1200 calories

I find 1200 calories a day almost impossible to manage especially if I work out. Does anyone have any advice. I usually stick to about 1500-1600/day but burn off around 300 in exercise. I get really hungry if I only have 1200 and am afraid that I will go into starvation mode if I eat that little and lose nothing!


  • britexmom
    britexmom Posts: 145
    i think you would find that most people using MFP excercise and eat back the excercise calories. i am set at 1200 also and i usually gain close to 400 extra at least through excercise, some days i eat back about 300 of those but on some days (if iam on the go all day and dont have set meal times) then i might only eat back 150.....if you make good food choices you can fill yourself up with lower calorie foods and stay within your limits.
  • antihillmoby
    antihillmoby Posts: 131 Member
    Thank you. Have you any particular suggestions of low calorie filling foods that you find work for you?
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I've been on 1,200 cals for the past 14 months and haven't eaten back exercise calories most of the time. I've managed to lost 86 pounds by doing that, so I don't think starvation mode is an issue for me at that point. But everyone's bodies are different. If you're finding you're losing weight doing what you're doing then that's fine and you should be able to tell in yourself whether you're healthy or not.
  • antihillmoby
    antihillmoby Posts: 131 Member
    Wow you look great - thanks for the advice.
  • hazelbliss6
    hazelbliss6 Posts: 253 Member
    I am on a similar calorie goal, and earn a few extra calories from nursing- which adds a lot of hunger and specific food cravings, so I feel your pain :) For filling foods I aim for things high in protein and fiber. You can eat a lot more if you choose veggies over fruits, and lean meats like turkey, fish, and chicken. Feel free to look at my food diary. My other trick is to eat often. I eat almost all day long and never skip breakfast (plus water all day). Some of my favorite hunger fighters are: string cheese, raw carrots, grilled chicken breasts, green beans, light vegetable soups, turkey or salmon burgers (which i wrap in huge layers of fresh lettuce instead of a bun).
  • SarahSwimmer
    SarahSwimmer Posts: 125 Member
    I think calorie-wise you are doing great! Are you eating your exercise calories back? It's sort of a hot topic here on MFP wether or not you should, but you may want to so that you don't become lethargic from not enough calories. Here are foods that I've found are filling (note: all of them are super high in either protein or fiber!)

    -oatmeal (I get mine at MickyD's with only brown sugar)
    -Wendy's chili
    -turkey burger on wheat no mayo (Hardee's (or Carl's Jr. depending on your locale)
    -Greek yogurt (not the protein-less diet stuff!)

    Good luck and keep on logging!
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    Try carrots, eggs w/egg whites, berries, popcorn. these are what I am eating now. seems to work for me. I am still trying things out.
    I have my counter set at 1200 I log all the little things when I do them for longer than 5 minutes to make sure I eat enough to not go into starvation mode. I am right now fixing to add exercise to may diet to up my loss. I am only losing .5 a week right now. hope to go to 2lbs a week.

    I have found eating nuts are very good, but I tend to go over the handful.
  • antihillmoby
    antihillmoby Posts: 131 Member
    Thank you so much I will try those foods!
  • antihillmoby
    antihillmoby Posts: 131 Member
    Thanks ever so much!
  • britexmom
    britexmom Posts: 145
    Thank you. Have you any particular suggestions of low calorie filling foods that you find work for you?

    i use the multigrain sandwich rounds, 100 calories....teaspoon of queso, 2 slices of lunchmeat and then fill till bursting with mixed lettuce leaves....makes this sandwich only 165 cals and is very filling, on days when i have them handy i also will add a 1/4 avacado sliced to the sandwich, this will add another 57 cals but its so good.
    i use a lot of the prepacked frozen steam veggies...the ones with sauce added are usually less than 100 cals per cup of veg and add with some lean protien, and finish the meal with a yogurt or piece of fruit.
    2-3 nights a week i allow myself some icecream, just stay to the 1/2 cup serving and that way i dont feel like i am being deprived of anything.
  • antihillmoby
    antihillmoby Posts: 131 Member
    Am scared of eating nuts because of the fat content!! Thanks for the reply.
  • antihillmoby
    antihillmoby Posts: 131 Member
    Great advice thank you.
  • rswood62
    rswood62 Posts: 80 Member
  • banditbonnie
    banditbonnie Posts: 18 Member
    I'm eating 1200 calories or less, myself. I have no trouble getting full. However I've hit a standstill on my measurements and weight loss. I guess I'm a little down. I keep telling myself, "You didn't put on the wieght in 2 months and it won't come off it two months. I eat lots of dressed up salads. Many vegetables with dip, flavored rice cakes, fruit, and lean healthy sandwiches that are stacked with good stuff. I pack my lunch everyday and try to not eat out. The calorie counts of take out or restaurants flips me out. I now think of food as energy that needs burnt. If I can't wear it off, I don't need it. But Oh...the pangs for McDonalds at times. LOL
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Am scared of eating nuts because of the fat content!! Thanks for the reply.

    There is no need to be scared of good fats - your body loves them!
  • seebeachrun
    seebeachrun Posts: 221 Member
    Bulking foods to feel fuller:
    grapes (I eat mine frozen which slows me down)
    cucumbers (sliced with tomatos & balsamic - yum!)
    celery (without the peanut butter! if you must use cottage cheese or yogurt in moderation)

    *I pretty much buy what's in season and on sale as far as fruits and veggies go. That way I am rotating through different foods all year. When I pack my lunch & snacks for the day I pack small amounts of a few different foods to make sure I have a selection of food to eat which slows me down and makes it more enjoyable.

    Make one day per week your cheat day and eat whatever you want that day. Have McDonald's for lunch and then go out to eat for dinner. I do not log that day on MFP! When I have an event on the weekend (i.e. Super Bowl Sunday), I make that my cheat day so I can enjoy the day and not have to count calories when I really just want to stuff my face. This week my cheat meal is Corned Beef Hash with two fried eggs and two slices of toast with bottomless mimosas to wash it down. But I can't have it if I cheat another day during the week.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I find 1200 calories a day almost impossible to manage especially if I work out. Does anyone have any advice. I usually stick to about 1500-1600/day but burn off around 300 in exercise. I get really hungry if I only have 1200 and am afraid that I will go into starvation mode if I eat that little and lose nothing!

    You are the one that made it become 1200 actually.

    You selected an activity level which created your maintenance calorie level.
    You selected a weight loss goal.

    That math made 1200.

    And you are probably right on, need more calories so your metabolism can be running full steam.
    If your metabolism slows down, your weight loss will stall. Then you can lower again, and again, ect. Wrong direction.

    So change your weight loss goal to 1lb week instead of 2, and feed your workout as most have suggested.
  • sarajo16
    sarajo16 Posts: 142 Member
    I set mine at 1200 too and its nearly impossible for me. I'm not a big veg eater and I don't like salad. I hardly ever stick to 1200 but this pushes me to exercise. I usually eat around 1400-1600 so I eat all my exercise cals back. My weakness is chocolate which I refuse to give up. It keeps me going and its all in moderation! I'm down to 138lbs so maybe something is working :)
  • antihillmoby
    antihillmoby Posts: 131 Member
    They are filling too so a good snack to have!
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    You don't look like you have a lot to lose, so I would actually bump up your calories. As you get closer to your goal weight, it gets harder to lose.