Post Work-Out Hunger.



  • OneChanceOneLife
    OneChanceOneLife Posts: 26 Member
    Eat more meals throughout the day. If you get cramps during your workout you are either eating the wrong foods, eating too much, or not giving enough time between eating and working out. For the most part I avoid fiber or anything else that might mess with my stomach if I do cardio (i.e. eggs), but I try to keep to the protein sandwich (usually a protein shake or protein bar before and after working out). Hydrating will help with the hunger. Although you will be hungry and have to fuel yourself, being dehydrated will also give you the feeling of hunger. Lastly and probably most importantly if you tend to binge eat after workouts, don't stuff your face and inhale your food, lol. I normally have my protein shake or bar and some liquids then shower then eat my meal. I've avoided eating a ton like that but you have to see what works for you.