BPM goal range during exercise- especially HIIT

larlab Posts: 22 Member
I've seen the charts, read the articles but somehow still cannot compute what exactly my goal HR is during exercise. LOL I'm mostly a runner so I just run and don't worry to much about HR other than to pace myself, exertion wise.

I'm 5' 11", 160lbs, 35 year old female- I have my HRM max heart rate set at 186 (at least I think that's where its set- the 5th zone is 167-186) and was based on a generic calculation. I am not in awesome shape right now, but getting there....

Anyway- I'm trying to do HIIT on my own, but want to make sure I'm in the right zones...

Here's what I did today- running/jogging w/ heart rate around 145-155 w/ interval all-out bursts at max exertion w/ heart rate at 170-174 (my goal was to hit over 170 each round). Then I'd recover (walk/stagger) for 15-20 seconds, and resume running for 3 minutes. Repeated 6x- bookended by warm up cool down.

Is that in target range? Thoughts?


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i wouldnt worry about the charts, just go by your rate of perceived exertion.

    when i'm doing HIIT, go time is set to be the hardest and fastest i can go in 15 seconds. i have no idea what my bpm is after that, but i bet it's well over whatever the charts say i should be.

    when i do intervals (which is a less intensity than HIIT), go time is for a full minute and i'm probably at the mid - high range of my max heart rate (according to charts). recovery time is 2 minutes and my heart rate drops down to a low aerobic range.

    anyway, i never pay attention to charts because those are just guidelines. your personal max rate is determined by your V02 information, and there's no way an individual's V02 max can be generalized by age.