Not losing

I keep gaining and losing the same 2 lbs. Any help would be appreciated. My diary is opened if it helps.


  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    You can manually adjust the calories. Maybe try taking off 100 calories and see if that helps. Sounds like you're more in a maintenance mode than a losing mode. Everyone is different. And, while MFP seems to be fairly accurate, your body may be a little different, and thus you can manually adjust the calorie count up or down. I'd shave off 100 calories and see how that works.
  • LexyDB
    LexyDB Posts: 261
    Looking through your diary, you are consuming more carbohydrates and fats compared to protein. Whilst carbohydrates are needed, along with fats they are easily stored by the body in comparison to protein.

    Adjust to increase the protein and reduce the fats and carbohydrates, you should notice a difference.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Where are your fruits and veggies? I didn't see many of them there. Increase those! How's you water intake? You eat a lot of processed stuff ... that doesn't help with weight loss!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Bad food choices. Instead of a biscuit from mcdonalds choose the oatmeal, try egg whites instead of bagles, replace your 100 calorie creamer with something else.

    Like the other person said, cut back on your carbs and eat more fruits and veggies. Also replace the few high calorie things with lots more low calorie things. You are not eating often enough.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You can manually adjust the calories. Maybe try taking off 100 calories and see if that helps. Sounds like you're more in a maintenance mode than a losing mode. Everyone is different. And, while MFP seems to be fairly accurate, your body may be a little different, and thus you can manually adjust the calorie count up or down. I'd shave off 100 calories and see how that works.

    I would do the opposite, it appears you are not eating enough and are netting less than your 1200 goal. Here is a guide for setting weekly weight loss goals:

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.

    On top of choosing your goal this way be sure to eat back most of the cals burned from exercise.
  • JohnnysJune
    Not only should you look at your food intake, but you should look at your workout routine. If you doing the same thing everyday, your body will not respond after a while. Switch it up a bit.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    You can manually adjust the calories. Maybe try taking off 100 calories and see if that helps. Sounds like you're more in a maintenance mode than a losing mode. Everyone is different. And, while MFP seems to be fairly accurate, your body may be a little different, and thus you can manually adjust the calorie count up or down. I'd shave off 100 calories and see how that works.

    No no no. You are currently set at the minimum caloric value recommended my most docs. 1200 is very few calories. Please do not decrease. If anything try upping your calories to give your metabolism a lil boost.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Add sodium to your diary values. This showed me how much processed food I was eating. Processed food is very high in sodium. Add more fresh veggies, fruits and healthy proteins, to your diet. Your choices, while may stay in the calorie range, are not that healthy. You may lose weight , but it will be hard to maintain.
  • agbaeb
    agbaeb Posts: 179 Member
    Any thoughts on my food diary too? I'm HARDLY losing (like 2 lbs in 6 weeks!!!!)
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    You can manually adjust the calories. Maybe try taking off 100 calories and see if that helps. Sounds like you're more in a maintenance mode than a losing mode. Everyone is different. And, while MFP seems to be fairly accurate, your body may be a little different, and thus you can manually adjust the calorie count up or down. I'd shave off 100 calories and see how that works.

    No no no. You are currently set at the minimum caloric value recommended my most docs. 1200 is very few calories. Please do not decrease. If anything try upping your calories to give your metabolism a lil boost.

    If you guys go to her diary and look at it, you will see that it is not her number of calories that is the problem but the type of calories she is taking in.
  • cjack19
    cjack19 Posts: 158 Member
    Add sodium to your diary values. This showed me how much processed food I was eating. Processed food is very high in sodium. Add more fresh veggies, fruits and healthy proteins, to your diet. Your choices, while may stay in the calorie range, are not that healthy. You may lose weight , but it will be hard to maintain.

    this is what I was going to say ... monitor your sodium as well
  • KLavallee322
    KLavallee322 Posts: 86 Member
    You should eat more meals throughout the day, looks like you skip lunch. Try 3 small meals and a snack or two also. Drink at elast 8 cups of water. You need some veggies/fruit in there too. Also lean meats. Cut out the pizza, mcdonalds, donuts, etc and you will be on the right track. You are under your calories- but are not taking in the right kind of calories.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Any thoughts on my food diary too? I'm HARDLY losing (like 2 lbs in 6 weeks!!!!)

    Yours does not look bad to me actually. How much more do you need to lose? How over weight are you? If you are close to your goal, then it is harder to lose weight. I have been here 2 months and have lost 2 lbs, but I am under 120 lbs and it takes me longer to burn calories because of my size. If you have more than 20 lbs to lose then you may want to see a doctor and have some blood work done.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Where are your fruits and veggies? I didn't see many of them there. Increase those! How's you water intake? You eat a lot of processed stuff ... that doesn't help with weight loss!

    I hardly ever eat fresh as I'm on a student budget....
  • strunkm4
    strunkm4 Posts: 266
    I would suggest eating more meals a day. Try a few small meals a day rather than only 2 meals/day. Also, add some fruits and veggies into your diet. You're managing to stay under your calories, but your food choices aren't really the best options out there. Try adding more protein, fruits, veggies, etc instead of processed foods, carbs, etc. I try to eat a well balanaced meal every morning, as my fuel for the day, and then pick up with a few small meals the rest of the day. Feel free to add me if you want more support.
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    Stop eating junk food. Your body will thank you.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I went back a few days & your diary seems fine to me, try upping your calories for about 3 days, I did that when my weightloss ground to a holt ( I went up to 1800 max ) & it kick started my weightloss again. If that doesn't work, then try reducing your calories to 1200, try different things to see what your body likes best :] -- You're beautiful btw!
  • Time2Thrive
    Time2Thrive Posts: 161 Member
    Looking at your diary I see that you are often skipping a meal in a day. The biggest success I have found it making sure to do the three main meals and then supplementing with snacks.
  • tedkate
    tedkate Posts: 1 Member
    I am in the exact same boat. I exercise to eat because my calories are set so low 1200. I say eat more often, don't skip meals, add in more fruits & veggies..having said all that, I do those things and still have a hard time losing a few pounds. Good luck & stick with it..eventually it's got to pay off, right?
  • agbaeb
    agbaeb Posts: 179 Member
    Any thoughts on my food diary too? I'm HARDLY losing (like 2 lbs in 6 weeks!!!!)

    Yours does not look bad to me actually. How much more do you need to lose? How over weight are you? If you are close to your goal, then it is harder to lose weight. I have been here 2 months and have lost 2 lbs, but I am under 120 lbs and it takes me longer to burn calories because of my size. If you have more than 20 lbs to lose then you may want to see a doctor and have some blood work done.

    I am 118 right now and want to lose about 10 or so more pounds. I am only 5' 3" and felt great around 110-ish. I've been as high as 135 (after my freshman 20) and as low as 103 (but that was after almost 3 weeks eating nothing when I had mono...).

    Could it be my calorie burn is inaccurate? I have held onto the treadmill as I've run for a while. Might that have reduced my heart rate....and calorie burn?? OR... am I not eating enough???... or... could it just be those last few pounds that are hard to lose? lol..."typing out loud"