Hunger Games



  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    Just started reading the first book. I guess it is written for "young adults" but i'm enjoying it quite a bit.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    *SPOILER* Do not read, if you haven't completed the series.

    I thought it was depressing. She went into the games to save her sister. But at the end, Prim ended up dying anyway. ranting.gif, and I felt like the book didn't give that huge of a loss much time. Just Katniss spending a couple of days in the closet (if I remember correctly. It's been a while).

    Also, Finnick died just like that. Nothing more. For some reason, I still didn't feel like she fell in love with Peeta at the end.

    Overall, I just felt like Mockingjay spent way too much time on things that weren't necessary and brushed pass the significant moments.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Spoiler alert...

    I think Prim did have to die, and it had to be Gale's weapon that killed her, or else what would have been the catalyst for Katniss to finally choose Peeta?
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Seriously no one who hasn't read all the books should read this thread. That being said.

    How could they do that? That was the one person who should never have died! That's why it ended so miserably. Who could ever be happy after that?

    SUCH a rushed ending! And so glum.

    And why choose Peeta Mellark? Maybe because he was a wonderful man who saved her life since they were children and had a way with words and strong arms that smelled like bread!!!

    Sorry. Peeta fan. Gale's a creep.
  • slimmergalpal
    slimmergalpal Posts: 235 Member
    I agree with the saying that book 1 was so much better than book 3. I, too, have re-read book one a few times now. Cant wait for the movie! I worry that I will be the oldest one in the theater, though. =) Maybe not !
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    And why choose Peeta Mellark? Maybe because he was a wonderful man who saved her life since they were children and had a way with words and strong arms that smelled like bread!!!
    Falling in love isn't a balance sheet, you know.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    The ending of Mockingjay was kind of a let down. I dunno.
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    Just started reading .. .Finished book one and starting on book 2 .. only read the first few entries in this thread and skipped to my reply so I dont ruin it for myself.. from the sounds of it book 3 isnt all its cracked up to be ..
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    I loved them, read all three in a week, but yeah...disappointed in the ending of book 3. It did feel too rushed and just boom, done. Not nearly as well thought out as the rest of the series.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    Gale is just an extra to me. ninja.gif

    I'm not really team Peeta either. I feel that everything he did was for a girl he hardly knew (lucky for him, she's a quality girl). What about his family? In contrast, I felt Gale & Katniss were about their family. Neither of them had the luxury to pine over a crush.
  • mvandommelen
    I will say I was glad Katniss killed Coin, something about Coin never sat right with me. Parts of three were very long, like when they were deciding what to do with the Nut or even when they were camped outside the capital, waiting to go in. I don't know, there was so much of a rush reading 1 and 2. I am sending my niece to see the movie first, she LOVES the series and if she approves the movie, I will see it. I am just afraid they can not do the books any justice.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I have read all three. I liked the first one the best and the third one the least. I liked the way it ended and I'm glad she ended up with peeta... I am excited about the movie. I like the girl who plays katniss, she's in another movie that I thought she did VERY well in and I think she will be perfect.
  • lexnaj
    lexnaj Posts: 6 Member
    I greatly enjoyed the books. I thought it was very original. I look at the political aspect of it and I am concerned. Its so easy to see us falling a part like that. I think it was an interesting way to talk about communism with out preaching about it. That being said I enjoyed the fact that it was about Katniss. That they didnt do the multiple points of view. I had a feeling it would end like that but I am glad it did. I don't think that Gale would have ever been able to understand the nightmare she had lived, twice. I think only Peeta could understand and except her as damaged as she was. I know someone said that they thought Finnicks and Prims deaths were some what cut and dry. That her emotion wasn't really there. But I think that when in the moment like she was grieving is on the back burner.

    I know some people have compared the political message to Orwell's 1984 and another books i cant remember the name of. I think that this is a very possible world to fall into.
  • lexnaj
    lexnaj Posts: 6 Member
    Lex is going with her class. She is really excited to be going. So she will tell you as soon as she sees it lol. Coin really bothered me too. I think it is because she was not that different than Snow. In reality if you look at the way the two played out there are a lot of similarities. She had all the control and when she was done with Katniss she would have been happy with her dead. I was SHOCKED when Katniss agreed to a capitol games, but when I read on I was very happy with the outcome.