To log or not to log...

Going to Disney next week... to log or not to log? I know I'll be getting plenty of exercise from walking the parks and doing stuff, but I'm kind of nervous to not log my food. I know what to stay away from, but I also know what is delicious...


  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Im going to mexico (I know scary right!) next week. Not logging! Its a vacation! I would say just do your best to be active and be accountable to yourself by making healthier food choices! Good luck :)
  • briggsy13
    briggsy13 Posts: 161 Member
    I wouldn't. I would try to make good food choices and limit the fatty & sugary. But have fun and enjoy!!!!!!!
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I always log EVERYTHING, bad or good! I just like to know where I'm at, I'm sure all the walking you will be doing will burn most of the calories off. Just be sure to log your walking as well!
  • shanny72mc
    If you have the opportunity to log then I would do it. It will help you be more accountable. That being said it is a vacation so I wouldn't stress if you happen to go over here and there. With all the walking you will be doing it will probably balance out. Have a great time!!
  • arl29
    arl29 Posts: 55 Member
    It can be so hard to log food that you do not make or that is not specifically listed in MFP. I have tried and it gets frustrating. Was my meal 500 calories or 1500 calories??? Just drink a lot of water and make good choices. Don't mess with logging. Have a great time!!!
  • lmoore9107
    lmoore9107 Posts: 38 Member
    I'd have to log because if I didn't I'd probably fall off the wagon with a big BANG at the end of the week :) But everyone is different!!!
  • Fani2003
    Fani2003 Posts: 195 Member
    I was in Sweden and Poland for 2 weeks. No scale, no home cooked meals, not as much "known" food. I kept to fish mainly and limited the carbs. I never weighed but I did log. I didn't chastise myself too much when I did go over but I did try everything in moderate proportions. Ended up 0.2 lbs down on the whole time. Not a great time if I had been home but I consider it a success for while I was away and I did not feel deprived.
    DEEDLYNN Posts: 235 Member
    I just got back from vacation. I tried to log but didn't sweat it. I didn't get everything logged, but staying connected to my MFP app, made me keep my awareness up.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I'll be going to NC for a week this summer and not planning to log. One week won't undo all my hard work and it's vacation. I'll get back on it when we get home. Enjoy yourself!
  • stacyfoo
    stacyfoo Posts: 47
    It's a vacation! like you said, you'll get plenty of exercise from all the walking. Treat yourself.. just a bit! Take the week off from logging and enjoy your time there :) You know the right things to do and what type of foods you should typically avoid!
  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member
    Personally, I'd take the week off from logging. Unless you're going to wear a heart rate monitor all day, you won't be able to accurately estimate your calories burned from walking, and you likely won't be able to find accurate food information either. Go enjoy yourself and be wise about your food choices while still treating yourself. Worst case scenario, you gain a couple pounds and have to work it off when you get back. Don't take away from family time by agonizing over MFP. Have fun!
  • pluschek
    pluschek Posts: 8 Member
    I always log when I am on vacation. It holds me accountable. I also don't deprive myself, if I want something it is ok in moderation. Have a great time and put an extra hope in your walk and you will burn what you take in.
  • Geeky_Girl
    Geeky_Girl Posts: 239 Member
    I'd take a break. Since you're not leaving until next week, you can take a few minutes before you go and see if you can check out the menus of a few places you'll be going. If you know what the options are and some of their nutritional content beforehand, you'll be more comfortable with not logging and more sure of your choices (okay, I would). You'll be doing a lot of walking and playing with the kids, so you'll probably burn up anything over your limit anyway.

    Have fun!! :bigsmile:
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I log absolutely everything. I mean, down to the single gummi bear I had the other day or couple of chips I had yesterday. So my answer would be to log. I have an AP, so I go to Disneyland a number of times each year. I tend to burn about 1000 more calories than my average daily, non-exercise day, burn. (and that's for, at the park when it opens at 8am-9pm and leaving when they close at 11pm-midnight) Most days in the park I still eat over that calorie amount, some days I purposefully make healthier choices to keep it a bit closer so I don't surplus my day.

    But the way I see it is that I'm off enjoying myself one or a few days of not eating perfectly isn't goin to ruin all of my hard work. So I typically just allow myself to enjoy the park and all it's awesome treats and food. :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Since you'd need to eat 500 calories above maintenance every day of the week to even gain ONE pound... I'd just take the week off from logging.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    It really depend on where you are, I guess. I'm happy with my fitness and weight, and I'm not really worried. So, when I go on vacation, I might come back 5 or 10 lbs heavier. No big deal for me. In a few weeks, I'll be back to normal. Some vacations are very physical. Walking around Disneyland/world all day can be a lot of exercise. I know some of my European vacations, although I ate bad, I walked so much that I lost 10 lbs. so, it depends. For me, vacation is off the grid. That's just how I roll. Life is too short. You have to enjoy life too. I have enough daily routine. Vacation is an escape from that.
  • LisamarieBond14
    LisamarieBond14 Posts: 133 Member
    I would log, just to keep in the habit of logging. Maybe just do it all at night though, rather than spending all day on your phone//laptop/tablet!

    I think someone else said it too but, definitely remember to log your walking!

    Have a great time! :)
  • LemonsAndCoffee
    LemonsAndCoffee Posts: 313 Member
    Don't take away from family time by agonizing over MFP. Have fun!

    ^This. Unless you are going to stress out about not logging, I would take a break from it - just make sensible choices. I hope you have a great vacation!!!
  • LemonsAndCoffee
    LemonsAndCoffee Posts: 313 Member
    For me, vacation is off the grid. That's just how I roll. Life is too short. You have to enjoy life too. I have enough daily routine. Vacation is an escape from that.

    Oh oh, this too! Well Said.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I'm on vacation right now near Disney and I'm not logging. I tried the first few days, but it started making me crazy. Walked around Busch Gardens for 7 hours yesterday, going to get in a run today along with pool time, so will not just be sitting on my butt.

    When I get back to reality next week, it will be back to logging everything as normal.