confused and discouraged

magnolia1077 Posts: 70
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
I've been doing MFP for 5 weeks now. The first 2 I lost 7 lbs and was excited to finally see something working for a change. Well the past 3 weeks I've lost nothing. I've been mesuring each week and there was a little change all over the past 2 weeks and I was fine with that. Now Nothing. No change in scale or inches. I worked my a@@ off this week doing circut training everyday. I have a calf muscle injury which has made it hard to run or jog which I enjoy doing. I am eating my calories like I should and have never gone over. In the beginning I had trouble eating all my calories but I have overcome that and have more healthy snacks on hand. I'm so discouraged! :frown: I have read posts that talk about the week 3 and 4 loss slow down but what does discourage me is that in the previous weeks I should have lost more than 7 lbs. I went from eating a bag of doritos and sitting on the couch all day to eating healthy and working out all day long, so it should have just started falling off and yet it hasn't.

What am I doing wrong? What can or should I be doing differently? I am starting to get to the point where being fat is just going to be my way of life. :sad: One thing I am wondering about is that I do save calories for my nightly vodka and diet coke. Could this be what is keeping me from loosing weight?? I drink more than enough water each day but I do love my wind down drink of the night. just curious.


  • I've been doing MFP for 5 weeks now. The first 2 I lost 7 lbs and was excited to finally see something working for a change. Well the past 3 weeks I've lost nothing. I've been mesuring each week and there was a little change all over the past 2 weeks and I was fine with that. Now Nothing. No change in scale or inches. I worked my a@@ off this week doing circut training everyday. I have a calf muscle injury which has made it hard to run or jog which I enjoy doing. I am eating my calories like I should and have never gone over. In the beginning I had trouble eating all my calories but I have overcome that and have more healthy snacks on hand. I'm so discouraged! :frown: I have read posts that talk about the week 3 and 4 loss slow down but what does discourage me is that in the previous weeks I should have lost more than 7 lbs. I went from eating a bag of doritos and sitting on the couch all day to eating healthy and working out all day long, so it should have just started falling off and yet it hasn't.

    What am I doing wrong? What can or should I be doing differently? I am starting to get to the point where being fat is just going to be my way of life. :sad: One thing I am wondering about is that I do save calories for my nightly vodka and diet coke. Could this be what is keeping me from loosing weight?? I drink more than enough water each day but I do love my wind down drink of the night. just curious.
  • Well muscle weights more the fat. That will show on the scale. Keep doing what you're doing and soon you will see a diffence. It took me a long time before is the weight change. Just keep up the good work. You'll get it. Have faith in yourself.
  • It sounds like your body is hoarding the calories because of the workouts. You need to do some strength training and a little less cardio for a couple of days. I hit a plateau for almost 4 days and ended up going out to dinner one night and got more protein than I normally take in as well as some starches which I don't usually eat. I also added some aerobics (25 minutes) a few times a week and I'm losing again. Good luck
  • I know how you feel. I went from eating junk food and sitting on the couch everyday to exercising and eating right too. I lost 10 lbs. the first week and then the second week nothing. Now I'm in the third week and still no more weight loss. I'm thinking whats the point but I'm tired of being fat too. I dont know what advice to give you but to stick with it. I know I am and just hope for some weight loss soon. At least we'll be healthier.
  • kykayser
    kykayser Posts: 1
    don't give up!! i don't have any advice for you other than that. you inspire me and i'm sure lots of others because you are working so hard! don't overdo it and be patient with yourself. you're doing great and you're making yourself more healthy for yourself and your family!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Well, if you average it out, you've lost 7 lbs in 5 weeks. That is great progress. Give it a little more time. Sometimes our bodies need a period of time to adjust to such a radical change. Then, if still no change start tweaking a little - eat more or less of your exercise calories - depending on what your doing now. Maybe change your exercise routine. But, first, I would say give it a little more time! And good job! :drinker:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I don't know about you,,, but I didn't get fat in 5 weeks. :laugh:

    Parience is a virtue. This takes time and stick-to-itiveness. You're doing fine, what you're experiencing is normal and we've all been there. Just relax and stay with it and you'll get there. We're all making progress.

    You don't lose this game until you quit playing - so don't.

    Here's something I posted a while back,,, read this over and think about the changes you've seen already.

    """Lot of changes since I joined MFP and started a healthier lifestyle,,,

    My BP was 150/90, now it's 110/65

    My resting pulse was 76, now it's 56.

    3 flights of steps used to wind me, now I can climb 10 flights at steady pace.

