I love fennel

I love it raw but does anyone know some good recipes using fennel?


  • Debdebx3
    Debdebx3 Posts: 2 Member
    I love it raw too! I put it in everything lol
  • harebearva
    harebearva Posts: 216 Member
    This isn't fresh fennel but fennel seed. I make this simple but good pizza sauce. Just get a can of diced tomatoes with basil garlic and oregano. put it in a blender and grind in about a teaspoon of fennel seed. and blend. awesome stuff. Use flatouts sandwich flats and a little 2 % mozzarella and your golden.
  • Curvy1taliana
    Curvy1taliana Posts: 371 Member
    roasted with olive oil and balsamic vinegar!!
  • sing4me4you
    sing4me4you Posts: 88 Member
    How long would you roast it for?