Gastric bypass

Has anyone else out there had a gastric bypass done and scared of gaining all his/her weight back? I had one done almost six years ago, and I have recently started gaining weight back. I am so scared of getting back to the way I was before. I get depressed worrying about and start eating and then I get depressed about eating. It's a cycle that doesn't seem to end.


  • TabbyKatzzz
    I have not had gastric bypass, but I can tell I have known personally several people that have, They all lost weight initially, and most of them gained back at least a portion of the weight back. One friend of mine had her surgery years ago, and slowly the weight crept up and up until she gained almost a hundred pounds back.

    I think that it is wise for you to be concerned about gaining the weight, you fought so hard to lose, back. Whether or not one has had surgery, we still all need to be viligent about staying healthy, eating right, and exercising. Good for you being concerned about your health!!!
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    I had a gastric bypass three years ago and I also worry about regaining the weight I've lost. My doctor did say that I would regain 15 to 20 lbs. once I got to my lowest weight...I got down to 115...and I have. Since I have had no issue with "dumping" and can eat anything I want, I have to watch myself very carefully. I still cannot eat the portion sizes I did before surgery, but I do have to exercise and watch what I eat. The thought of regaining all the weight I lost frightens me to no end. My goal is to get down to 110 and I fully intend to do that. For anyone who thinks that a gastric bypass is the "easy" way out, I assure you, it's not. I work hard to keep myself in check.