    The first 5 minutes on an elliptical machine killed me, now I do 20 minutes every morning and increase my load by increasing intensity.

    I used to suffer from severe sleep apnea, and didn't sleep soundly enough to dream for several years and spent my days dead on my feet. Now I sleep much better and have loads of energy and dream nearly every night.

    I spend my weekends teaching motorcycling, which involves hours & hours of walking around on blacktop moving orange cones around - plus a little teaching and riding. Last year I did it at 265 pounds, and it almost killed me. I finished every class feeling completely burned out.

    Well,,, This past weekend I taught my first class of the new season, and guess what - it was easy! I mean really no biggie easy. Worked the day job friday. I taught a classroom session Friday night 6-10pm. Then I taught for 14 hours on Saturday, then I did it again on Sunday. I was tired at the end, but not "lay down and die" tired, and that's a great great thing.

    I weighed 270 pounds when I started, and now I've been in the low 230's for close to a month. I look and feel much better and I've basically accomplished the health goals I had, but I still want that 200 number. I think 'm at Bank's dreaded phase 4:

    """Phase 4. Really digging in.
    This is where the second wall can happen. You're probably at between 3 and 4 months by now, and if you have gone this far, you feel like you have already suceeded. This is where many people stumble. they are tired of the routine, tired of eating different things from all their friends, limiting their alcohol intake. Basically the shine has worn off. this is when your really need to plant your feet. Maybe change up your exercise routine, make a concentrated effort to find different, but still nutritional food. Talk to people. And examine how far you have come. At this point, no matter how much external motivation you receive, it's all about believing in yourself! """

    So here we are. I'm on a plateau, still working and watching the chow and being careful and yet I'm not reducing much right now, and I'm pretty Ok with that. In my case I'm not really that tempted to fall off the wagon, because I've yo-yoed before and I know how easy it is to lose what I've gained.

    Stay with it guys,,, it may take a long time to get where you want to be - and I'm certainly not there yet - but every little bit is better than where you were, and that's pretty good too.

    Banks' seminal work:
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Why do you think you should have lost more than 7lbs in the first 2 weeks?

    7 lbs = 24,500 calories.

    It would be very hard to lose more than that unless it is water weight. I understand the drastic change you have made in your lifestyle which is fantastic but your weight loss is proportional to the deficit between what you eat and what your body burns not the defict between what you eat now compared to what you use to eat. If your diet was really bad before than you were probably gaining weight each week. Thus if you think about it you have not only lost 7lbs but you have avoided gaining the lbs you would have gained if you hadn't changed your eating habits.

    I'm not trying to be harsh just realistic. You are doing a GREAT job. 7 lbs in 2 weeks is awesome and some plateaus are expected, but I suspect your body is still adjusting to the fact that you are changing your lifestyle. Also, just because the scale isn't moving that DOESN'T mean you AREN'T losing fat. Give it some time and don't obsess over the scale. Stay on track and you will get the results you are looking for. It just takes some time, but you CAN do this. :flowerforyou:
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    One thing I am wondering about is that I do save calories for my nightly vodka and diet coke. Could this be what is keeping me from loosing weight?? I drink more than enough water each day but I do love my wind down drink of the night. just curious.

    I don't think there is anything wrong with one drink each night. However, I would suggest perhaps some healthier alternatives like a glass of red wine? If you have your heart set on diet coke and vodka I'd suggest drinking caffiene free diet coke so it won't keep you up at night.

    Do you drink a lot of diet pop throughout the day? I've read several threads that diet pop can hinder weightloss ...
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Do you want to lose weight?
    Do you want to be healthier?

    Were you doing either following your former lifestyle?

    Have you lost weight?
    Are you healthier?

    Every ounce lost is a blessing. Why would you want to give up on progress and a healthier lifestyle?
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Do you want to lose weight?
    Do you want to be healthier?

    Were you doing either following your former lifestyle?

    Have you lost weight?
    Are you healthier?

    Every ounce lost is a blessing. Why would you want to give up on progress and a healthier lifestyle?

    Well Said!!!
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    Well, if you average it out, you've lost 7 lbs in 5 weeks. That is great progress.

    This is exactly what I was thinking... this and the fact that it was probably water weight in the beginning and is now probably being replaced by real weight loss, so it's averaging out? I don't know, I'm no expert, that's just my guess.

    Take victory in the weight you've lost and keep trying your best.
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    Well muscle weights more the fat. That will show on the scale. Keep doing what you're doing and soon you will see a diffence. It took me a long time before is the weight change. Just keep up the good work. You'll get it. Have faith in yourself.

