I suck....just need to vent.

Okay, so the long and short of it is this: I quit smoking just over a month ago. I haven't had a single cigarette or even a drag off one since then. The first week without a cigarette, I told myself I could give into any food craving I wanted -- while using common sense -- because I knew trying to resist food AND cigarette cravings at the same time would be too stressful straight out of the gate.

Well....here we are, a month later and 9 pounds heavier. I'm still eating whatever I want, and not using so much common sense with it either. Basically, I gave up one unhealthy habit but also lost my healthy eating habits in the process.

Anyways, I just needed to vent. I am so frustrated with myself right now. BUT...I'm going to the gym over lunch and to a Zumba class (first time ever!!) after work tonight. I need to get back on track. After all, what was the point of getting healthier by quitting smoking only to be unhealthy in my eating/exercising?? That was dumb! ;)

Okay....I'm done. Thanks for letting me vent!!


  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    you don't suck. change that attitude missy. I know you're frustrated--you can't turn back time. move forward today--zumba is a great change! :)

    you CAN get on track, you WILL get on track. today and from here on out you CAN make choices to get you to your goal. CONGRATS on quitting smoking too!
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Good for you! I'm sure you'll find Zumba will go easier too! The health benefits of quitting smoking outweight the minor weight gain, IMO and I'm sure you'll lose that quickly.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    We all have our hills we must climb. You my dear are doing very well. To quit smoking cold turkey is a huge task and if you only fell off track for a month and gain those few pounds...that is awesome. I've seen quite worse.

    Even though you weren't completely on track you still kept it in the forefront of your mind and that was using your common sense.

    Have fun tonight at Zumba!! Its awesome!
  • arenka
    arenka Posts: 3 Member
    hi there just gave up smoking myself only 2 weeks ago when i was in egypt on holidays i understand that pang your having to eat well i read allan carrs easy way to stop smoking and it worked but he also told me in his book that the hunger pang will be a nicotian pang not for food so what i have been doing is drinking water (wich is very good for you ) when i have the pang im also on here counting all my food if you can give up smoking my girl then food is nothing as nicotien is the bigges addition of them all hope i could help speak soon
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    you don't suck. change that attitude missy. I know you're frustrated--you can't turn back time. move forward today--zumba is a great change! :)

    you CAN get on track, you WILL get on track. today and from here on out you CAN make choices to get you to your goal. CONGRATS on quitting smoking too!

    ^^Agreed!^^ Saying, "I suck!", is the beginning of an "I can't, it's just too hard" mentality. You've gone more than a month without smoking....that in itself is no small victory. Take pride in that, don't belittle that success just because you haven't had as much succes in another area. If you can go without smoking for a month, you can get your eating/exercise habits under control. I think short term goals are going to be key for you, because looking to achieve short term goals are not as daunting as looking toward something that may be six months in coming. I, for instance, had 160lbs to lose when I started my journey (SW 297lbs). Nine months later, I have lost 45lbs, about 20 inches over my whole body, and my bodyfat has dropped about 6%! Not to mention the improvements in strength and cardiovascular endurance. It's been a long time coming, but I've finally figured out that small short term goals are just as important as my overall long term goals because they are the babysteps that help me get to where I want to be. And when I experience a little success, that gratification goes a long way in keeping me encouraged to stay the course and keep my feet churning toward the goal. "Little by little, inch by inch. By the yard it's hard, by the inch...oh, what a cinch!"
  • smurfettel64
    smurfettel64 Posts: 13 Member
    You don't suck! You are making two big lifestyle changes at once, that is not an easy thing. Try to find a excercise that you really enjoy. A Zumba class is a step in the right direction. Hang in there!!!!!
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    There is a little book named "Switch," about how people make changes. It suggests that you can't make more than one big change in your life at a time. Thus, you were smart not to do that, and the result is success on not smoking, which is a HUGE accomplishment! Celebrate how awesome you are for quitting. Now that you are ready to tackle another change, bring with the strength you gained from the last accomplishment. You can do that, you can do ANYTHING!
  • johncaraher
    johncaraher Posts: 44 Member
    You don't suck - you made a smart decision to quit smoking and it's well worth a short-term weight gain to put that behind you!I applaud your effort and am confident that if you can quit smoking you can also get your other habits back on track in due course. Good for you!
  • SisterSueGetsFit
    SisterSueGetsFit Posts: 1,211 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. Quitting smoking is really hard. I quit on right before Christmas and haven't had one since. I also been working my @ss of at the gym and eating healthy for 8 weeks... BUT I've only lost 3 pounds. I'm thinking it may have something to do with the change in my metabolsim from no longer smoking. Anyway--- My point is, I'm not giving up and you should either. You have to know that no matter if you've gained a few pounds, you've gained YEARS to live by no longer smoking. : )
  • heathermarie517
    You have conquered one of the toughest addictions known to man. You DO NOT suck! In fact, you are beautiful, you don't wreak of smoke in your hair - on your clothes - in your car, or between your fingers! So, APPLAUDE your step 1 to quit the stick! And, APPLAUDE your step 2 for being on MFP even when you don't feel like it 110% of the time.

