Not eating enough....

Hello I am new here... I am a celiac ( cannot eat anything with grains) and I have been a vegetarian since April 2009. SO you think I'd be thin. In 2009 when I became a vegetarian I also gave up chocolate and coffee... I was a 2-pots-a-day by-noon all-by-myself coffee-haulic!! And many days I only ate hersheys chocolate and coffee...anyway! I'm much smarter and alot healthier today! So, this is the 1st time I have ever tracked calories...I am seeing a pattern in my diary...I'm not eating enough. even yesterday, I thought I pigged out only to be short calorie comsumption. I have about 35 pounds to loose I am 5 feet almost 1....MY QUESTION:
will I loose weight if I eat all the calories becuz right now and for the past few years I have not lost much weight....kinda frustrated here... would welcome any thoughts! Thanks!!!:smile:


  • awidener86
    awidener86 Posts: 260 Member
    I keep reading that you need to eat your calories and some of what you burn when you work out. If you dont it can put your body into starvation mode and make it hard to lose. Thats been my problem, i feel like a pig but still come up short some days especially when i work out. And sometimes the days i feel like im starving myself i go way over.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    read the links in here!!

    they helped me a lot in terms of wrapping my head around healthy weight loss... good luck!!
  • KellyLin62
    thanks for the insight!:smile:
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    Yep - you need to make sure you're getting enough calories or your body will 'rebel'.

    Waaaaaay back, long ago - lol - when I was nursing my oldest I could only eat a few things *I was top 8 allergens free + corn*, and I lost weight really easily... but was eating upwards of 2500 calories a day. And it was hard to do!! I felt like all I was ever eating was rice and veggies, lol!

    In the mean time, watch your carbs & sugar and try to get all those calories in.
  • KellyLin62
    WOW! I feel like a light has been turned on! I had no idea how much I was eating tilI tracked the past few days! And I am not eating enough. I have so much to learn!!! Thanks!!!!