Who started new years day? How are you doing?

Started New Years day (usual New Years resolution!) and am actually still going! I am 33lb down and pretty proud of myself! Still a long way to go but feeling more confident now that I'm actually going to keep this up!

how is everyone else doing?


  • LauraMyny
    LauraMyny Posts: 34 Member
    Hi! I started about a week after the new year and Im 21 lbs down :) I never want to stop, it feels too good!!!
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    That is amazing! 33 pounds lost!? Congrats!
    I started a few weeks ago, I've been on here before and off and now I'm back! I'm not stepping on the scale til March 30th (my birthday!) so I'm not sure how I'm doing! Otherwise--I'm doing just great! Have an amazing day!

  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    I fall into the correct time frame. I actually started in December, not as a resolution but because I found a gym cheap enough to convince the accountant wife to let me join. Down 14 Lbs and 4 inches. i started with the muscle instead of the fat, so I've spent most of my time lifting with a little cardio every day.

    33 Lbs is a great number! Good job.
  • Redgal56
    Redgal56 Posts: 73 Member
    Only 6 lbs. I have been stuck for weeks. *SIGH*
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I joined MFP on 1/4 and have lost 11 pounds. It's going a little slower than I had hoped, but I am limited as to cardio exercise I can do. I shouldn't complain. I have lost at least the 1 pound per week. I envy those who can be more active. :ohwell:
  • alumpoflard
    alumpoflard Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks everyone and well done to you all too! I did start with 132lb to lose, and it is easier to start with bigger numbers the more you have to lose. Settled down now to about 2lb a week, but I keep going by working out how much I will have lost by Easter...then summer..then Christmas!
  • StartingOver12
    33 is awesome! I am down 22 since New Years.
  • HisMissus
    HisMissus Posts: 119 Member
    Started Jan 2nd, sister-in-law's 30th on new years day so there was no point starting then! Have currently lost 17lbs and 3 pairs of trousers that no longer fit :)
  • alumpoflard
    alumpoflard Posts: 95 Member
    Well I've worked out between the 8 replies to this post and me we have lost 124lb! That's a whole other person! I like the 3 pairs of trousers lost too! I have started a bag of clothes that are too big, to put in the loft (but think maybe they should go to the charity shop so that I'm not tempted to grow back into them!)
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Congrats to you all! I hope it has worked well enough to keep it up, too. Getting healthy is exciting!
  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    I didn't start on Jan. 1 but since that day I am down 16 lbs. Starting to run out of weight to lose; 17 more to go!
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    I started on 1st of Jan, but I've had a few wobbles. I slipped a disc in my back and couldn't work out for 9 days....and I fell off the diet wagon during that time too.

    I've lost 14lbs (my ticker includes the 11lbs I lost last January too and managed to keep off).

    I'm not weighing in again until April, and I have around 18lbs to go.

    33lbs is amaaaaazing!!
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member
    I guess I personally don't buy into the new years resolution thing...if you can't make a decision and stick with it because that is what you want, the calendar is probably not going to make a difference. Do something or don't do something.
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    I guess I personally don't buy into the new years resolution thing...if you can't make a decision and stick with it because that is what you want, the calendar is probably not going to make a difference. Do something or don't do something.

    It's the 7th of March, so I guess we've all stuck with our resolution!
  • nigel217
    nigel217 Posts: 9 Member
    Congratulations everyone on your great results.

    I started on New Years Day and am down 31 pounds (14KG) and have also just completed week 7 of the C25K program. I'm finding that clothes that were far too tight at the start of the year now not only fit but are too loose. I've already had to buy a new belt and suspect I'll need some new trousers in the next month.

    More than anything I love the extra energy and zest for life I've found recently. One morning I was walking to work from the station and felt I was gliding over the ground - prior to the change in lifestyle this had me slightly breathless and feeling my leg muscles cramp.

    I've still got another 60 - 70 pounds to get down to target weight but feel committed to carrying on the journey.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I started my weight loss plan New Years Day 2011. I joined MFP in March 2011. I met my goal in April 2011. I have been maintaing and losing more very slowly since. Had a minor setback from Thanksgiving to Christmas, but that was expected and quickly remedied.
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member
    I guess I personally don't buy into the new years resolution thing...if you can't make a decision and stick with it because that is what you want, the calendar is probably not going to make a difference. Do something or don't do something.

    It's the 7th of March, so I guess we've all stuck with our resolution!

    You guys are doing a great job...not taking anything away from that. Keep up the good work and here's a happy, healthier us! :)

    I just say that because I have some friends that start working out and eating right every new years like clockwork....and it seems to always fall apart on them. :/ Too bad.
  • jacquelynkay
    jacquelynkay Posts: 149 Member
    Started New Years day (usual New Years resolution!) and am actually still going! I am 33lb down and pretty proud of myself! Still a long way to go but feeling more confident now that I'm actually going to keep this up!

    how is everyone else doing?

    Way to go!!!! You have been dedicated :) Kudo's to you :)
  • jacquelynkay
    jacquelynkay Posts: 149 Member
    What do go!!!! A huge success! I wish you the very best on the rest of your weight loss. -Jacquelyn
    Congratulations everyone on your great results.

    I started on New Years Day and am down 31 pounds (14KG) and have also just completed week 7 of the C25K program. I'm finding that clothes that were far too tight at the start of the year now not only fit but are too loose. I've already had to buy a new belt and suspect I'll need some new trousers in the next month.

    More than anything I love the extra energy and zest for life I've found recently. One morning I was walking to work from the station and felt I was gliding over the ground - prior to the change in lifestyle this had me slightly breathless and feeling my leg muscles cramp.

    I've still got another 60 - 70 pounds to get down to target weight but feel committed to carrying on the journey.
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    I started the day after. I'm down 18 lbs and getting ready to do my 1st 1/2 marathon on April 1.