    Your choices are making you a stronger and better person. This is no day in the park....it's hard, and you are here. And, I'm glad you are!!
  • heathermarie517

    "Little by little, inch by inch. By the yard it's hard, by the inch...oh, what a cinch!"

    I LOVE THIS! Putting it on my FRIDGE!! :-)
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    You don't suck at all--you made it through the first month!! Congrats!!!
    And enjoy your Zumba class tonight! Exercise is so much nicer when you can breathe :smile:
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    You are still doing such a great thing for yourself, don't give up.....I gained about 10 lbs when I quit smoking, I have lost it since and that was a long time ago but you are still healthier with the extra weight than you could ever be smoking. Keep it up, it won't be that much longer before the urge to smoke lessens.....keep it up!!!
  • LisaD1025
    LisaD1025 Posts: 74 Member
    WOW -- thank you guys!! I needed to hear all of that. I haven't given myself credit for quitting smoking because I've been so focused on how badly I've been eating!

    You're right: If I can quit smoking (after 13 YEARS!!) I can do anything!!

    You guys have completely changed my outlook & THAT is why I am part of MFP -- for the incredible members who help me stay strong. Thank you all!! :):):)
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    WOW -- thank you guys!! I needed to hear all of that. I haven't given myself credit for quitting smoking because I've been so focused on how badly I've been eating!

    You're right: If I can quit smoking (after 13 YEARS!!) I can do anything!!

    You guys have completely changed my outlook & THAT is why I am part of MFP -- for the incredible members who help me stay strong. Thank you all!! :):):)

    ((hugs)) you're welcome!
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    I quit smoking 10 years ago. Gained 50!!!!!! pounds. However, I am *whew* finally ready to start losing the weight, but I am still glad I quit smoking. My son doesnt ever remember me smoking and I know I will live longer. Now losing the extra weight will also help me live longer. You can do it!!! You switched once, switch again. Only this time pick up exercise or reading or sucking on sugar free candies or SHOPPING!!! :)
  • SinaSillyface
    Don't beat yourself over it...we all mess up sometimes. I think the problem you have is that you need a healthy subsitute for your cigarette habit. Try to eat fresh fruit everytime you have an urge for a cigarette. Try zuchini it is very easy to cook, just add a little bit of olive oil, salt and pepper, and toast some pita bread till its crispy. It is very filling and not much calories. You should include drinkings lot's of water. It takes 10 weeks for your body to see any physical changes....BELIVE ME I KNOW HOW HARD THAT IS! I WANT TO SEE THE CHANGE OVERNIGHT!!!
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    You have given yourself a wonderful gift by not smoking anymore. And no, you do not suck! To stop smoking is an EXTRAORDINARY accomplishment. You celebrate tonight taking Zumba!
  • DayAtATime
    Congratulations on quitting smoking. It took me years to quit and I have been off cigarettes for about 6 years. I would not trade the weight I gained for the freedom I have as a nonsmoker. It is hard to both diet and quit smoking. I had to tackle the weight gain after I was more comfortable being a nonsmoker....probably about 6 months. I didn't really feel hungry but my stomach felt empty. Keep off the cigarettes and you will lose the weight and feel so much better.

    Best on your journey as a nonsmoker.....you will love it and wish you had done it sooner!
  • BlueJue2
    BlueJue2 Posts: 77
    Okay, here is the deal. First of all, GREAT JOB on the smoking thing. I hope to follow soon. The absolute AWESOME thing about life is that every day you wake up, it is a new day and a brand new chance!