Wheat Withdrawals :(

I'm CRAVING carbs so bad right now. I was just diagnosed with a wheat allergy and am giving it up cold turkey...it works best for me...I can't slowly quit anything. Any suggestions?


  • i had to go cold turkey when i found out i have celiac disease - i went through physical withdrawls. keep your protein really high, take a good probiotic and multivitamin. drink tons of water. you can also satisfy that "craving" with things like potatoes and rice. feel free to add me as a friend!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I have an intolerance (so not as bad as you, i just get hives). I cut out all wheat, oats, and rye a few months ago, it takes a little while but it gets easier. I do buy Udi's Gluten free Cinnamon Raisin Bagels for a treat when I really want something bready (they are made with rice flour).
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    eat lots of healthy fats (coconut, avocado, olive oil). The satiety provided by fats and proteins will lessen your cravings. Eat lots of veggies. The cravings will go away soon. I don't eat any grains at all (by choice, but my stomach thanks me greatly) and I think this helps eliminate my cravings too. I don't have many anymore, although tortilla chips are still a weakness (if I don't eat them for a while that goes away)
  • smbh45
    smbh45 Posts: 9 Member
    I have celtic disease ( no wheat, rye or barley) and find that Udis products are as close to the real thing as you can get. I don't eat alot of junk food( cakes, pies, etc) but I do like a sandwich or a hamburger on a bun occasionally so Udis is great for the bread and the cinnamon raisins bagels are good too. Canyon Bakehouse whole grain gluten free hamburger buns are just like the "real thing". When you want to treat yourself to a little pasta Ancient Harvest Quinoa pasta is the best. I am the only one in my family who has to be gluten gree and my husband and teenagers eat e same food I do and they like this pasta and all the above foods I mentioned. Believe me we've tried it all. Gluten free pasta does cook differently. The water will turn yell ow and be thicker because of the added corn but just rinse it well after cooking and it's perfect. There are good delicious alternatives out there Just be careful not to over do. It does get better....I've been gluten free for 4 years and mainly eat real whole foods. The cravings will go away, it just takes a little time and you will want it less and less. It really will be ok, you will find your new "normal" and you will feel much much better for it. Remember , there is a payoff....feeling better. Best of luck...you can do it :)