does that too. I think my 15 year is messier than him. LOL! Actually, most times, he is asleep in the car.
  • rc630
    rc630 Posts: 310 Member
    Not sure how I feel about the amount of snacks kids get but I can say that when I have kids, they won't be allowed to eat in the car... I'm way too finicky about keeping my car clean, and most healthy snacks like fruit and veggies are too drippy/sticky/ etc to risk ruining the seats.
    Maybe my feelings will change when I actually have kids, because right now, my car IS my baby :)
  • EmilyMarieMo
    EmilyMarieMo Posts: 67 Member
    My kids are 4 1/2 and 1 1/2 (19 mths). They snack what seems like all day long. Both of them are under weight for their age range but they are at healthy weights for them per the Dr. We do eat in the car, and we do take snacks with us places if we are going to be out of the house a long time. And snacks at places like you mentioned... For example, my kids eat breakfast Sunday morning, but then have a snack in the nursery and pre-K class at church! I don't mind they eat it. It's not like they are feeding them bags of candy or chips for a snack, and it doesn't ever ruin their lunch after church.

    As long as the snacks are in the healthy to decent range for type of snack, and as long as they still eat their breakfast, lunch and dinner... then I see nothing wrong with it. It keeps the metabolism up and they are very active kids. I am a big stickler for Juice and Soda though! I do NOT allow caffeine at all for my kids unless it comes through the very smallest amount of UNsweetened Decaf Tea or a tiny treat of chocolate (which neither of those are often AT all). And I limit Juice and Soda (like Sprite or 7-up) to ONE sippy cup a day... meaning 4-8 oz depending on the size of the cup. Sometimes they don't even get that one cup a day. I stick to sugar free lemonade, milk and good ole water for the most part. And we take sippy cups of plain water with us almost everywhere we go in the car to stay hydrated! They are more likely to drink water out of boredom than eat snacks out of boredom IF I offer it that way. I've been known to give my toddler snacks to help keep him quite in a store or something if he starts getting loud and fussy, but for the most part, we take them in case of true hunger.

    I think the childhood obesity thing is highly related to how much kids sit now and days! I grew up eating snacks that were the unhealthy chips and cookies all the time, but I didn't start gaining a belly until I got to the age that most kids would stop riding bikes and start watching more TV. My kids LOVE outside! On decent weather days, at our home or at their in-home daycare they go to, my kids play in the back yard the majority of the day! And they love it! BUT technology these days has so many gadgets and things that cause kids to sit and play or watch or listen. Since Christmas, when my 4 1/2 yr old got one of those new gadgets, I do often find her sitting wanting to play it! I bought it with the intention of it being good for an attention keeper on road trips and times in the car, but she wants to play it at home also! So I have to now limit her if I see her on it for long periods at a time. I'll tell her to go play outside with her brother and once she goes out to play, I can't get them to ever come back in! :) So activity I think it key for these little ones!!!
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    My 8-year old gets a snack after school. Its 3-hours till dinner... she's famished.
    My 2-year old twins snack all day. They have tiny tummies and never sit down. (Sometimes not even to eat.)

    The problem comes in when all the snacks and meals are unhealthy AND the kids are sedentary.

    As for eating in the car, HECK YES!! I just washed the car seats and car today to clean up after a 3-hour trip to visit family. It was GROSS! But a hungry whiny kid can do a number on a person’s nerves… not good for anyone. You do what you have to do.
  • ritmeyer
    ritmeyer Posts: 136 Member
    Yes I give my kid snacks, but please don't tell child services.

    [Eyeroll]. I didn't mean it was abusive to feed your kid a snack! I just noticed a cultural shift in how kids are fed and was curious about it.

    Snack trap-great invention...but sometimes I will give them to my kids in church just to keep them quiet. Yep. I do.

    One of the things my dr has told me is when my kids ask for food, give it to them. (not when they ask for candy, asking for food) When they aren't hungry, don't force them to eat. Now, one would hope they are given nutritional snacks/food, as I try to do with mine. The whole, 3 squares eat everthing on your plate is not how we are doing eating in our house. I make 3 meals, but if the don't want to eat, they don't. But guess what your snack will be...reheated oatmeal!!! Yippee!! My kids drink water & milk and have fruits & veggies, peanut butter/hummus & crackers as snacks. They gets cookies, juice, ice cream and such as a treat, on the weekend. We don't kept it in the home. Then we would all graze on it :)

    I feed my kids in the car. My car is a mess. Swore I'd never do pretty much everything I do with my children....
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    We have a 12 year old and a 6 year old. They are both going through growth spurts and need a lot of food. I started trying to eat clean last month and have changed what we all eat in the process. We go through a LOT of fruit and veggies. For snacks, I make sure they both get protein and a small low sugar carb. When we have games etc.. on the weekends, other families bring sugar laden snacks. Boy can I tell in their energy when they get home. Wild and then exhaused and grumpy. I have also found healthy choices of meats to be really important. Children need protein and lots of fat. If we go meatless, we always include beans and a small amount of cheese.

