I REALLY need some motivation and advice...

So I had a really stressful night and of course how did I deal with it...I ate a whole bunch of crap that I shouldn't have...:frown: I just don't really know how to deal with the stress in another way right now. I have done so well so far and lost 3lbs and was really feeling good about myself and then this happened...UGH!! I know I can do it, I just really need some encouragement...:frown:


  • christyabullock
    So I had a really stressful night and of course how did I deal with it...I ate a whole bunch of crap that I shouldn't have...:frown: I just don't really know how to deal with the stress in another way right now. I have done so well so far and lost 3lbs and was really feeling good about myself and then this happened...UGH!! I know I can do it, I just really need some encouragement...:frown:
  • marshall153
    marshall153 Posts: 150 Member
    that happens, it sucks and you feel crap but you gotta just get back on the wagon! You CAN DO it! One thing not do do: don't let it stall your weight loss! Its OK to fall off!

    You can do this!! You've already lost 3lbs! Do that again and it'll be 6lbs.... and then 9lbs and before you know it you'll have reached your goal! And it does get easier, I've found I can no longer eat a whole roll of sushi! Just cause I've controlled my portions for so long. I found I NEED and WANT to run every morning, I'm less tried, I'm more awake and alert, I feel great. You will get all this too. So many of us MFPers have done it! Keep on trucking!!!

    We believe in you! GOOD LUCK!! If I can do it anyone can!! :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • marshall153
    marshall153 Posts: 150 Member
    and that is such a cute baby!!!!! AWWWW!!!! :love:
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    I'm sorry you had a stressful day. I've sure had my fair share of stress lately too. Instead of heading for the fridge, maybe run a nice hot bath? or go for a walk? It really works for me to just remove myself from the situation for a bit then come back to it with a clear head.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    If you must eat, then eat raw carrots. Raw celery. Raw veggies... something that you really have to chew and work at.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Stress can really kick your butt. How about meditation, or yoga? Or, what if you kind of start a little ritual with herb tea and a good book, or a walk around the neighborhood, in the park, or whatever? Have a plan and be mindful. Know in advance what stress feels like. Sounds silly, but part of the problem is you are at the fridge eating before you even are aware of the problem sometimes. So, do you feel it in your gut, neck, shoulders, behind your eyes, ?? When you start to feel it, be mindful. Ok, I know what this is. I can deal with it. I have a plan. Then, execute the plan.

    Hang in there! One of the best ways to beat stress is with gross motor activity - so if you are up to it, get in a game of basketball, or handball, or racquet ball, run, bike, swim, row, etc. SWEAT the stress out! :happy:
  • July
    July Posts: 239
    One trick I have is to freeze diet coke in a cup and mash it up like a slushy. Then it feels like I'm eating junk, and it's crunchy, but with less damage.
  • Tofuheart
    Tofuheart Posts: 191 Member
    That's tough. I had a bad night too and came on to see if I could be inspired some. It's a long journey and I try to think of one day at a time. When I'm about to eat some bad stuff I make myself wait 5 minutes and do something else and more often than not I forget about the bad food item. Listening to music on my ipod also has an affect on my moods. (for the positive)

    I don't drink soda but the diet coke idea is a great idea. Maybe I can use it with fresca. :)
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    I agree with LostinCali. We that comfort ourselves with food have to find new ways to deal. I had a bad day yesterday as well. It seemed like the devil was sitting on my shoulder telling me to EAT!! It was a tough internal struggle to bypass going to a drive through on my way home, but I did. I ranted to my hubby until I felt better, then I watched Gossip Girl (i :heart: Chuck and Blair), and then I listened to Jillian Michaels radio show from Sunday until I fell asleep. I felt better by making it a night about me. I did everything I wanted to do and in the end I felt better from my bad day without the guilt of binging on crap food.

    It is waaaayyyy harder to change your mind than your body. Give yourself time. Try to be in the moment and dont let the food devil have his way!:devil:
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    Stress can really kick your butt. How about meditation, or yoga? Or, what if you kind of start a little ritual with herb tea and a good book, or a walk around the neighborhood, in the park, or whatever? Have a plan and be mindful. Know in advance what stress feels like. Sounds silly, but part of the problem is you are at the fridge eating before you even are aware of the problem sometimes. So, do you feel it in your gut, neck, shoulders, behind your eyes, ?? When you start to feel it, be mindful. Ok, I know what this is. I can deal with it. I have a plan. Then, execute the plan.

    Hang in there! One of the best ways to beat stress is with gross motor activity - so if you are up to it, get in a game of basketball, or handball, or racquet ball, run, bike, swim, row, etc. SWEAT the stress out! :happy:

    I think that's great advice, exercise is a terrific stress reliever. But it won't help you if it's really late a night or early in the a.m. I'm a stress eater, and honetly if it's a baby in my care that's causing it, I can't really exercise that stress, plus i've been up all night and too damn tired. I find that if I have fruit salad, crackers, pudding, applesauce at the ready in my pantry or fridge, i'm much more conscious of what I put in my mouth. Find little tricks that work for you, I listen to soft music, rock the baby and eat a popsicle, next to no damage to my calories. Good luck!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I have been there too... many many times.

