Jillian Michaels 30 day shred

Question for my fellow 30 Day Shred friends:

I am on Day 6 Level 2 and noticed my pants are getting very tight, now don't get my wrong my jello doesn't jiggle anymore but I don't want to get BIGGER!!! After Level 1 my clothes were loose but I just noticed today my pants are tight. And I don't get my Tom anymore so it is not that and as far as water intake I drink alot throughout the day... I feel much better but it gets a bit discouraging :( Hopefully I will start shredding ahahaha

However, I didn't weigh myself or measure myself until Day 5 so I don't want to remeasure until I am done with Level 2!

Is the happening or has this happened to anyone else??? And what were your results, I would greatly appreciate your comments...Thanks Danyelle


  • mollyonamission
    mollyonamission Posts: 268 Member
    I feel the same way its so annoying.
  • Hey, you know what I have been having the same issue! At first my pants were getting loose and now it seems that I am not losing weight anymore. My husbands said that maybe I am just getting muscle but it is frustrating because I want the scale to go down. So I dont know for sure what to do! I know that muscle weighs more so I am just going to keep on going and after I am done with my 10 days of level 2 I am going to measure myself again.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    You aren't gaining enough muscle to make your clothes tight. Ask anyone who's weight training how difficult it is to develop those kind of muscles, it doesn't happen unintentionally.

    Likely you are retaining water for any variety of reasons, including the possibility that your muscles are retaining water as you work them harder on level 2. See where your body is in another week, I'm sure you will have evened out.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Even if you don't get your TOM, your body can still be bloated for an assortment of other reasons. I think.