A wee introduction

Hey Everyone,

I've always been pretty active and my weight's never been a huge issue but I recently tore my meniscus and have been out of the commission for about 4 months. After Christmas I was finally cleared to start exercising again. During that time I put on about 20 pounds. I've managed to take 11 of it off but now want to get even fitter. My ultimate goal is to be down to 145lbs but my short term goals is 165 by May 19th (my college graduation).

Anyway, in addition to getting back to fighting trim, I'm also trying to increase my speed so I can move positions on my Rugby team. I'm tired of propping and am ready to flank.

That's about it...Nice meeting you all!



  • Therealtko
    Considering I was typing up my intro as you apparently posted yours, we both had a similar title with "wee" included! Thought it was funny and was curious if I could add you. I know we don't each other, but I figured any encouragement is better than none, right?

    And I have friends that are into Rugby at my university :]
  • RCadence
    RCadence Posts: 79
    Welcome to MFP! Don't worry, you'll sure get a lot of cheers and woops from the guys on here; they're great!

    Add me if you want, you can never get enough people cheering you on!