    Maybe you can help them make small choices at first, replace soda with water, replace a cookie with an apple..... etc... you are so sweet to notice and take an interest. Maybe you will be the one to help them achieve health. Good luck!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I feed my kids in the car. My car is a mess. Swore I'd never do pretty much everything I do with my children....

    I'd like to LOL in a light hearted funny way...but I am right there with you so I will LOL with a sigh thrown in. LOL sigh. It took me about four hours last Saturday to clean out my 4runner and carpet clean what I could only get out of the seats and floors - about 75% of the stains.
  • hdlb123
    hdlb123 Posts: 112 Member
    My kids snack. They have breakfast around 7, snack at 10, lunch at noon, snack at 3, and dinner at 6. I also snack at those times. But when I say snack, their choices are: whole wheat crackers, pretzels, rice crackers, fruit, veggies, berries, and for my oldest, cheese and yogurt. They don't get chips, candy, etc. Those are rare treats, not snacks.

    We also don't have juice or pop. Maybe once a month they will get a cup of juice. We also don't drink milk. They drink water, and they don't complain.

    They eat in the car if we are on a road trip.
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    I feed my kids in the car. My car is a mess. Swore I'd never do pretty much everything I do with my children....

    I'd like to LOL in a light hearted funny way...but I am right there with you so I will LOL with a sigh thrown in. LOL sigh. It took me about four hours last Saturday to clean out my 4runner and carpet clean what I could only get out of the seats and floors - about 75% of the stains.

    Yep, never say never when it comes to parenting. ;)
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    I have 4 kids, and they have always had 3 meals and 2 snacks a day. None of them have a weight problem. Snacks are usually healthy- fruit, granola bar, yogurt, dried fruit and almonds, baked crackers, string cheese, etc- but I do let them have an occasional pop-tart, oreo, or home baked treat. :) They have juice once a day, milk once or twice, and water the rest of the time. Oh- 1/2 a cup of soda on Friday nights.

    I think eating often and having variety has helped them have a healthy attitude towards nutrition, and keeps their metabolism humming.

    They are allowed to have non-messy snacks in the car on occasion if we are out and about or on a trip.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    woah whats with the snack nazi?

    It's perfectly normal for children to have snacks. Children generally needs more calories than adults because they are growing and should be active(running around and playing, etc.)

    Now a child should not be snacking on cookies, chips, soda, ice cream, etc., but there is nothing wrong with healthy snacks like fruit, yogurt, string cheese, cottage cheese, veggies, etc.

    I give my niece and nephews a snack after i pick them up from school. it's usually yogurt or fruit(their choice) and then they eat dinner at home with their parents(well actually they usually eat out, my sister is terribly lazy and an unhealthy eater but that's a diff subject)

    I however cannot stand children eating in the car. On a really long trip i might let them have a snack but generally i don't even allow it then. That's what rest areas are for.
    Some peoples vehicles are beyond disgusting because they allow children/people to eat in there.
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    My kids are 3 and 2 and the doctor actually recommends that they snack in between meals. They are SOOO active. Think about how much we are encouraged on this site to eat smaller meals throughout the day to help our metabolism. Kids metabolism is extremely active and so they need the fuel to continue to GROW!!!!! Neither of my children are overweight and they snack on all sorts of things--everything in moderation is the key in our house.

    As I write this, they are eating a snack--cheese, crackers, and asparagus. :) I have one girl who favors protein, the other who definitely favors carbs, but I just keep an eye on their plates and try and put it together with an even balance, then on the rare occasions when they ask for seconds, I make sure they've eaten the balance first.

    Our bodies need fuel to sustain us, and there is simply no way that I am as active as my toddlers, so it's only LOGICAL that they need fuel to sustain them and help them grow! With that said, HEALTHY snack choices are necessary, but treats here and there are fun!
  • libby555
    libby555 Posts: 43 Member
    Have you ever heard someone say eat an apple before a meal so you don't eat as much (therefore overeating) ? While I try to cook as healthy as possible it's not always entirely healthy (i.e white rice, pasta). I was always taught that you don't eat right before dinner so not to spoil your appetite. But I no longer agree. Eating a sensible healthy snack before dinner helps me to slow down when I eat my meal and most of the time I don't even finish the entire meal because I am full. I always allow my child a healthy snack (fruit, veggie or homemade granola bar) at any time and when it is time to eat they are served very small portions such as the size of their fist for each item. If they want more I will gladly serve them more but most of the time they are completely satisfied with one serving. Isn't this the way it should be? Aren't we taught to eat smaller meals throughout the day in order to loose/maintain our metabolism and weight? Why do we then do things so differently with out children? I am hoping to teach my children to eat sensibly and to fill their bodies with healthy foods in hopes that they don't again learn (from me and hubby) to gorge on unhealthy items. If they don't grow up eating such foods maybe they won't "crave" them like we do now? Only time will tell but it's worth a shot :)