No movement on the scales= frustrating times!

Thu 03/08/12 09:07 AM
Hey everyone!

Ok so I'm going to bring up something that I'm sure has happened to all of us at some point: you eat right, you work out consistently, you pass on the junk food coworkers consume right in front of you( and keep offering you) and yet despite all your efforts and willpower, the scale doesn't move! Ugh!! Talk about a kick in the self esteem! Now I'm a smart gal and this isn't my first rodeo when it comes to weight loss... I've done it before and have proven to be successful at it... So I know the scale isn't the only place you should measure your improvements. Still! Isn't it frustrating?!?!?

I'm trying to tone up/ slim down for my wedding in August. I feel like I can't spare the "just be patient" time period. I want my hard work to show!

Anyone else feeling the weight loss blahs at the moment???


  • Jenny_MSW
    Jenny_MSW Posts: 109 Member
    I'm right there with you! I'm 30, and i had twins at 25. I finally got down into the 130s last year and then over these past holidays gained 5lbs back which put me just over 140. I haven't worked out in years. Now I've been working out 5 days/week and logging all my food for a month and NOTHING. I took measurements before I started this Jillian Michaels video (torture), so I'm hoping to get some motivation when I measure again in a week when I finish it, but it's seriously pissing me off. My goal weight is to be in the low 130s, so I really want to lose about 10lbs by summer, and I'm going sailing in the BVI's in 10 weeks. Is 1lb per week too much to ask?!?!?!!
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    It's not uncommon to put on weight while working out hard. Your body retains water to repair your muscle tissue after exercise, but your body composition (fat / muscle) is still improving, even if you can't see it on the scale.

    And if you're actually eating enough calories to build muscle, your weight will go up even though you're looking a lot more trim and skinny. I found this link in another MFP post somewhere. Check out the photos of this girl at the end (when she's gained like 10-15 pounds of muscle from lifting and eating enough calories to put on the weight):
  • KilikiMom
    KilikiMom Posts: 237 Member
    me me me!!! and i knwo i dont want the "be patient" or "dont focus on the number" lecture...cause i KNOW all just seems to be a blah day for me....ugh it can get frustrating and im gonna take this one day to be upset about it haha
  • Yep, this is me this week. My first week on MFP and all I've done this week is eat leftover veggies from a party I had last week with hummus for lunch. I've measured my portions, tracked my food, even did a 50 minute spin class + 90 minute yoga class yesterday. Has the scale budged at all this week? NO..

    *grump grump*

    It had better be water weight....
  • Countrybride2b
    Countrybride2b Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks everyone for your responses! I'm glad I'm not alone on this. I do believe that since I am working out a lot with strength training and cardio it could be some muscle I've put on. I eat 1540 calories/day because I am so active. On days I'm lifting weights I usually eat most of my calories back... So sometimes its more like 1700-1800 calories in food consumed. It's all the right foods though.. It's not like I'm bustin out the chips or something! LOL.

    Anyway thanks again for sharing everyone! I know we'll all meet our goals eventually... It's just going to take some time... LAME! Hehe :)