    Muscle doesn't weigh more then fat, muscle is lean therefore takes up less room, a pound is a pound.

  • 7 lbs = 24,500 calories.

    I like this thinking process.

    Also I save my diet coke for my night "dessert" as I call it. I only drink 1 a day and that is the one I choose. The rest of the day is water water water
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member

    7 lbs = 24,500 calories.

    I like this thinking process.

    Also I save my diet coke for my night "dessert" as I call it. I only drink 1 a day and that is the one I choose. The rest of the day is water water water

    Is it caffiene free?

    Honestly, i don't think a drink a day will hurt your weightloss especially if you are saving some calories for it. Hopefully you make smaller drinks than me. I tend to use big glasses :blushing:
  • MisoSoup79
    MisoSoup79 Posts: 517
    One thing I am wondering about is that I do save calories for my nightly vodka and diet coke. Could this be what is keeping me from loosing weight?? I drink more than enough water each day but I do love my wind down drink of the night. just curious.

    I don't think there is anything wrong with one drink each night. However, I would suggest perhaps some healthier alternatives like a glass of red wine? If you have your heart set on diet coke and vodka I'd suggest drinking caffiene free diet coke so it won't keep you up at night.

    Do you drink a lot of diet pop throughout the day? I've read several threads that diet pop can hinder weightloss ...

    Jillian Michaels has stated on her show that consuming alcohol can cut your body's ability to burn fat by up to 70%. If she is correct, and you are consuming nightly, then this could be dramatically slowing your progress.

    What percentage of your daily calories are given to your drink?
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    1 lb of muscle doesnt weigh more than 1lb of fat....

    I found this article because I see is so many posts people saying that muscle weighs more than fat.

    A pound is a pound, no matter what the 2 items are that are being weighed.............

    Muscle takes up less space.....


    5 lbs. of fat is much bulkier than the 5 lbs. of muscle, but five pounds is still five pounds. Muscle does not weigh more than fat.

    Fat is bulky and lumpy so if you carry an extra five pounds of fat, you'll be lumpier than with five pounds more muscle. A five pound pile of fat will take up more space (volume) than a five pound pile of muscle; but five pounds is still five pounds, so for those of you that don't "get" English, you cannot say one thing weighing a certain weight weighs more than another thing at that same weight. It's a common joke to play on an 8-year old. The correct way to state the muscle weighs more than fat scenario is, "Muscle is heavier by volume than fat."

    A woman weighing 150 pounds with 19% fat will look much smaller (and be much healthier) than a woman at 150 pounds with 35% fat. They weigh the same, yet the composition is different. Because muscle is more dense than fat the person with less fat and more muscle will look smaller.

    Stop being so obsessed with body weight and start paying attention to body composition. How much body fat do you have compared to muscle? Simply seeing how much you weigh isn't very helpful.
  • allyson I posted to you on the other topic I had about the meals ;)

    Which plan did you choose for the e-zmeals ? It looks like it's just for dinners, but that is the thing I have the most problems with anyhow ;)

    I am thinking of ordering the low fat meal plan ? Can you change I wonder during your subscription ??

    As far as being confused and discouraged... DONT be ! You CAN DO THIS !!!!! I used to weigh 276 lbs ! You can so do this !!!!!! I can't tell you how much the program Beach Body changed my life. No gimmicks no pills, none of that... just push play each day and the results are just off the hook :) I am doing chalene extreme right now and then I am onto P90x.... I also loved it so much I became a coach with them AND I'm taking it one step further.. I am going to Santa Ana in August to get Certified for Turbo KICK ! I'm thinking of opening my own local studio !!! I know, crazy !!!!! So you CAN do this !!!!!!

    Feel free to PM me or you can visit my page at

    Hang in there ;) Anything you need just ask ;)
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Alcohol is not conducive to weight loss. Ever wonder why they call it a beer belly? I find if I have a coupl of glasses of wine, my weight loss slows down. I have a drink very rarely now and I use dto have them nearly every night.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Alcohol is not conducive to weight loss. Ever wonder why they call it a beer belly? I find if I have a coupl of glasses of wine, my weight loss slows down. I have a drink very rarely now and I use dto have them nearly every night.

    I have a friend who is a big fan of beer who is now seeing a nutritionist. She told him that the problem with the alcohol thing is not only the extra calories but that consuming more than two alcoholic beverages can notably slow you BRM (Basic metobolic rate) So extra calories plus a slow down in metabolism is a double whammy. From personal experience my wife and I are doing this together. she has wine nightly but always fits it in to her calories. She gave the wine up for one week as a challenge and the scale started moving much faster. Just my personal experience.

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