Weight loss while breastfeeding



  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    Hey Everyone! I just had my second daughter just over 3 months ago and have decided to start trying to lose weight! I'm going to aim to workout about 3 times a week! I went to the freedieting website and it says I should be consuming 2093 calories while breastfeeding and that was with 3 workouts a week! MFP has me at 1480 calories a day and I came in way under that today... guess I'm not eating enough for workingout and breastfeeding! Thanks for sharing that link!!

    Anyone feel free to Add me!

    Also remember that MFP does not account for breastfeeding, so you should be adding 500 to your 1480.
  • JenMarty2014
    I'm a bf mom also, I'm eating 1800 calories a day and I've noticed that I've been losing weight just because I changed my eating habits. I drink lots and lots of water and I've noticed my supply has been good. I'm was told not to lose more then 3 pounds a week because of the milk. I have a 5 month old baby boy so I need my milk for awhile longer!
  • csj2885
    Im 36 wks and in 40 bmi might need to get sent to the city (live in a small twn)to have my baby so gaping that the 1800 calorie works for me have history of diabetes and high blood pressure don't want to b a statistic