    I agree that you need to find other ways to deal with the stress. For me exercise helps. Also, I love to take long hot bubble baths and read. Another idea would be to get together with a close girlfriend share a cup of tea and vent. Some times just letting out all your frustrations helps. I know you have a child so finding alone time could be difficult but it is important and you need to make yourself a priority. Good luck and remember not to beat yourself up too hard about your slip. We all make mistakes. :flowerforyou:
  • jvollmer
    jvollmer Posts: 18
    I know how you feel, things financially haven't been going my way and when you're trying to lose weight it just makes it that much more difficult. But..for me instead of reaching for food I curl up on the couch with my boyfriend and he just holds me and I find it just calms me right down. There is something about just an embrace and a sweet kiss on the forehead that just makes everything better. He's definitely my rock!
    And when he's not there I try to remove myself from the situation. Like the others said, go for a walk, read a book...ANYTHING...just don't eat.

    Anyways I hope that your next day won't be as stressful!:flowerforyou:
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    OK - first dealing with your little slip up yesterday... the good news is sometimes that confuses your body just enough that when you go back to eating well you lost a little more than you would. At least that's been my experience.

    Dealing with Stress...
    You need to plan for it. For instance, a few weeks ago I knew that my mother was going into surgery... I knew that the day of the surgery would be stressful and I knew that the week after would be too, because I'd be caring for her. The morning of her surgery, I worked out harder than I had before - the endorphins helped me "feel good" and I was calm and relaxed for the rest of the day. I KNEW that sitting around all day was going to be difficult so I stocked up on things that would be healthier... Sun Chips, Celery, Apples, Bananas, blueberries, etc. I planned meals. I knew that we would be ordering in and carrying out a lot... so I went through the local restaurant websites and decided what I could eat before hand... I took care of ordering and when we didn't order out, I took care of cooking.

    Find a hobby. I crochet. I can't tell you how many afghans have been made due to a stressful time in my life! LOL!

    Depending on the kind of stress that you're under- you may actually be more active than you think. For the past 2 weeks i've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get ready for my husbands surprise 40th birthday party. I really had no time to exercise. I hit the door at 6 am, went over to check on my mom, left her house at 8 and went to run errands, go shopping, etc. Was home by noon to fix lunch for my boys, school from 1-4, cleaning the house from 4-6, baseball from 6-8 and back home and eating dinner and going to bed. Exercise was simply not going to happen... but when you're speed-shopping and speed-cleaning - you burn a lot of calories! So, as long as I watched my calories - I was doing ok.

    Even when you're stressed - you need to find a routine that works for you. There is comfort in routines.

    You can do this! Just find what works for you and stick to it.

  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    It happens to all of us. Don't beat yourself up over it. It may even be good for you. Having a high calorie meal every once in a while may speed up your metabolism and help you lose weight easier.
    Just reevaluate your goal and get back on track.

    Really when I've had a stressfull day, nothing makes me feel better than a big chocolate bar. Carrots and celery sticks don't quite cut it for me. Sometimes I eat the chocolate and sometimes I do something more productive (wash the dishes, clean my house, organize a closet). I have to say that I enjoy eating the chocolate a lot more, but i actually feel a lot worse after it. Cleaning my house may not have been so pleasurable, but I feel a lot better afterwards. So, analyze your feelings, figure out different ways to deal with stress and take it easy on yourself. Don't beat yourself up over a little slip up.
  • christyabullock
    Thanks for all the support and advice everyone!!! I really needed it...I got back on track today and have done really good so far today!! Sometimes the stress of taking care of three kiddos and having a husband who works out of town more often than not gets to you sometimes so I just kind of need a good pat on the back every now and then:happy:
  • christyabullock
    and that is such a cute baby!!!!! AWWWW!!!! :love:

  • roserex
    roserex Posts: 90 Member
    What Jillian Michaels radio show?
  • roserex
    roserex Posts: 90 Member
    You are on the right track - I think with all of us sharing our stories and giving each other support - we cannot NOT win. Good luck.
  • christyabullock
    So up till this point I wasn't really doing too much in the way of working out so I started a little this morning:noway: ...I haven't really done any kind of workouts since I found out I was pregnant last July...before that I was working out everyday and doing great with the South Beach Diet which I LOVED. :heart: Anywho, I wanted to start on the 30day shred workout with Jillian Michaels today and I got my shoes on turned on the workout and...only made it through 12 minutes of it.:sad: ..I felt as if I were dying:embarassed: ...I am telling you, I couldn't hardly catch my breath...but, I am not going to be hard on myself, I am just going to continue on and say tomorrow, I will make it another 5 minutes further than I did today until I can do the entire workout.:bigsmile: This is a very intense workout that she swears you can loose 20-25 pounds in 30 days. I am also jumping rope, I am starting small with this too and only doing 5 minutes 3 times a day which doesn't sound like much but if you look it up it burns tons of calories in very little time, plus I can have some fun with the kiddos while I'm doing it. So anyway, wish me more luck on this VERY hard but rewarding journey!! :happy: