Questions about weights....

Okay, where do I begin? I am such a novice and I know that everyone on MFP seems to have a different opinion.

Up until this point, I've only been doing cardio, either running or walking, but now I have joined Gold's Gym and I want to utilize their equipment.

What is the difference in strength training and circuit training?

What is the difference in adding bulk and toning?

I have about one hour a day to go to the gym on my lunch hour. I've been running 3-4 miles a day outside on my lunch and even though I have a new passion for running and I'm loving the newly aquired awesome calf muscles, I'm ready to have some other awesome muscles. What do you recommend? How should I divide up my week between cardio and weights?

Thank you in advance for any and all of the support and advice. :drinker: