HELP! hip pain help

GownleyC2 Posts: 72 Member
edited November 12 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok, I'm trying not to panic. Here is my problem. I went for a run today for the first time in 3 and half weeks. I ran 5 miles and during my run I was feeling pain in my left hip and lower back. I ran through the pain. I am still in pain. I am icing it as I speak. What could if be. I started to google hip pain and I didn't like what I was reading. It is sore when I walk. If feels like joint pain? Should I make an appointment with my Dr? I can't miss any trainning time.


  • GownleyC2
    GownleyC2 Posts: 72 Member
    It is feeling a little better today. I am going to do eliptical today and do a 4 mile tomorrow.
  • Lauraph
    Lauraph Posts: 79 Member
    I have hip pain when I log a lot of miles. Stretching is crucial - hamstring and quads. Google "runners stretches" and do them consistently. Good luck
  • You may want to try pigeon pose (yoga position) to help stretch your piriformis and psoas muscles. Standing figure fours also help with both of those.
  • GownleyC2
    GownleyC2 Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you for the advice everyone. I need to get back into doing my yoga. Thanks all
  • jabba11
    jabba11 Posts: 44 Member
    Dont run through the pain. Pain is your bodies way of telling you to stop...
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Foam roll your IT band...that sounds identical to pain my friend was having in almost the same situation. STRETCH!!!!
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    Sorry to hear about this- ouch! I have no idea and am not much of a runner...but I am working up to it. I read an article today that said some people may develop hip pain from running on the same side of the road all the time (yes the side you are supposed to but still).

    Good luck!
  • blueandigo
    blueandigo Posts: 296
    I have hip problems. My hips are twisted out of the socket so I have pain when I am doing anything. I can't even squat, but I have learned to work through these issues.

    When your hips are hurting your back is actually what is hurting(my granny told me this, she has a steel plate in her back), because your back is like the central part of your body. A lot of your main nerves are there.

    You can't jump back into it and expect to be how your were weeks ago. You have to stretch and take it slow.

    We can only take care of ourselves, so protect yourself and be careful.
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    How are your shoes? Also, sometimes my hip(s) hurt from sitting at my desk all day. I have to get up and walk around more. But shoes were key for me to not have hip pain from running.
  • jlenz74
    jlenz74 Posts: 30
    stretching is always good before working out but it could be something more. I had pain in my hip/lower back. I thought I pulled a muscle. The pain was intense and sometimes I could barley get my leg to work. I went to a chiropractor and found out my hip was out of place and not alined properly. Once he got my hip back into place it felt so much better. good luck
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Very similar to the sciatic pain I go through - the muscle gets tight and pinches the nerve which goes up your leg and into your hip. I see a chiropractor and do various yoga poses to stretch that muscle out. If it doesn't resolve in a few days, I would see your doctor.
  • GownleyC2
    GownleyC2 Posts: 72 Member
    I do need new shoes. I am going tomorrow to my local running store to get new shoes. If the pain continues I am going to see the Dr. I think I will do stretches and get back to my yoga 2 times a week. I know I shouldn't have jumped back into a 5 mile but I did and now I will deal. Thank you again all for your help.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    I recommend seeing a chiropractor... perhaps get a referral to a physical therapist for some exercises to alleviate the pain and strengthen the hip area.

    When my hubby blew his disk, he went the physical therapy route, and as a side benefit, I got some exercises to help with my hip and knee pain. PTs truly know their stuff!

    Don't ignore it... it can get worse.
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