Shopping experience...try this!

So I'm house sitting for a friend while he's in Vegas, and he's a serious bachelor with absolutely nothing in his cupboards, fridge or freezer (seriously, there was like a pound of potato salad and milk in the fridge). He also has no microwave. Yeah I dunno, he must have gotten left behind in the 20th Century.

But anyway, I needed some groceries, because otherwise I was going to be eating out every morning and afternoon. No bueno. So I went to the store, and you know, it's a LOT easier to buy fresh, whole foods when you have no microwave to fall back on. I don't cook very often...okay hardly ever, so I often rely on quick things you can make in the microwave, but without that, I bought a lot more fruits and vegetables, eggs, whole grains and such.

SO if you struggle to not buy processed, not fresh foods, pretend you have no microwave! It will force you to think in a healthier way, and I actually spent about $15-20 less for more food and healthier food.

The end. :smile:


  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 485 Member
    Not a bad idea! Thanks :)
  • arnoswife
    arnoswife Posts: 228 Member
    wow that is actually a really good idea, however I have a feeling I would fail miserably!!