Hello, in need of encouragement.

Hey there,

This is my 3rd attempt of MFP. I'm terrible with these sort of things, I always feel bad if I have an off day and eat something I should, or don't exercise, so I end up neglecting my account. I also have a problem with asking for help. Eeep!

I'm off to Uni in September, and I would love to be fitter than I am now. You know, with some confidence. Well, that's the dream.

Anyway, I'd love to speak to some of you guys, feel free to add me :) xx


  • lally100
    lally100 Posts: 17
    Always here!!
  • You know, that's the thing that makes a lot of people quit dieting. You just gotta learn that it's OK to have a bad day or a couple bad days. Everyone does it! Sometimes you body just needs a rest. There are days when I get a little carried away with the deserts lol, but the next day I just exercise more and realize that, that was the other day, it's not now. The fact that I love cooking and baking doesn't really help, but when you adjust to a certain lifestyler, your way of thinking changes quite a bit. Mine did, and now instead of getting a big piece of cake, I'm getting a stick of celery. You'll adjust, too:)
    I sent you a friend request:)
  • Hi

    I'm the same, this is my second attempt at MFP, I'm just trying to be generally healthier, for example getting a salad for lunch and making my own meals rather than getting ready meals and I have found it really enjoyable getting to know what's good for you and what and how you should be eating so it doesnt feel like a chore and I definitely feel healthier!
    also going to the gym has become part of my routine now and I have come a long way in the past couple of months.
    Even though I haven't seen much change yet I have a lot more energy and have toned up a bit, so i'm hoping to see some real results soon :)

    don't give up, it takes time and baby steps are definitely the way forward, its the little things that make all the difference :p
  • katiej122
    katiej122 Posts: 125 Member
    Hey, feel free to add me if you like, we sound very similar :) this is my second go at myfitness pal, but the thing I like about weight loss is that you can never run out of second chances. It's never too late and every day is another chance to get it right!
  • This is my 2nd attempt, got bored the last time and was really fed up with logging everything. One of my best friends is also looking to lose weight so along with another friend, the 3 of us are encouraging each other to stick to it and so far we're doing quite good :smile:
    Even if you do have a "bad" day it's not the end of the world, plus everyone deserves a treat now and again! :happy:
  • flsl
    flsl Posts: 75 Member
    Hi there,

    I was the same (maybe worse). Would give up after a week cos there was no result.
    But this time, with a bit of support, have got through the slow weeks, and as the other poster said, if you have an off meal, just make up for it with extra exercise.

    Also, its worth watching out for addictions. I think Im addicted to chocolate, If I have one bar I want more.
    So sometimes its worth trying a week without something to see how you feel.

    The most important thing is to have some support during those tough weeks. Although most of the work is yours, that 10% of support from others (here or otherwise) can make all the difference
  • The way I look at weight loss is like this. You can't always be perfect, and no one expects you to. But using a sight like MFP enables you to track progress, along with being accountable for how hard or light you go at this. I feel as long as I am on the downhill, or flat, I am moving in the right direction.

    Don't get too upset if you don't log in for a couple days, but try your best to at least make it here. Even if you don't work out, and or go over your goal Cal limit. Log in and track it!

    Good luck!
  • Thank you guys! Your responses are great and have really helped me out a lot. <3 Good luck with your own goals everyone xx