Insanity - I'M TIRED and need some motivation

So I've been doing Insanity for 1 month now, on day 3 of the recovery week (day 31 of the program). It's actually taken me 41 days to get to day 31 because I spend two days a week doing Turbokick classes at the gym instead of Insanity.

I'm just getting discouraged by how little in terms of results I have. I did not do the fit tests (I saw no point because I know I would get stronger). I did not take day 1 photos, but took them at day 14 and 28. I am smaller but not by much.

I started out at 136lbs, dropped to 132.8, and now I'm back up to 136. I think some of the weight gain is water-related.
Ht 5'2"
High waist 29.25 --> 28.5
Naval waist 33 --> 32.5
Thighs 22 --> no change
Calves 14 --> no change

Eating 1400-1800 calories/day with 4 days in the last 3 weeks going over that to 2000-2200.

My calories burns (I wear a HRM) are decreasing. For example, during the pylo workouts during week 1, i burned 490 calories and my last one was only 350. I think this is partly because I am more fit, but at the same time, I also think it's because I'm not putting as much effort into the workouts because I'M TIRED.

Did anyone else struggle with fatigue doing the insanity workouts? I think I would feel less frustrated and more willing to put up with the tiredness if I were actually seeing results. What I've heard about month 2 is that it is way more insane. Not sure if I'll be able to do it or if I should even bother since not much in terms of results occurred after month 1.

Sorry for the rambling. Just wanted to vent. Thanks for reading.


  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    hey there!

    i completed insanity in fall of 2011. during the first month, i got completely tired of it. i think that's pretty natural - the workouts are tough, and doing the same workouts (albeit in a different rotation) week after week made me go crazy >_<

    what i did was the following: i paid more attention to the fit test days. it would make my day if i saw progress on the fit test, because it meant i was getting stronger and faster. also, i picked out someone during the workouts that i would try to "keep up" with. in my case, tanya, because she's a machine and a hottie ;)

    please don't give up! work through the recovery week, and then jump into the second phase. do the fit test and record your numbers. be awed by the fact that, when doing the "max" workouts, you burn over 500 cals a workout, then watch as week after week the numbers on the HRM get lower and lower because your heart and lungs are getting super strong!

    i saw amazing results in phase two, especially as far as strength and endurance. my legs have never looked better after that second phase... no cellulite, and my bum is more lifted than i thought possible.

    you can do it! push through! take progress pics, measurements, and compare fitness test numbers for encouragement :)

    i know you can do it!
  • annabelle6127
    annabelle6127 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there, I am just about to start the recovery week and then move on to month 2. I like you am feeling so tired and not sure how I can do it. But if I made it through month 1 and am now stronger and more focused then ever I can make it through the second month. I have also noticed my heart rate dropping and calorie burn decreasing but as someone suggested that this is a sign your heart and lungs are becoming more efficient which is all good :)
    Please feel freed to add me if want to share motivation/stories of Insanity related pain :)
  • Joleen4759
    I'm totally new to all this and have no idea what the "insanity" workout is, but I was told many years ago, that when you start to build muscle, it will look like you're gaining weight, but that's not true. Remember, 'MUSCLE WEIGHS MORE THAN FAT",
  • Joleen4759
    Sorry, I hit the send button by mistake!!! Duh! Anyway, so you're building muscle now and it weighs more. Don't give up, you're not doing anything wrong. Just keep an eye on the things you eat and you'll do just fine! God bless you.
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    Another lady and myself are in the same boat as you! We joined a small group doing Insanity and both are now in the recovery week, however with no results :( So we had couple of people say to keep pushing forward the results come in month 2. It has been hard doing Month 1 with the repetition of the workouts but I'm loving recovery week, lol. I have gained weight and gained inches so I hope this changes. The only place I have seen results other than the fit tests improving :D is the fact I have lost 1.5" in my stomach. So I am going to push through its only one more month, I made it through the first so why give up now you're halfway!!! We got this and hoping to see results as well :D
  • jacquagirl
    Hey guys, I just finished my last day of Insanity! I also struggled with fatigue and frustration with my results. I have to say, I really overate while on the program -- I think I was hungry from the workouts and I didn't follow the plan they provide. With that said, I still saw results, although they weren't what I was hoping for. I am stronger and fitter than I thought possible, and many people are commenting on how fit I look. I got pretty frustrated because I found my legs and hip area actually got BIGGER on the program, due to building muscle there for all the jumping. However I feel really tight and strong, and I think that if I focus on running at the gym now that I'm done, and eat a little less, I will lean out and see some of my fat layer melt away to reveal the muscle I've built. Even though I literally SUFFERED through every workout, I felt like a rockstar each time I finished, and I found them addictive enough to keep going even when I was frustrated with my results, and I'm considering doing a second round. Definitely stick with it, and if you eat better than I did, I think you will see great results.

    Also, muscles retain water while they are being built, so that can cause tempmorary weight gain.
  • nicki003
    nicki003 Posts: 12 Member
    I am only on day three and I'm already tired so I get it.

    From what I've heard from people who have completed insanity it seems like the first month is mostly prepping you for the intensity for month two. You should do the fit tests, not only does this help you see your progress but it is an intense workout of it's own if you push yourself as hard as you can.

    I would bet that, had you taken the before photos and checked your stats, that you have changed more than you think. Either way, if you push through month two, as absolutely hard as you can, then you will see results. Keep in mind that you have only been doing this for a few weeks. And if you can see change in a photo from day 14 to day 28 then I'd say that's progress. Also, muscle weighs more than fat and in month one you are working on the muscles that will get you through month two.

    It seems like you are eating a lot for the size you are though, are you sticking with the 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fat, or more protein and less fat is fine too. I am only netting 1200 calories and other than being a little more tired than usual (because I was a couch potato before) I feel great.

    As I said, I am only on day three and I can already feel my body changing, when I'm not sore, it's easier to take the ridiculous number of steps I have to take at work, and my legs and feet hurt less after working ( I work in a restaurant and coffee shop so no sitting)
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Sounds to me like you're getting good results, I'm not sure what the problem is.
  • clare_witchbaby
    Hi there!

    I just finished the second week of the program and have yet to see any overwhelming results, but I haven't given up yet. I'm choosing to trust in the program, and to be honest, I just want to prove to myself that I can finish this program, irrespective of the results I will get. I always back out of things at the last minute, so if I can finish both months, that'll be an accomplishment in itself for me.

    I'm quite a fit person, before this program I lifted 4 times a week, but still find myself getting fatigued quite often throughout the workout, especially my quads. I'm not following the plan exactly, but I eat pretty healthy anyway, maintain a pretty solid protein/carb intake and watch my fats, and eat around 4/5 times a day, so I'm not super worried about the food.

    In any case, it's not weight loss I'm after. I just want to get stronger and prove to myself that I can do this. But if anyone has any tips for muscle fatigue/pushing through/staying focused, I would love that. Because even though Shaun T says 'dig deeper', sometimes I find it really hard to push through when my muscles are giving out.

    Any help would be amazing!