Every day I promise that I'll be strong and control my sugar cravings, I am a sugar-holic. And every day I end up eating so much sugar that I go over my alloted calories, and I feel depressed and I promise myself that I'll never do it again, and the very next day I'll do the same thing! And then I'll have one good day and screw up the rest of the week! HELP!!!!


  • manganello16
    Every day I promise that I'll be strong and control my sugar cravings, I am a sugar-holic. And every day I end up eating so much sugar that I go over my alloted calories, and I feel depressed and I promise myself that I'll never do it again, and the very next day I'll do the same thing! And then I'll have one good day and screw up the rest of the week! HELP!!!!
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    I love sugar too, it's my weakness. Just hang in there and do your best every day. Make up your mind that you're going to control yourself and do it! I find distraction works pretty good. If I can hold out on my cravings for even a few minutes, it usually passes and I move on to something else.
  • manganello16
    Sometimes I feel super helpless, like no matter what I do, or how many times I make up my mind, I'm still gonna slip:sad: and that's probably why I mess up every day. But for some reason, knowing why doesn't make it any easier when there's a chocolate bar in the vicinity.:mad:

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • ptrad
    ptrad Posts: 22
    Try not to eat anything with sugar in it and commit to no refined sugars for a day, one day at a time. I find that the more I eat, the more I want and then it is difficult to stop. Think of it as giving up tobacco. Also, try to refrain from eating fruits or anything with sweetners (splenda, etc.) because those foods can cause cravings for the real thing as well. Eat vegetables instead.
    Good luck! I'm with you as a stress eater!
  • DaynaMattson
    I read recently about this 4 bite rule. If you are craving sugar have only 4 bites of a sweet treat. That usually satisfies the sweet tooth and saves on calories. Worth a shot.
  • manganello16
    You know, that just might work:happy: :happy: ....If not, I may just have to cut out the sugars completely.......:grumble:

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • tvfit
    tvfit Posts: 56 Member
    Maybe try some sweet vegetables to satisfy the sweet cravings - yams, butternut squash, carrots. Good luck!

    I also will eat whatever sugar is around. I try not to keep it around! Just threw out the last 3 donuts left over from this weekend's bday party!
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    Count me in with the sugar obsession. After I went on the Atkins diet, it grew to epic proportions. I have no idea how to control it. Some days I just let the beast have its way and I try not to go over my maintenence calories. Im interested to see what advice people have to give about this.
  • manganello16
    I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one with the weakness, it's great to see people who have been successful with their weight despite the cravings:happy: , now at least, I know there's hope!:glasses:

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • candessb
    candessb Posts: 52 Member
    You want it because you can't have it! Anyone on here can relate. Sometimes other foods can trigger a sugar craving, like sugar substitutes and salty or creamy foods. Find out what they are for you. The idea is to get your blood glucose in check to curb the need and you will need to balance it out the whole day. Find what works for you.
    Be easy on yourself! No one is perfect. But you ARE addicted to sugar and need to treat it like any other addiction. Don't be a victim in your own body. YOU ARE IN CONTROL!!!
  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363
    I'm with you guys on this one. I go over my allot daily sugar intake on a daily basis by leaps and bounds :laugh: .

    What I had to do was cut out as much sugar as I could for one week to break the cravings. I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE but after the week was up my cravings had dimissed to almost nothing. I still get a sweet tooth but not as bad and I can control it now.

    Diet soda cake/cupcakes/muffins
    Fresh fruits, Raisins
    Hersheys 60 calories sticks MMMMMM so good
    Fiber one bars
    Fruit filled yogurts

    I wish you the best of luck with this but make up your mind to cut out sugar for a couple of days. Let your body reset itself and try to use the real stuff when you can. I still go over but it's because of fruit and veggies not added unnecessary sugar.

    Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • manganello16
    This is going to be the hardest week of my life!:laugh:

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • rumpofsteelskins

    I too struggle w/ my urges but the way I control it is realization of how hard it is to burn them off. I believe 1 hour on the Elliptical burns roughly 300 calories & that's hard work! So @ the End of the Day it isn't worth indulging.

    Take Care,
  • csingleton24
    csingleton24 Posts: 235 Member
    What if you cleared it outta the house (all the cookies, cupcakes, etc). I found that if it's in my house and in my sight, it's all I want. If it's outta sight, then it's outta mind for me. Sometimes I know that's hard to do if you have kids or a husband who eats ice cream every night (hint, hint) I put it all in one spot behind the closed cabinet door so I don't see it. It seems to work for me. Good luck! You can do it!
  • manganello16
    That's true, I made myself do 7 minutes of push ups when I got home. Can't feel my arms:sad: it's pathetic because I didn't realize how little strength I had.:indifferent:

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I am on Atkins and have my sugar cravings very much under control........

    When I was having sweet cravings, I would opt for something salty, like a pickle. :happy:

    Now, vegetables taste very sweet to me now!!
  • MJA1970
    MJA1970 Posts: 32
    I'm a sugar-holic too! I LOVE sweets!! I will take a piece of cake over a full-course prime rib dinner any day! I will be watching this thread as well. I have to believe that there IS hope for us!
  • librarygirl
    librarygirl Posts: 182
    What if you cleared it outta the house (all the cookies, cupcakes, etc). I found that if it's in my house and in my sight, it's all I want. If it's outta sight, then it's outta mind for me. Sometimes I know that's hard to do if you have kids or a husband who eats ice cream every night (hint, hint) I put it all in one spot behind the closed cabinet door so I don't see it. It seems to work for me. Good luck! You can do it!
    I am the same way! I can't have it in the house or I will eat it so I don't let myself buy it in the first place. I'm a chocoholic and I've found that dark chocolate is the best (and better for you) to satisfy cravings faster than a chocolate bar. It took me a little bit to get used to 70% but if I have a chocolate craving I have some dark chocolate and I only need to have some pieces before that craving is gone
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I meant to post earlier that you can take a non-essential amino acid called L-Glutamine. It helps control appetite and sweet cravings.

    Here is a link about the benefits of it.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I'm a sugar-holic too! I LOVE sweets!! I will take a piece of cake over a full-course prime rib dinner any day! I will be watching this thread as well. I have to believe that there IS hope for us!

    There IS definitely hope! I ALSO love my sugar! :love: But, I've managed to curb it most of the time by saving enough of my numbers for a double helping of Edy's slow churned, no sugar added ice-cream! it is soooooo good, and tastes just about the same to me as the "real" stuff! I've managed to lose pretty much all of the weight that I wanted, AND eat ice-cream almost every night! :happy:
    I DO still "cave" big time now and then, but, thanks to MFP, I know how to get right back on track and get rid of what I've "splurged" on! :laugh: