I need help, i am starting the go back up. I need motivation, I know I can do it though. Can someone please just tell me to get back on track?thanks:flowerforyou:


  • luvinggal
    luvinggal Posts: 58
    I need help, i am starting the go back up. I need motivation, I know I can do it though. Can someone please just tell me to get back on track?thanks:flowerforyou:
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    Are you going back to your old eating habits? Have you increased your work outs? What is causing you to go back up? Is there something more going on in your life and you feel like food is the only comfort? Some more information would be helpful.
  • helenwood101
    Just remember the reasons why you want to loose some weight.
    Small changes make big differences and you can do anything if you try hard enough and not get distracted :heart:
  • HollyAnnH
    HollyAnnH Posts: 81 Member
    :flowerforyou: Okay Luvinggal....I don't know if you are like me but a look at your profile tells me that you LOVE your kids and family and I am sure that they keep you very busy. What works for me is to say that I HAVE to take some time each day to work out and prepare myself for the next day (making healthy lunches so I don't grab crap) I get up and go work out before work now because it works for my schedule and family needs. When can you schedule it? Do you have a friend or family member that can watch the kiddos while you go to a gym or run around the block? I had to set this up for myself for 5 days a week. It was a real pain in the beginning but now it is our routine and one that makes me healthier and happier....which in turn makes my little guy (Teddy is 2 1/2) happier. When I start to slide and start thinking I'm tired of getting up so early or maybe I will just take tomorrow off....I think about my little guy and all the things I want to do with him. He deserves a healthy Mom even if she wants to start slackin' sometimes.

    I hope this helps! :flowerforyou:
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    What has changed in your life? Are you stressed, are you eating more, are not exercising, not sleeping? What is different. We really need more info to determine why you are going up again.
    How long have you been dieting, how much are you eating, how much exercise, what are eating? Can you provide this information?
  • luvinggal
    luvinggal Posts: 58
    thank you all so much, yes your right I do love my family more than anything in the world. Thet are the greatest. Yes I have my husband to watch them in the morning for me to run/jog, I was doing 3 miles every morning. But for the last 3 days, I've been slacking real bad. I don't go as far, and 1 day I didn't go at all. Yes I have eaten some of the things I was eating. No stress or anything, just had my TOM, that may be what it was. I have been dieting for about 2-3 months, not counting my calories still. If anyone can give me a healthy shopping list for 1 week, I'll get it and try it. I am trying to start planning my meals, to try to change to only healthy foods. thanks to all:flowerforyou:
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Ok sweetie, you've been at it for a few weeks now and my guess is you've gotten a little complacent - I know, I did the same thing.

    First thing - look at how much water you're drinking. Is it enough? Are you even tracking it? No? Well - grab a bottle, fill it up and then come back here and read the rest of this message. GO!

    Ok? Your back? Drink at least 8 cups of water today. It's REALLY important!

    Have you been faithfully measuring your food? OR are you eyeballing it? Are your portion sizes growing? I know mine did! Make sure that you're measuring everything that goes in your mouth - if it's too difficult to measure, it's too difficult to eat.

    Fiber! Are you getting enough? Plenty of fruits and veggies? Make sure you're eating them - they fill you up and keep you less-hungry.

    Exercise - try to get in an extra workout - even if it's just 15 minutes. Just get up, put your shoes on and DO SOMETHING!

    After we've lost some weight out body will tend to hold on to a few pounds and not let them go... I sat for 3 weeks without losing... but then all of a sudden 2 pounds dropped. You have to convince your body that YES, you really are serious this time and you're NOT giving in to it.

    Are you neat that TOM? If so - give up on the scale until it's over. Continue to eat well, exercise and drink water but stay away from the scale until after it's gone.

    You CAN DO THIS! AND I know that that you will do it this time!!!

  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    thank you all so much, yes your right I do love my family more than anything in the world. Thet are the greatest. Yes I have my husband to watch them in the morning for me to run/jog, I was doing 3 miles every morning. But for the last 3 days, I've been slacking real bad. I don't go as far, and 1 day I didn't go at all. Yes I have eaten some of the things I was eating. No stress or anything, just had my TOM, that may be what it was. I have been dieting for about 2-3 months, not counting my calories still. If anyone can give me a healthy shopping list for 1 week, I'll get it and try it. I am trying to start planning my meals, to try to change to only healthy foods. thanks to all:flowerforyou:

    You were posting at the same time I was posting my message above.

    What you buy depends on what you and your family will eat. Here's what my weekly list consists of:

    Fruit (I plan for 2-3 pieces/per day/per family member - that's a lot of fruit!)
    Veggies - all kinds, lettuce, zuccini, tomatos, carrots, squash, etc... anything that looks good.
    Brown Rice, Whole Wheat Egg Noodles
    Low Carb wraps
    Chicken (we use lots of chicken)
    Low fat pork chops
    Lowest fat ground beef I can find
    Ground Turkey
    Sahlen's Ham and Turkey (I asked our deli what the lowest sodium/fat lunchmeat was that they carry - that was it)
    Eggs - lots of eggs
    Turkey Bacon
    Shredded Cheese
    Reduced Fat Sour Cream
    Low Sodium Taco Seasoning
    A few weight watchers desserts (just in case I REEEEAAAALLLLY want something)

    Most of our meals consist of a piece of meat, a vegetable and a starch (rice or the egg noodles) - but that's because my husband HAS to have a starch with his dinner. I like to make salads for lunch or a sandwich with fruit. Breakfast for me is always 2-3 egg whites with yogurt and a piece of fruit.

    hope that helps!
  • sheden
    sheden Posts: 4
    Hi, I just started today and am really motivated at this moment. You can do this. Remember why you started in the first place - your motivations for starting, and all you've been through to get where you are.
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    You don't need anybody to give you a healthy menu for a week to follow. Healthy food will mean different things to different people. From raw vegans, vegetarians, low carb, no carb, high protein , low fat, high fat - you can't expect anybody to agree on a healthy food and even if we all do agree, that doesn't mean it will work for you. You need to start replacing one unheatlhy habit at a time with a healthy one in a way that is agreeable with your lifestyle. Small changes can lead to big results over time.
    The food journal was the best motivator for me. Writing down everything I eat was very eye opening as to what and how much I eat. Looking at the journal over a period of time I sterted thinking of how I can replace certain highly processed foods with healthier more natural versions. The changes happened slowly over time, but logging everything I ate was the key to those changes. So if there is one single advice I can give you, it would be to start journaling. You can even go a step further and observe how the food you eat makes you feel. If after you eat something you start to feel hyper, aggitated, aggresive, sluggish, sleepy - that is propably something you want to avoid.
    In my opinion SUGAR is the biggest evil as far as food is concerned. Start avoiding it in all of its evil forms. That will make a huge difference in how you look and feel.
    Start adding more fresh foods into your diet (all kinds of fresh fruit, lots of vegetables, green leafy ones, starchy root vegetables, fibrous vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds). Buy tons of bags of frozen vegetables as well. These will come in handy when you are strapped for time. I
    f you want a treat (cookies, pancakes, mac&cheese) make them at home. Anything you make at home will be tons better than what you buy at the store if nothing else, just for the simple fact that you made it fresh and it hasn't been sitting on a shelf for weeks.
    Add some flax seeds and wheat germ when you are baking. You can replace about one tenth of the flour with flaxmeal and it will not alter the outcome of the recipe, but will add omega 3 fatty acids and fiber.
    Make sure you eat enough calories and keep up with your exercise.

    It is perfecly normal to put on a few pounds during TOM or after eating a high sodium meal.